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Visions/Dreams given to Julie: July 2022



Awake visions and sleeping dreams. 7/20/22--7/25/22. Arm is still on the mend so I didn't write everything I wanted to. I saw a section of land as though from above. A glowing hand of light that I believe was Christ's, pointed at the area of land and said... "THIS LITTLE PIECE OF LAND IS WHERE AMERICA USED TO STAND" "USED TO STAND" is past tense. We don't take a STAND for THE ONE TRUE GOD like we used to. We've set him behind us instead of before us. The Nation will fall and is in the process of falling. I saw an old fashioned dressed lady. She was wearing an apron and dressed in very drab colored clothing. Dressed like pics you see of the great depression. Financial collapse I saw a train driven by demonic forces and faces coming straight forward very fast. The demonic faces had an expression of hideous laughter on their faces. They were holding up a Christmas tree as if they had stolen/taken away/ hijacked the tradition of Christmas. I saw a beautiful lady with a crown on her head. Then a sword appeared right infront of her face. The sword was vertical placed at the center of her face. Then her face seemed to partially transform into the face of a lion. Sword, symbolic for war. I saw a large building that appeared to be a hospital. I saw one man clothed in darkness walking just inside the entrance doors. Then I had the sense that the hospital blew up/ massive explosion. I couldn't see the explosion I could only sense it had happened suddenly. Could be literal for an actual explosion, ~OR~ symbolic for sickness / illness/ hospitalizations suddenly and massively increasing. I saw streets and neighborhoods in silence and darkness, flooded in dark water. When God shows me flooding, it has so far always represented large scale chaos. Sleeping dream. I dreamed people were living like animals with no moral compass anymore. Women were tricked and forced into prostitution. The women couldn't leave the places where they were being held as slaves. Men were like savages. People would come to these men for help, and the men would seem to be offering help but would then seize and enslave them. Sleeping dream. America had changed. Holding camps were being set up for the citizens of the United States. God the Father Almighty Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are our only hope.


Awake Vision 7/18/22 I saw a "punisher skull" in motion blowing around the bottom of a building . Whirling like wrapping around the outside of the building. Like an "approaching". Then I saw men dressed in dark professional suits. They were entering into a place that looked like where the members of Congress and Senate sit in that big room when they meet. At first there were just a few entering but then more walked in like a large gathering. Then one stepped up to a podium to speak (like a funeral). Then in front of them I saw a small white casket (first impression was a child's casket because it was small). There were black gloved hands that were running over the casket. Like running black gloved hands over (touching) the casket in an eerie manner. Then I saw an image that looked like static used to look when a TV went blank in the old days. Made me think of silence. For some reason I thought of another reversal of Rowe v Wade, but then I thought of maybe a leader's passing but those were just my thoughts. (I get curious too). Glory to God. Have a blessed night.


Putting another link in comments. Search my page for the words "hypersonic missile"... "nuclear weapons facility" "Big boy" "explosion" "warheads". The visions should pop up. There have been many concerning these things. NEWSWEEK.COM Putin to give Navy hypersonic missiles as Russia beats U.S. in arms race Vladimir Putin has warned that Zircon missiles will enable Russian warships to strike "decision-making centers" within minutes.

  • The pic in this article is almost exactly what I saw twice. The pic that looks yellow, the reactor pic.

  • I believe this is why I saw my neighbor's houses in pieces on the ground. Blown to bits is the way they appeared. It's when the huge dark cloud like plume comes up in the northern sky, and produces a very strong forceful wind that knocks things to the ground. That's the one I saw myself pass away in, and then I saw Heaven

  • Also I saw St Louis Missouri in rubble, flattened, and what I believe is Florida also flattened and in rubble. There was another I had the impression was Baltimore Maryland. This flattening could be the result of a nuclear weapon, or some type of mass explosion or symbolic for some other type of destruction but either way it's destruction on a large scale.


Awake vision and a brief sleeping dream. 7/16/22 ~Awake vision~ I saw Putin standing in a small room with two others. He was talking to them in a small meeting type scene, but then Putin turned and looked over his shoulder and in my direction with a very devious, devilish, extremely evil grin on his face. I believe this is a meeting with others, to attempt to pull in extra support to act against/come against the United States in some manner. ~Sleeping dream~ In a dream I saw cigarettes being sold for $35 for a single pack. I believe this is a very sharp rise in inflation that's coming. Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. --------------------------

Awake visions 7/14/22, in the order that they came. I saw a stove/furnace that had long grey colored roots attached to it. Darkness was surrounding this. This is biblical symbolism and is mentioned in Malachi 4. Malachi 4:1 “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.” Malachi 4:2 “But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.” Malachi 4:3 “And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.” Then I saw a man in darkness standing in the middle of a city. To each side of him was a part of the city. Part of the city was on his left, and part of the city was on his right. I believe this is man's plan to divide Jerusalem. The two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict that Biden is pushing for. The Bible is crystal clear: THE LORD ALMIGHTY WILL JUDGE ALL NATIONS WHO DIVIDE THE LAND OF ISRAEL. In Joel 3:2, the Lord says: “I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat. Then I will enter into JUDGMENT with them there on behalf of My people and My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; and they have DIVIDED UP MY LAND.” (3:2) Then I saw the United States and the sun was going down over the entire Nation. Very ominous and alarming flash this was. Then I saw as if I were moving through a corridor, this corridor sped up until it's end was reached. I believe this is a speeding up of events coming. Then I saw the United States again from above, and my focus was directed straight to Washington DC. I saw as if I were looking at a simulation of nuclear war taking place, with Washington DC at it's center point. Symbolic or literal, this is destruction. The two state solution if accomplished, will bring God's judgment upon the United States and any Nation involved in bringing it to pass. Glory to God The Father Almighty, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.


Awake vision and a dream 7/10/22---7/11/22 The Lord is really pushing these judgments home. There are many on the way. ~ awake vision ~ I saw the ground shaking violently. The ground was also bare, dark and cracked open. I saw no vegetation on the ground. I believe this is symbolic for....Loss of prosperity, spiritual darkness, A great shaking, God's judgment upon the land. I have no doubt that this can also be literal for great earthquakes, as they are prophesied biblically. ~sleeping dream~ In a dream I saw a white dust/ powder that was upon the land and inside of houses that had been stripped bare, and through a bare window I saw no vegetation outside. This is symbolic for the "CURSES BY DISEASE AND DROUGHT" that are coming upon the Nation. Deuteronomy 28:24 The LORD shall make the rain of thy land POWDER AND DUST : from heaven shall it come down upon thee, until thou be destroyed. The covenant blessings that were on the United States will be removed, for turning your back on the Lord your God. The curses for disobedience will follow. Deuteronomy 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that ALL THESE CURSES SHALL COME UPON THEE, AND OVERTAKE THEE. Curses by disease and drought. Curses by defeat and deportation. The curse of reversed status. The curse of military siege. The curse of an enemy Nation. The curse of covenant termination. If you have unforgiveness in your heart for anyone, let it go. The things that are coming upon your Nation will make those matters seem as nothing to you. Sin in your life, let it go. You need to draw as close to The Lord your God as you can, before it's too late. The things coming upon us will be too much for many to bear, mentally and physically. ~Talk to Jesus Christ ~ ----------------------------------

Awake visions 7/9/22. I saw a battleship/warship sitting on the ocean. There was a man dressed in a white sailors uniform standing on the bow of this ship. This man was looking at the ocean behind him, as if to draw attention to what was coming up from behind the ship he was standing on. Then I looked in the direction this man was looking and I saw another battleship/warship coming in the distance. Then that one battleship/ warship that was coming, turned into a scene of MANY battleships/ warships headed straight in my direction. *I am in the United States.* These many battleships/warships coming, were shown with more detail than the ships in prior visions. These battleships/warships were shown as being "heavily equipped". I believe the man in the white sailors uniform was Jesus, and I believe He is indicating that an enemy or enemies are coming to the United States by sea for attack. Our nation is under judgment for turning it's back on God The Father Almighty, Jesus Christ His Son, and The Holy Spirit. We were given a year of patience to turn back to God, but that year of patience is RUNNING OUT OR ALREADY HAS RUN OUT. The basket of ripe summer fruit that was shown months ago speaks to Amos 8 biblically. Please take a minute to read Amos 8. Years now of warnings the Lord has sent out but few have headed the warnings, and now we as a nation are going to pay a heavy price. Many will wait to call out to God, and turn back to God until they see the large scale destruction and mass number of deaths that are coming, happening infront of their eyes, but at some point the word says that HE WILL NOT HEAR THEM. Don't be one of those. Please know that there is NO PEACE NOR HOPE OUTSIDE OF JESUS CHRIST. WITHOUT HIS PEACE AND ASSISTANCE, YOU WILL NOT SURVIVE, NOR BE ABLE TO BEAR WHAT'S COMING. ASK HIM INTO YOUR LIFE AS YOUR SAVIOR AND LORD NOW. TEARS FOR THOSE WHO WON'T. -------------------------------

night of 7/6/22. This word came sometime in the night last night. "IT'S STARTING NOW" This word was followed by a flash of man I knew to be involved in the leadership of India. Apparently something very significant is happening or developing there. I wish I knew what it is, but I don't. Hopefully others may have received something from God concerning India. Should have put this in post above but I didn't. I think there's a ton of pressure on India to go against the United States, because in April there was a strong "knowing" that came of India and then the words came "YOU WILL EAT YOUR OWN EXCREMENT", which is a threat the Assyrians made in biblical times to cause others to submit to them. I think God is saying to pray for India because they are being pressured by China, Russia, or both.


july 6

Biden flashed in front of my eyes this morning. I saw him from waste up, from a side view. His upper body was shaking and also his head and was gripping his chest. You know how a person would look if they were having a heart attack or a massive stroke? That's what it looked like. Whole upper body was shaking and head shaking also, and head was coming down to meet his shaking chest. Literal or symbolic I don't know. *Wondering* if he is the man that represents many men, that was struck by the sword in the visions posted yesterday. Always glory and honor to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. ---------------------------------

Awake visions 7/3/22---7/5/22. 7/3/22 I saw one man, but I knew this one man to represent "many men". This one man that represents many men came from a westward direction and charged toward the east in a violent manner, as if to charge/come against something in the east. Then I saw a man dressed in white robe step out from the east holding a sword that looked to be about half the length of his body. Then the man in the white robe raised and held the sword straight up into the air, pointed upward, and then brought it down very swift and hard, toward the ground. The robed man in white, did this in the direction of the man who had come charging toward the east in a violent manner. Then I didn't see the charging man that represented many men, that had come from a westward direction anymore... instead I saw as if the sword that the robed man had brought down to the ground just once, had cut NOT JUST ONCE, BUT MANY TIMES the man that represented many men, into pieces. These pieces fell like many square blocks (almost like building blocks) to the ground. Cut to pieces many times with just "one" bringing down of the sword . That single bringing down of the sword separated/diced into pieces the man who represented many men. *I believe* these are the adversaries, opponents, enemies, attackers, foes of God that were struck, separated and diced into pieces. *I believe* the robed man was Jesus Christ.

7/5/22 Woke up this morning and this immediately flashed in front of my eyes... I saw as if I were looking at a yearbook page/ or a page of pictures of faces. This page of faces was in motion, rolling as if scrolling through the many faces on the page. I felt the faces were those of presidents of the United States. Then I saw the face of Donald Trump, but his pic was more lit and in color than the others. The rolling/ scrolling of the faces stopped at Donald Trump's picture. There was an emphasis on Donald Trump's picture as it seemed to lift up from the page twice. -------------------------------

July 2

I don't want to post this but I've learned that when God shows me something and I don't post it, then the visions stop coming until I post what I saw. A few days ago I saw a great spiritual darkness coming. I saw a vast realm of darkness, and only whisps like lines of grey were scattered about in that darkness. Then there was a great SLAMMING shut. I couldn't see the vast spiritual door that had slammed shut. I could only "sense" to the point of almost hearing, this enormous spiritual door slam shut. It was the biggest and most ferocious slamming shut I have ever witnessed in the spirit. There was only darkness and silence following this slamming shut. Then I saw what appeared to be a wicked and black in color "bear", rocking in a chair surrounded by darkness. This bear rocked back and forth wickedly and very obnoxiously, as if enjoying whatever calamity/ disaster/darkness was happening. I believe the bear is representing Russia and this is something awful that's coming. Praise The Father The Son and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.


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