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Middle East Armageddon Starts September?

Monday, August 26, 2024 By: Martin Armstrong

We are now in the ninth 8.6-year cycle from British Manada 1948.8. The peak of this wave was precisely November 24th, 2021. Interestingly, November 24th was the first time any peace agreement/defense agreement was signed between Israel and any Arab nation. In Rabat, Morocco, Minister of Defense Benny Gantz and his Moroccan counterpart, Abdellatif Loudiyi, signed a memorandum of understanding on defense between Israel and Morocco. This agreement formalized defense ties and cooperation between the two countries. Within a matter of weeks, Hamas began its attack on Israel.

On January 1st, 2022, as this cycle turned sharply down, two rockets fired from Gaza exploded off the coast, one close to Tel Aviv and the second near Palmachim; the Israeli Air Force responded with strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza and tanks fire at Hamas military posts near Gaza's border with Israel. This conflict is far more than merely territory. There is a deep divide that is ancient and will not be healed with a peace agreement between leaders.

To the Jews and Christians, this is known as the Temple Mount, while the Muslims call it the Dome of the Rock. It contains a huge rock that the Jewish tradition says is that this is where Abraham was told to sacrifice his son. To the Muslims, the rock is the spot from which the Prophet Muhammad was taken up into heaven for an encounter with God (an event known as the Miʿrāj). Thus, it is the same rock, symbolizing the clash between these religions. It was truly an awe-inspiring place.

Nonetheless, there are both Jews and Christians who believe that destroying the Dome of the Rock and rebuilding the Temple will usher in Armageddon. The problem is that these zealot groups believe that if they become terrorists to achieve that goal, they can fulfill prophecy. The "Third Temple" refers to this idea it would succeed in bringing about scripture. Solomon's Temple had been destroyed during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem in c. 587 BC. The Second Temple was destroyed during the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70AD when some Jews thought they could become independent of Rome when Nero died in 68BC. That was a grave mistake, for then Emperor Vespasian had no choice but to crush this Jewish rebellion, or else all the other provinces would have followed, and the empire would have collapsed.

The notion of and desire for the Third Temple is sacred in Orthodox Judaism. It would be the most holy place of worship for Jews. The Hebrew Bible tells us that Jewish prophets called for its construction before or in tandem with the Messianic Age. However, the construction of the Third Temple also plays a major role in some interpretations of Christian beliefs of the End Times. The question remains: does this event happen naturally, or is it deliberately brought on by people trying to make it happen? To these zealot Christians, the destruction of the Dome of the Rock would then usher in Armageddon from the Revelations. They believe they can force this event, which they call the Second Coming. To some orthodox Jews, this would bring forth the Messiah.

According to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Armageddon is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end-of-the-world scenario, interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. In Islamic theology, Armageddon is also mentioned in Hadith as the Greatest Armageddon or Al-Malhama Al-Kubra (the great battle). So, here we have all three religions asserting the exact end times. The word Armageddon is actually a corruption of the Hebrew Har Megiddo and means literally "the mount of Megiddo." During the past 4000 years, at least 34 bloody conflicts have been fought at the ancient Megiddo site and adjacent Jezreel Valley areas. 

This is a very flat area suitable for grand battles since it is a 141-square-mile triangle in the north-central area of Israel. Today, the Jezreel Valley is Israel’s breadbasket, which has fertile fields and is enclosed by rolling mountains. I drove through this area to see it for myself.


Megiddo is a fascinating site of twenty cities constructed directly on top of one another. It has been inhabited continuously from 3000 to 300 BC and lies at a strategic junction of north-south and east-west roads. Whoever had control of Megiddo had control of one of the major trade routes of antiquity. There were no coins produced by Egypt until the Ptolemy and the conquest by Alexander the Great. Likewise, there was no coinage of Judah. This is a reproduction of a Jasper Seal of Shema discovered at Megiddo in 1903.

Many battles have been fought at Megiddo. One great Battle of Megiddo occurred in 609 BC when Pharaoh Necho II of Egypt joined his allies, involving the Neo-Assyrians and the Neo-Babylonians. This required passing through territory controlled by the Kingdom of Judah. The Judaean king, Josiah, refused to let the Egyptians pass. The Judaean forces battled the Egyptians at Megiddo, resulting in Josiah’s death, and his kingdom then became a vassal state under Egypt. The battle is recorded in the Hebrew Bible, the Greek 1 Esdras, and the writings of Jewish historian Josephus. There is always a chance of losing whenever there is war. Our Neocons never consider what if they are wrong. This is how the arrogant always fall. Unfortunately, the Democrats have sold their souls to the Neocons, and they are taking us with them.

There remains considerable debate about whether this is literally or symbolically a Great Battle to be fought on the plane of Armageddon, overlooked by Megiddo, which made sense in those days since it was a major link between the East and West, or are we looking at that as just symbolic of the world ar large.

Armageddon is a corruption of the Hebrew Har Megiddo and means literally "the mount of Megiddo." During the past 4000 years, at least 34 bloody conflicts have already been fought at the ancient site of Megiddo and adjacent areas of the Jezreel Valley. 

The biggest exchange of fire yet between Israel and Hizbullah, a powerful Lebanese militia backed by Iran, is reviving fears of a regional war that could draw in America. On August 25th, Israeli warplanes bombed dozens of Hizbullah’s missile-launch sites in southern Lebanon, and Hizbullah fired at least 200 rockets and drones toward northern Israel. Three people were reported dead in Lebanon and one in Israel. There is no way this fighting is over. 

The Neocons have sent two American aircraft carrier strike groups and other forces while they insist that they are making diplomatic efforts to secure a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. When the Neocons are threatening wars on four fronts simultaneously, we must remember that American military resources, though vast, are limited. The deployments to the Middle East mean that there is currently no American carrier in the western Pacific, which America insists is its most important military theatre concerning Taiwan. The USS Theodore Roosevelt , now joined by the USS Abraham Lincoln , both sailed to the Middle East from Asia. The next carrier destined for Asia, the USS Ronald Reagan , may take weeks to get there. China has noticed the absence of these two ships. 

The Neocons in the Biden Administration have found it impossible to turn away from the Middle East, but the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is Jewish, and some in the Middle East question his impartiality. The Neocons are spread thin despite the globe-spanning network of partners. With those partnerships also comes obligations to protect friends and allies in every corner of the world. The Neocons have usurped the Biden administration to wage war against their most hated rival - Russia. They have used Ukraine merely as a vanguard and they could care less about if any Ukrainian survives as long as they weaken Russia for a future NATO kill raid.

Exploiting Ukraine against Russia has weakened America and its allies while diverting their attention from Hamas and the rest of Iran’s goals, not to mention China’s leader, Xi Jinping, who has been selling off US debt knowing that war is COMING and has concentrated on building China’s military strength in Asia. The Neocons have bitten off more than they can chew. However, pride will never allow them to admit a mistake.

An undiscussed fact is that the United States is not so dependent on Middle East energy. However, China is far more dependent than America on the flow of oil from the Gulf and trade with Europe through the Suez Canal. Messing with the Middle East economically threatens China's National Security. It also further drove China into the arms of Russia, which President Nixon worked hard to separate.

Meanwhile, it is American and other Western warships that work to keep those sea lanes open. The Houthis, another proxy war of Iran’s in Yemen, have been attacking ships transiting the Bab al-Mandab, the strait between the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. American and British efforts to bomb their missile and drone launching points have not been successful. As things stand, the Houthis allow Chinese ships to sail through the Red Sea unmolested. Other vessels must either take the long route around southern Africa or risk attack. The Sounion, a Greek-flagged oil tanker, took the risk and was hit by the Houthis in the Red Sea on August 21st.\

Our Neocons have brought us to a crisis. They have instigated confrontation and rejected world peace on every front from China, Korea, Russia, and Iran. They will seek Congress to sharply increase defense spending from roughly 3.4% of historically low GDP to something closer to cold-war levels of 10-15%. There is no way the Neocons can deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan while they are using mercenaries to deliberately create a confrontation allowing then and Ukraine to directly invade Russia. There is no possible way the Neocons can forsake Israel since there is way too much lobbying in Congress. 

August is a DOUBLE Directional Change, and September is a Panic Cycle and an important turning point for the Israeli share market. The Yearly Array targets 2026 which we will discuss at te November WEC. This aligns with the model we presented at the start of this piece.

Our Neocons have brought us to a critical crossroads with their sheer stupidity of threatening war, thinking merely because they have usurped the American foreign policy, they can scare the world into submission. NEVER in all my years have I witnessed such absolute stupidity in American policy. These are personal hatreds, and they have usurped American policy for personal vendettas. They are taking the entire West down with them. I wish I were wrong, and this was just my opinion. RFK's family are horrible idiots. They vote for labels and are ignorant of any facts. If I were RFK, I would ensure I did not leave anything, not even their dog. This is our problem, and the Neocons are counting on the stupidity of people to vote for Kamala and never look too closely at what they are doing.

Are the Neocons trying to create Armageddon? Or are they just stupid people filled with hatred?


The Brewing Crisis


The failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump and his nomination, combined with the polls and our model, which every major entity looks at - Trust me. This lethal combination has given me concern that not just the American Neocons, which were probably behind the assassination attempt, but especially NATO may attempt at least a false flag in August/September. NATO will step up its rhetoric about how Russia is about to attack Europe because they fear Trump, who threatened to defund them. These people took their best shot to try to eliminate the greatest threat to their continued war agenda.

They control the press, and I can tell you that Putin has made many attempts at peace, and they are always rejected. They sent Boris Johnson to instruct Zelensky that he was NOT ALLOWED to accept any peace deal. They needed World War III for the plain reason that they knew the financial system was collapsing, and they would NEVER accept responsibility, fearing they would be dragged out and hanged by a revolutionary mob. This war is their only way out of this Marxist nightmare from their perspective. When communism fell in Russia, those in power were thrown out. They will not relinquish that power as the Russian Communists did. Moreover, the Communists staged a coup against Gorbachev, and what we have just seen is the attempt to assassinate Trump, which was the same type of power-driven event to retain power.

The Press MUST keep demonizing Putin and constantly put out the lie that Putin invaded "unprovoked" after they directed the interim government to start the civil war. To make sure Putin would invade, Zelensky stood up the day before and said that Ukraine would rearm with nuclear weapons targeting Russia. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was all about Russia putting nukes in Cuba 60 miles from the USA. They fear Trump, who is ant-war, and see this as their last chance to destroy Russia. 


This entire affair centers on debt. It is part of the reason they want CBDCs to eliminate cash and, thus, the underground economy. They think that will increase tax revenues by 35%+. War is the great cleanser of debt. Governments get to reorganize and then default on the debt of the previous. Spain is a serial defaulter, as is France, which is in its 5th republic. With every change in government, they default on the debts of the previous. That is why they desperately needed this war rather than reorganize, which meant they would lose power and risk a revolution.

Unfortunately, we are looking at a significant change in government debt from 2024. Forecasting a single market is always vulnerable to error because the wildcard always comes from the outside. This is the advantage of Socrates, where we can look across a broad range of markets and see the shifts in trends globally. Here, you can see that we have a major turning point in 2024, not just in French debt but in Europe. We then have a 3-year trend into 2027, and I fear this will be war.

They need to stage something desperately. Former NATO Chief Lord Roberstons of Britain is coming out with the same BS - Russia will never use Nukes because the radiation might blow back on them, and he has openly come out and proclaimed we need to defeat Russia. This is a world war. He said the West should "take the gloves off" with Putin and Russia will never use nukes, so let's go and destroy Russia as if Putin will allow that, fall to his knees, and plead for his life. 

The West is the aggressor here because they know the financial system is collapsing, and they have at least listened to me for all these years that DEFAULT and the collapse of empires that rely on debt come when they cannot sell the new debt to pay off the old. Interest rates ALWAYS rise in war. You must be insane to buy any long-term debt. They know a revolution is brewing, for they have generally required pension funds to be 70%+ in government debt throughout Europe. US Social Security is 100% government debt. They know a default means revolution. They need war desperately, and if they reduce the population by 50% - fantastic, for they will save the planet by reducing the vermin like us and escape from pensions.

My concern is that the rhetoric I have heard since the assassination of Trump failed is that they need plan B, fearing a Trump Victory. They need war ASAP and have stepped up the calls to destroy Russia. They are throwing the world at risk because they only care about themselves. If I were Putin, China, North Korea, and Iran, I would coordinate attacks simultaneously, and there is NO WAY the West will withstand this nonsense. These people are idiots and dangerous ones at that.

I would start by nuking Kiev. Drop leaflets like the US did in Japan and give the people 24 hours to leave town. Ukrainians are fools. Nobody cares about them. This is only to destroy Russia. If the people of the West do not overthrow their warlords, then it is full-blown World War III.

The Real Forecast for Europe et al


Ukraine shot down a Russian spy plane, Ukrainian Air Force Commander Mykola Oleshchuk said in a post on Telegram. In Russia, they see the West as escalating the war but in a way to knock out Russia's early warning system so NATO can send in nukes. Now, Russia's planes that monitor the border are targets. Taking out that radar system has NOTHING to do with Ukraine. That was to protect Russia just as we have NORAD to monitor a potential attack.

The Russian plane was brought down between the Russian cities of Yeysk and Krasnodar, over the east coast of the Sea of Azov, inside Russia. In a joint operation by the Air Force and the Defense Intelligence Directorate (GUR), they are pounding their chest, which is not good. Some in Russia are looking at this utter hatred toward them and the refusal of the West to allow any peace negotiations as a prelude to NATO invading Russia. The Western Media keeps proclaiming that Russia wants to invade all of Europe. Thus, they are spinning this as SELF-DEFENSE to act FIRST because they know Russia intends to invade sometime.

On top of this, Ukraine is parking its US F-16 fighter jets in Romania and Poland and will fly from there inside Russia. This is begging Russia to attack NATO countries so they can pretend Russia is the aggressor. These people want World War III. They know they have a Sovereign Debt Crisis, and this borrowing endlessly year after year to support Socialism is no longer sustainable. They are planning to invade Russia to (1) use war as an excuse to default and (2) to strip Russia of its wealth to reconstitute a new world order that Putin refuses to join.

Add to this, Ukraine has been sinking Russian ships in the Black Sea they could NEVER do without US satellite intelligence. This is effectively WWIII, and it is a matter of time before Russia will be forced to respond, and they will declare it was, of course, unprovoked. The people we have orchestrating this are just as evil as the people they claim are in Russia. As they say - it takes one to know one.


The high in the Euro vs the Greenback occurred in 1958 at 1.5955. We have the worst leaders, perhaps in human history. They seem to think that they can destroy Russia, and everyone else will wait their turn. China, North Korea, and Iran, perhaps others, will join in certainly by 2026. We can see that 2024 was a Directional Change. The European Union will no longer exist post-2029. The Euro has major overhead resistance at the 108-109 level, and a closing below that for 2024 looks like death warmed over.

As I said before, I was solicited to put in $10 billion to take over Russia back in 1999. I refused. The story was that I would earn 10x that amount. They were looking at the vast wealth of natural resources. Make no mistake, this is a conquest agenda to strip Russia of all its assets. Napoleon and Hitler attempted the same for the same reasons. In 1917, Russia had the largest gold reserves EVER in the world. They hid them so the Communists would not get them. To this day, nobody knows where they are.

In his Face the Nation Interview, Lindsey Grahm said the same shit I was told back in 1999 - get Russia's wealth. He said:

"It's now time to give them the F-16s, let them fly the planes, long range artillery to hit targets inside of Russia. Go after Putin's assets, wherever they're at, all over the world. Go on the offensive. I think this summer, Ukraine will regain military momentum."


"But what did Trump do to get the weapons flowing? He created a loan system. They're sitting on 10 to $12 trillion of critical minerals in- in Ukraine. They could be the richest country in all of Europe. I don't want to give that money and those assets to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of, that 10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. This is a very big deal how Ukraine ends. Let's help them win a war we can't afford to lose. Let's find a solution to this war. But they're sitting on a gold mine. To give Putin 10 or $12 trillion for critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous."

This is NOT going to go as planned. The West will lose, and Europe will not survive as we have once known it. There is no way to stop this because those in power fear losing that power. They put themselves before their countries and certainly view their populations as expendable - there is always more from where they came from. The ECM on this war has critical targets as the 2nd quarter of 2025 and the 2nd quarter of 2026. Ukraine will certainly not exist. As I pointed out, I have never seen the computer go flat-line in a country.

West Prepares for "Limited" Nuclear War


The Neocons, in charge of the White House, have even given Ukraine the OK to start missile attacks inside Russia. This is essentially a Declaration of War, and Zelensky is so corrupt he thinks they can defeat Russia and he will have a trillion dollars to skim from on rebuilding Ukraine. Sorry, there will be no Ukraine when the Neocons are done with him.

The USA is preparing for a "limited" nuclear war where they will regard a VICTORY with only 33% of America surviving, but it will be the world leader. This is the Neocon doctrine, and God help us. They are directing all the polls to try to insist that Trump will be defeated. But our computer shows an overwhelming victory for Trump, and they manipulated the polls for BREXIT, and ONLY our computer was right on that one as well.

Germany is looking to call up 900,000 for military service. Our staff from Germany has confirmed a personal friend who is 59 years old was told to report. The draft age will be raised in the West to 60 years old, which will likely be the same in the United States, perhaps in September. These Neocons are in COMPLETE control of Washington and are prepared to go nuclear. They will consider a win if only 33% of the United States survives. I cannot stress how insane these Neocons are. They are intentionally bringing on World War III. They started the Ukrainian Civil War by installing their hand-picked UNELECTED government in 2014, instructing them to attack the Donbas, knowing that Russia would defend its own people. Zelensky won the election, promising peace. He then switched to destroy his own country for a handful of silver.

Merkel admitted that the West lied to Russia to buy time, for they did not want peace; they have always wanted to unleash World War III, for what began as hatred of Communism never ended even though Russia revolted against that Marxist Philosophy/. As far as the West is concerned, they hate Russians no matter what economic philosophy they hear these days. So they are prepared for a "limited" nuclear war and are willing to sacrifice 66% of their population just to kill every possible Russian. Our Neocons are far worse than Hitler, Mussolini, Napoleon, or Mao Zedong. They are prepared to destroy 66% of the entire world to satisfy their personal hatred.

I fear that they will either assassinate Trump or they will start war BEFORE the election, as I have been reporting since 2013. They think they can manipulate the election to retain power to start World War III but are underestimating the civil unrest they are inviting. These people are unleashing chaos, so they pushed Biden into power; he is not in charge of anything. Biden is their hand puppet, and they are out to exercise the power they have finally achieved. 

The Constitution does NOT actually require an election by the people in 2024. “There is no constitutional right to vote” unlike other rights listed in the Constitution, such as the right of the people to keep and bear arms in the Second Amendment, or the right to a speedy and public trial in the Sixth Amendment, or whatever. The Constitution DOES NOT explicitly give U.S. citizens this “right” to vote. Some want to claim that the right to vote is implicit, embedded in the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, and others argue that the right does not exist. NO CLAUSE in the Constitution of the Bill of Rights expressly states you have a right to vote at all.

In the 1972 decision in Dunn v. Blumstein, Justice Marshall stated, “In decision after decision, this Court has made clear that a citizen has a constitutionally protected right to participate in elections on an equal basis with other citizens in the jurisdiction.” And again, in the 1974 Richardson v. Ramirez case, Justice Rehnquist wrote: “Because the right to vote ‘is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions on that right strike at the heart of representative government,’… voting is a ‘fundamental’ right.”

It is still debatable whether these decisions are rooted in equal protection, and even the states operate differently. They choose their delegates to the electrical college differently since some have winner-take-all and others assign electors according to the proportion of the vote. Since the Founding Fathers looked to the Roman Republic as their guide, those in power in Rome would pre-select candidates for office, further reducing the value of voters’ input. We saw the Democrats move not only to try to prevent Trump from being on the ballot but also to keep RFK off the ballot, affording Democrats no right to vote for a candidate of their choice. There is no express right to vote for the people or to select who should be the candidate on any ticket.

This is the loophole people are looking at. The Constitution ONLY requires that a group of electors, commonly called the Electoral College, choose the next president - not the people and each state has its own agenda on even who is an elector. If a majority of electors FAILS to agree on a winner, Congress picks the winner in continental elections held within Congress under the terms of the 12th Amendment.

The only hard deadline in the Constitution is the end of a president’s and vice president’s terms on January 20th of the year following a general election. Therefore, they cannot legally postpone the election, as Zelensky has done. Still, suppose they start war BEFORE the election. In that case, they can justify the election, which could be steered into Congress, and count on the Neocons in both parties to support Biden for another term because this is a matter of national security. The people are not actually required to be afforded the right to vote. They cannot discriminate one group from another, but they can claim an emergency, insisting that the states cannot agree, so Congress must appoint Biden as president in times of war. It is possible that if they start a war in September. 

These people are citing to politicians that nuclear war will not destroy the planet. They are pointing to Japan. Both Hiroshima and Nagasaki have proven that the “science” claimed that those cities would be uninhabitable for a thousand years after a nuclear war was wrong. Their populations doubled in 20 years after being nuked? Hiroshima now has nine times its 1945 population. They are also citing Chornobyl in Ukraine, where the nuclear disaster restored the region, which became a sanctuary for animals void of humans.

Bikini Atoll, 70 years after nuclear tests, is thriving. Since July 24th, 1946, the United States dropped 23 atomic bombs on the island, including a device in 1954 that was 1,100 times larger than the Hiroshima atom bomb. Now, a team of scientists from Stanford University has been stunned. They discovered an abundance of marine life apparently thriving in the crater of Bikini Atoll, which was declared a nuclear wasteland after the bombings. They discovered the same result that was found at Chornobyl in Ukraine. 

This is the justification being cited against their critics in all major capitals right now. Even the Greens in Germany are now pro-war, for they see this as cleansing the planet of the disgusting vermin - overpopulation of people. You are the vermin that needs to be reduced to prevent global warming. The Neocons WANT nuclear war ASAP! Putin keeps drawing a red line, and they keep crossing the BECAUSE they were to unleash World War III, but they want history to claim it was Russia - not America.

Russia and China will focus on these strategic military and/or financial targets. A Russia/China retaliation nuclear attack would likely focus on high-value targets in North Dakota or Montana. That is not true. The main military targets will be:

1) Naval Base Kitsap: Washington State2) Jim Creek Naval Radio Station: Washington State3) Malmstrom AFB: Montana4) Minot AFB: North Dakota5) FE Warren AFB: Wyoming6) Hill AFB: Utah7) Kirkland AFB Albuquerque: New Mexico

I strongly urge those in the main target cities to start to look to get out. I know many people have sought to go to Montana, thinking they will survive. They are wrong. That is the location of the ICBMs and will be a major target in nuclear war. The states/regions to leave:

Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Washington State, New YorkCity region, Illinois Chicago Region, Texas in the Houston region, and California.

Our war model turned up 2014.758. Normally, a conventional war lasts 3 to 5 years. If they start this now out of desperation, fearing they will lose power in the 2024 election, then the peak in this war will be 2027.

11 ships are trapped behind the Key Bridge, including 4 considered critical to the nation’s defense

Gold & War


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended your WEC for the first time and was very impressed. You mentioned that gold does not rise with the standard inflation and fiat currency theories but with the uncertainty that comes with war. Anyone remotely capable of independent thought can see your analysis is way above anyone out there. My question, respectfully, is how high do you think gold will go with Biden's announcement that we are in World War III, which you just posted?

REPLY: The major resistance right now stands at 2365 with just the threat of war. The WAR TARGET stands at 3365 right now, but this will rise to 4500 by 2027. What is critical to understand is that the high in gold tends to come AFTER the war. The Civil War ended in 1865, but the high was during the Panic of 1869. You see the same after World War I and II but also the Vietnam War is what broke the fixed exchange rate of Bretton Woods in 1971.

It is important to understand that President Lincoln suspended the gold standard in December 1861 during the American Civil War. The Greenbacks, expressed in gold, began trading on what became known as the New York Stock Exchange on January 29th, 1863. The price of gold swung wildly during the summer of 1862. What would become the NYSE acted "patriotically" by first banning future deliveries (time sales with (settlements deferred up to 60 days). The speculation continued, and then they banned outright cash sales. The total ban proved to be an outrageous restriction on the free markets. Consequently, the backlash resulted in the total ban collapsing in less than a month. The problem was that any international business was conducted in gold.

Lincoln wanted his cake, yet ate it too. The government decreed that the Greenbacks were legal tender, forcing people to accept them. However, this could not apply internationally, so there had to be some exchange rate between greenback and gold. Soon after gold trading resumed in New York, Lincoln tried to discourage speculation by taxing gold sales with settlements longer than three days. Active gold traders quickly realized that the government was targeting them.

They had to leave the New York exchange and shift all speculation in gold to a new exchange they created on October 12th, 1863. Samuel S. Gilpin was the brains behind this new operation, and it was formally known as the "Gold Room" and was located within his Merchants' Exchange building at 26 Exchange Place. The lack of integrity among traders, which the Gold Room could not enforce, led a group of traders to leave Gilpin's to form the New York Gold Exchange. One of the founders was James Boorman Colgate (1818–1904), the son of William Colgate and Mary Gilbert, a family member behind the Colgate-Palmolive conglomerate. James B. Colgate became the president of the New York Gold Exchange at first.

We have Lincoln targeting the gold market during the Civil War, then Roosevelt confiscating gold in 1934 and outlawing it for domestic use. I hope you see a pattern here. Our biggest risk coming with CBDCs is that they can control who you can donate money to for an election and control your spending. They can outlaw buying gold and cryptocurrencies. 

The Neocons wrote this script, and effectively, Biden Declared War on Russia on March 26th, 2022, circumventing Congress. As long as he did not issue a formal DECLARATION OF WAR, which only Congress can issue, then he is committing treason covertly—or I should say, the likes of Victoria Nuland orchestrated this war. Biden just reads what he is told to say.

As I have said many times, these Neocons just are pissed off that Communism fell all by itself. The Reagan administration told me directly that the NEOCONS were against him meeting with Gorbachev and told him, "You can NEVER trust a Russian."

These NEOCONs are putting the entire civilization at risk for their personal hatred. They never consider what if they are wrong. The price of that mistake will be catastrophic. As the government realizes it is losing, it will become far more aggressive in the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. Expect restrictions on everything as well as food rationing. This is what these people are doing, for we live in an autocracy, precisely what they accuse Putin of doing. We have no right to vote on anything of substance - these are all their decisions - not ours!


I warned that food prices will rise 10 fold: prep while you can.


Based on our Economic Confidence Model, the US economy will now go through an economic declineprojected to peak on May 7th. We should enter a 4-year decline into the summer of 2028, unleashing a recession but with higher inflation thanks to continued shortages. Now, consumers and businesses can expect more supply-chain problems thanks to this bridge collapse that will accelerate shortages impacting farmers. Indeed, one of the conspiracy theories concerning the bridge collapse has been that the Climate Change Zealots rigged the bridge to collapse, knowing that this would cut off the majority of fertilizer for farmers. This certainly helps their cause, for this is planting season, and cutting off the fertilizer supply at this critical moment may reduce the food supply this year.

Add the problem of this massive wave of illegal migrants that offer nothing to expand the economy but instead are here for everything free. A reduction in the food supply at this critical juncture may prove to be devastating when you have expanded the population with illegals approaching 14 million. Even looking at Wheat, our computer is projecting a low here in March/April, and prices appear to be rising on the horizon. Throw in war, and commodities tend to rise faster. To put this immigration crisis in perspective, they now outnumber the population of EVERY state except four and pay no taxes!

State ………… PopulationCalifornia…… 38,889,770Texas………… 30,976,754Florida……… 22,975,931New York….. 19,469,232

While cargo such as autos and coal will be rerouted to other ports, hazardous materials, including fuel, are prohibited from traveling through tunnels. That is why this bridge has been so vital. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg warned of delays and backlogs. This will contribute to the continued inflation we see, which will surpass economic growth. There will also be a massive loss of tens of thousands of port-related jobs. Part of the US Naval fleet is also now trapped.

The Democrats have clearly undermined the economy by refusing to close the border. Worse still, immigrants in Chicago have refused vaccinations of any kind, and the Feds say nothing while Americans lose their jobs for refusing to take COVID-19 vaccines. The combination of these events clearly undermines the economy, and civil unrest will rise as we enter a recession. The 2024 election will simply not be accepted by either side, and the hatred created politically undermines the viability of the United States to survive beyond 2032 as a single nation.

It's Official - We Are at War With Russia


Putin can no longer restrain the far-right in Russia. Everyone knows this was not an Islamic Terrorist attack. The Press secretary Dmitry Peskov for the Russian President has come out and said now plainly: "We are in a state of war. Yes, it started out as a special military operation, but as soon as...the collective West became a participant in it on the side of Ukraine, it had become a war for us." There is no ore denying this, and the American Neocons have both parties wrapped up in this drive to create World War III. This attack was effectively retaliation for electing Putin. The quest for Regime Change by the West in Russia has galvanized the Russian people more than they want to admit to the Western fake media. It has been the US providing targeting data to Ukraine, which has now just taken down two more Russian ships in its Black Sea Fleet. They could not do that without Western drones and targeting info from satellite surveillance. There is no shot at peace. They want to destroy Russia and expect China, North Korea, and Iran to wait their turn patiently.

Despite all the American/European propaganda against Russia, the markets are warning that it is the West that is failing - not Russia. When we look at the Ruble, with all the hatred and sanctions hurled at the Russian people for just being Russian, this strategy is not working. The dollar spiked high when the Ukraine war began. However, all the sanctions have failed to undermine the Russian economy while accelerating inflation in the West. The chart shows that the upward channel is providing desperate support for the dollar, and a break beneath that channel implies the precise opposite of the rhetoric hurled at Russia by the Institute for the Study of War. Even the stochastic is starting to roll over to the downside.

As some of our institutional clients pointed out, the Array back in January had targeted the week of March 18th, and we wrongly assumed that this was perhaps merely reflecting the Russian election. Next week is now a Directional Change, and the next Directional Change will be the very week after the ECM turning point on May 7th.

The dollar against the ruble peaked last October, and a closing below 74 would indicate a further decline for the dollar. I also perhaps hopefully saw that the May 7th precise target was the inauguration of the Russian president. But it appears our insane Neocons and NATO realize that Ukraine cannot survive much longer. They do not care about the Ukrainian people. They are just collateral damage, and Zelensky has not problem serving them all up on a deathbed for his escape to his Miami villa to live tax-free dancing in his high heels in the local gay clubs. It appears that they are bringing war ASAP, and this fake Islamic Attack on civilians was intended to cause them to rise up and overthrow Putin so they get their regime change. That will not work, and I fear what May has in store.


The Masks are Now Off


All the claims from the White House and in recent Victoria Nuland interviews on CNN by the hopeless Christiane Amanpour, the extreme leftist British-Iranian journalist, are all outright lies. Even Gallop Polls show that there is no such overwhelming American support for a continued war in Ukraine. This is why they are suddenly pushing to create a war ASAP. They get Congress's approval for defense, and then NATO says they can use the F16s to attack inside Russia. They lie to our "representatives," and these insane people are going to get war. 

When I stood up at the World Economic Conference in 2011 and warned that the war cycle would turn up in 2014, it was one thing to see the model and its projections, but it was another to live through this nightmare. Nobody wishes I and Socrates would be wrong more than me. For starters, the people creating this war are UNELECTED, like Victoria Nuland and her sister-in-law.

My sources are all realizing that this NATO statement allowing Ukraine to use the F16s to fly into Russia and start bombing their cities is a deliberate provocation, praying Russia will attack so they can call them the aggressor. All they have to do is honor the Minsk Agreement, and the war will end in 24 hours. These people are filled with such hatred it is beyond description.

Russia is no longer Communist. What is even the difference anymore? We also have rigged elections. They are trying to imprison Trump while they dare to claim that a CIA operative of theirs, Alexey Navalny, was somehow Putin's adversary who would have won the election. They just tell more lies while they try to imprison Trump, who, by all accounts, will win the election.



I have been warning for the past two years that the prospect of creating World War III BEFORE the 2024 election was a reality. The Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, has called it like it is. He is warning that the West is on the " edge of the abyss " of World War Three.  Lukashenko has made it clear that he has "legitimate concerns" about the likelihood of a global conflict and accused the West of fuelling war tensions and pushing the world towards disaster. I cannot disagree. The F16s were for defense, and now NATO has lifted all restrictions.

"We are literally covered with an information wave of the so-called premonition of the third world war, which just a lazy one still hasn't mentioned. And there are grounds for these fears," Lukashenko said, according to Sky News.

All our timing Arrays are hinting that we are looking at war, but the Neocons and NATO are clearly trying to force Russia to respond BEFORE the 2024 US election. Lukashenko bluntly stated:

"The masks have been completely dropped."


What is the end game? Do these people really think that they can destroy Russia? Then what? They never think their objectives out. They just always act out of immediate hatred and have no vision for peace EVER! They assume they can destroy Russia and ask China, North Korea, and Iran to please wait in line for their turn. I'm sorry. If I were them, I would instantly ban together, and they would destroy the West, including the USA, Canada, and the EU.

Even the Romans, who were the superpower of their day, had their Temple of Janus standing in the Roman Forum with doors on both ends. Inside was a statue of Janus, who is always represented as the two-faced god; one looks to the future and the other to the past. We still celebrate his feast day - it's New Year's Eve.  The doors of his temple were open in times of war and closed to mark peace. This represented that the winds of war could always change politically. The outcome was NOT always guaranteed. A lesson these people have not learned.

These Neocons and NATO, who constantly seek war, have no idea what they are playing with because all they want is the destruction of Russia. Nobody dares to ask what then, even if they won. If I were Putin, I would be pushing the button before I would allow the fall of Russia. We would do the same. Nuclear Weapons were the argument that they would create peace because the alternative is too devastating. Nukes are no longer a deterrent for these people believe that they can crush their opposition and they will not push the button even with their last dying breath.

This is why we need a DIRECT DEMOCRACY. The UNELECTED people make the decisions, and they care nothing about the people. This is only their personal vengeance that will destroy the world as we know it. When it comes to reform - PLEASE go to a direct Democracy.

Start Gathering Food for the Long Haul

Leave Any Key Target Cities

The 2024 Debt Crisis as $10 Trillion Matures


I have studied financial history perhaps more than anyone else. I have explored debt crises through ancient times and even pointed out that Hammurabi's Legal Code was really dealing with a debt crisis, for when you study the text, what emerges is wage and price controls. I have explained in great detail the debt crisis that undermined the Roman Republic, which compelled Julius Caesar to cross the Rubicon. I have also written in detail about the reform of Solon in Athens, which also dealt with a major debt crisis. Even the Bible went into forgiveness in Deuteronomy 15:1:

 “At the end of every seven years you shall grant a release. And this is the manner of the release: every creditor shall release what he has lent to his neighbor. He shall not exact it of his neighbor, his brother, because the Lord's release has been proclaimed.

We are staring into the eyes of financial chaos. Here in 2024, we are facing a whopping $7.6 trillion in interest-bearing US public debt will mature. We have estimated that about $800 billion of corporate debt was set to mature in 2024. This is followed by $1.07 trillion of debt maturing in 2025. 


The EU’s debt costs will double in 2024 due to higher interest rates. In recent years, the EU has borrowed itself heavily to finance NextGenerationEU grants, part of the historic €800bn Covid-19 recovery program agreed upon by member states in 2020. The war against Russia and unprecedented billions handed to Ukraine have led the European Central Bank to raise interest rates by 3.75% since July 2022 and prompted unforeseen financing costs for the EU. With nearly 1 trillion Euros also coming due in 2024, the cost of borrowing has almost doubled compared to the amount initially forecasted for 2024.


We are projecting €4 trillion in European corporate debt, which is scheduled to mature through 2025. The Lower-rated issuers generally have a longer window to refinance since speculative-grade (rated ‘BB+’ and below) debt does not reach its peak maturity of €177 billion until 2025.


Confidence in the EU government has collapsed to 30%. Joe Biden is really just a hand puppet of the Neocons, and they are purely interested in starting a war. They have no interest in economics and never consider what their policies will be due to the economy and the nation's fate.


Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s warning at the start of December about the “unsustainable” national debt was the first time the Fed had criticized the government since 1951. Only fools are pointing the finger at the Fed, for they do NOT create all the money - that is the Treasury. The bonds issued by the Treasury are acceptable as collateral, just as you can post T-Bills as collateral to trade futures. Debt has become money that pays interest, and I am sorry to have to point out to these pundits and economists who blame the Fed for everything. Wake the HELL UP!

Powell warned that the U.S. is on a dangerous path after running up a $34 trillion national debt, which reached new heights after pandemic-era spending. He said:

“In the long run, the U.S. is on an unsustainable fiscal path. The U.S. federal government is on an unsustainable fiscal path. And that just means the debt is growing faster than the economy,” Powell said in an interview with “60 Minutes.”

The turning point on the ECM was May 7th, 2024, which just so happened to be the precise day of the inauguration of the next President of Russia. I have warned that Putin is the moderate, and replacing him will be far worse than anyone suspects. The Moscow Times has just reported that Putin said Ukraine is a 'Matter of Life and Death' for Russia. However, Putin is starting to speak harder because he is under a lot of pressure from the far right. 

In a Telegram post by Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, he claimed that Moscow would use nuclear weapons in the event that "Ukraine with its allies" managed to push Russia out of the war-torn country. Obviously, my concern has been who is sworn in on May 7th since it is the precise day of the ECM



However, here is the array for the 30-year bond and note that we have a Panic Cycle in May, which is the STRONGEST target for the year. Besides the Russia issue, I am very concerned about the rollover of debt now that we have nearly $10 trillion maturing. Obviously, that has to be paid, and they do that by issuing a NEW DEBT. As I have warned governments we were facing a Sovereign Debt Crisis in 2024, COVID-19 just put it over the edge.

Even when we turn to the 10-year yield, we see a Panic Cycle in May, but here we see the STRONGEST target is July. Note the higher volatility from August into November. My concern is that we are getting sacked with two crises, one after the other. First, it appears that we may see long-term rates, which the Fed does not control, rise because of the lack of buyers to roll the debt, and that means to sell the new debt, it will have to be at higher rates set by the auction - NOT the Fed. Then the strongest target is July, followed by rising volatility, and we have panic cycles in many markets in September, including the Dow Jones Industrials.

Our model on the Russian 10-year interest rate also shows a Panic Cycle in May coinciding with the next president's inauguration.


When we look at Japan and the Euro, both show the problem in July as the STRONGEST target. This concerns me more with geopolitics as the world is aligning at that time. Therefore, this May target might also result in an impact from the rolling of the debt and rising rates due to a lack of buyers. We will have to deal with this at the upcoming London Seminar.




The Coming False Flag



NATO and the Neocons will make a grave mistake. They will create a FALSE FLAG to blame Russia for something, and it is going to have to be a significant staged event along the lines of Pearl Harbor or 9/11. The confidence in the European Government has collapsed to 30% thanks to the insanity of COVID and Ursula refusing to reveal the text messages with Pfizer. The Neocons are desperately concerned that their hand puppet, Joe Biden, will go down for the count. The fact that his mental capacity was put into the Special Counsel's report was INTENTIONAL because the Democrats fear losing big time and are fighting to win.

In contrast, the Neocons are fighting to stay alive. This special counsel report is reminiscent of Hillary and her private server, which also had classified documents, and the DOJ, in Democratic hands, also looked the other way while they criminally charged Trump. This was to lay the basis for the Democrats to draft Michelle Obama at the August Democratic Convention. If they stage such a False Flag event, fearing a Trump victory that will fire them all again, they will have to ensure it is convincing, and they may carry out such a scheme with a false flag by July.


The presidential election in Russia will be held on  March 15–17, 2024. We do see the week of March 18th as the strongest target during March. This same target shows up in Crude Oil. We can see that April is a turning point, and thereafter, this moves into July. The concern I would have is any false flag in Ukraine might involve a chemical or a tactical nuclear weapon. The Neocons could stage such an event in July to influence the August 19th - 22nd Democratic Convention to manipulate the outcome to their favor to retain power.

Because Putin expressly said he was not interested in invading Poland, this may mean that the False Flag must involve Poland to call Putin a liar. This raises concern for April ahead of the swearing-in of the next president of Russia on May 7th. The second target we must be concerned about in Poland will be October, a Panic Cycle and the turning point in Poland's ECM.

Even the Monthly ECM on the Ukraine War is also in April. We must realize that the Neocons control the Biden White House. They will fight to retain that power.

Poland Deploys Military


Poland is joining the fray as everyone in Europe at the elite level is praying for a war they desperately are trying to create. This war would be over in 24 hours if they just honored the Minsk Agreement and let the people of the Donbas form their own country since Kyiv has outlawed their language, their religion, and their freedom. If Canada did that with the French, there would be civil war there, as would be the case in the USA by outlawing Spanish as a language.

Angele Merkel admitted that the West NEVER INTENDED to honor the Minsk Agreement. They played Putin for a fool to give Ukraine the time to build the largest army in Europe. Now we have Britain pushing for NATO to create a NO-FLY ZONE over Ukrainian territory while giving Ukraine jets to invade Russian territory. They are doing everything possible to create World War III and are pushing this for May. Meanwhile, NATO has staged the largest military exercise in European history, all to provoke Russia.

We are completing the 2024 Outlook this week, and it does not look very promising for Europe. We will post when this report is available for clients.


Britain Pushing for War by May 2024 with ECM


It has been very disconcerting that the precise day of the ECM peak on this wave is May 7th, the day the next president of Russia is sworn in. Now, reliable sources are whispering that the British, at the behest of their American Neocon counterparts, are pushing NATO, trying desperately to force Russia to attack anyone in NATO to justify war.

Britain and the US are working to create World War III this summer, and as I warned last year, they need it to start a war this summer to influence the 2024 US election. Britain has proposed sending an "expeditionary" force to Ukraine. It has even suggested that NATO impose a no-fly zone over Kyiv's territory that they hope will justify starting a direct confrontation with Russia.

The British are proposing this takes place this May, coinciding with the swearing-in of the Russian president. This also aligns with the turn in the ECM, and if this proposed plan takes place, the ECM will confirm without question that it will lead to World War III - sooner rather than later.

They are also proposing to send NATO troops to Norway and Finland to confront Russia on the border in that region. NATO is desperately trying to start a war with Russia, and then they will turn their sites on China.

Speaking in her interview for “Die Zeit,” published on December 7, 2022, German ex-Chancellor Merkel said the following: “The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine. Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today. Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.” According to the ex-Chancellor, “it was clear for everyone” that the conflict was suspended and the problem was not resolved, “but it was exactly what gave Ukraine the priceless time.”

Ukraine was deliberately set in motion to kill as many Russians as possible and deplete its military forces, and then NATO thinks it will be in Moscow within a week. That is why Merkel negotiated the Minsk Agreement to buy time for Ukraine to build an army. Never did the West ever intend to allow the Russians in the Donbas to live in peace. They had Zelensky stand up on Feb 23rd to ensure that Putin would invade and announce he would rearm Ukraine with nuclear weapons pointed at Russia. The next day, Putin took the bait and came to the rescue of the Donbas. Putin’s Speech to the Russian people on February 24, 2022, points out the endless expansion of NATO and how the West abandoned the Minsk Agreement, which was the “path of a peaceful conflict settlement.” He also mentions the quest to arm itself with nuclear weapons and says Russia will not let that happen.

From the beginning, the strategy has been to deplete the Russian military. As Lindsey Graham boldly stated, it was the best money the US had ever spent killing Russians. These people live in hate and bathe themselves in the blood of the people. Exactly as Goring testified at his Nuremberg Trial. Nothing has changed.

The United States launched attacks Friday, Feb 2nd, 2024, against 85 sites in Iraq and Syria used by Iranian forces and Iran-backed militants, its first retaliatory strikes for the killing of three American soldiers in Jordan last weekend, U.S. officials said.  The military action is a significant escalation to the war in the Middle East.  This, too, will only escalate and they hope that Russia will come to the aid of Iran.

Our Neocon,  Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who has stepped in the shoes of John McCain, has the insanity of claiming we can destroy Russia in three days. Why do these people live with such hatred? That then provokes a response: "We are the only country in the world that can destroy the United States in one hour," Margarita Simonyan, the editor of the Russia Today (RT). In mid-January, former Russian President and deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, said that Ukrainian attacks on missile launch sites within Russian territory with U.S. or NATO-supplied weapons could provoke a nuclear response from the Kremlin.

Trump wanted to pull out of NATO because it is a terrorist organization that ONLY seeks war. After all, without an enemy, then countries no longer need to keep funding NATO. Russia MUST be an enemy, or NATO has no purpose. War is their own self-interest, and they need this confrontation to keep their funding flowing and to remain relevant.


The Arrays on both the Euro and the Ruble have targeted May. Both also show higher volatility in April. It appears that actual confrontation may emerge going into July. Putin has been the moderate - not the devil. All of this propaganda against him may be more than the typical use of hatred politics where you demonize your opponent to get the people on your side and, in this case, hate all Russians.  Putin has been resisting calls to escalate the war that the real enemy is NATO and the United States. They may deliberately try to overthrow Putin and install Dmitry Medvedev, who will want to engage the West.


We look at the array for Ukraine and note the most vital target is March, which is the actual election in Russia, whereas May 7th is the swearing-in ceremony. The March presidential election in Russia will be held on 15–17. Putin's opponents are:

  • Nikolay Kharitonov, Independent Communist Alliance, is a left-wing nationalist and communist political party.

  • Leonid Slutsky's LDPR Party is an ultranationalist and right-wing populist political party in Russia.

  • Vladislav Davankov New People Alliance SPPS Party, which is more center-right but does support Putin.

Putin has no real credible opponent with charisma. The only way I would expect to see Putin replaced would be because of health, assassination, or a back-room deal where he agrees to step aside to the hardliners who want World War III.

You can see our War Equity Index is breaking out. It will be wise to keep an eye on this index. It bottomed there in September 2023, just before the Hamas attack on October 7th. Here, once again, we have a Panic Cycle in April with a Directional Change followed by another Directional Change and a turning point in May. This shows the strongest target as Augustus, which is the seasonal time for war. Then, there is a Panic Cycle in October, and many other markets are showing Panic Cycles in September. Remember that those who make the decisions for war ALWAYS move their money in advance; this War Index picked up the Hamas attack. It appears to be positioning itself for another event.


The current list of markets that are in the War Index...

  • BA (Boeing)

  • BAH (Booz Allen Hamilton)

  • CACI (CACI International)

  • GD (General Dynamics)

  • GE (General Electric)

  • HII (Huntington Ingalls Industries)

  • HON (Honeywell)

  • LDOS (Leldos)

  • LHX (L3 Harris Technologies)

  • LMT (Lockheed Martin)

  • NOC (Northrop Grumman)

  • RTX (Raytheon)

  • SAIC (Science Applications International)

  • TXT (Textron)

Are CBDCs Constitutional?

MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2024 BY: withheld

There will be direct CBDCs in the BRIC nations while Europe may follow the US lead, yet that is not guaranteed. To introduce CBDCs to track everything an individual does financially would be unconstitutional, violating the Fourth and Fifth Amendments. So, the workaround is the same scheme they perfected with COVID – have the private sector restrict the free speech that the government cannot do directly.

The Federal Reserve is NOT planning on doing a CBDC. What they are doing is allowing fully programmable and traceable private digital currencies. This is why banks suddenly ask questions in review – does all your income derive from payroll? They have been debanking cash operations and looking dim on gold bullion operations, all in preparation for them becoming your overlord.

Just as the government could NOT restrict free speech during COVID-19, social media was instructed to do so; the same scheme is unfolding with the banking industry, which will do the reporting, investigation, and debank anyone who does not conform.

Those in power fear the people and must exercise total control to retain that power. Yet the Constitution forbids that. So, keep your wits about you, keep your eyes open, and don’t get caught up in the state propaganda. There is just no economic benefit to central banks' digital currencies. This is only about complete control. Yet the backdrop is the diversion, which will be creating a war with Russia; the opening of the border was to let terrorists in so that on the first attack, they can justify this new monetary system and restrictions on movement.

In the end, this is also a covert means to cover up the sovereign default, for today's interest payments have surpassed the national debt in 1980. They will default on the debt and eliminate the currency to be replaced with this new fully monitored currency by the banks to ensure the 16-year-old girl next door pays taxes on what you pay her to watch the kids when you and your spouse go to dinner.

Clarification on the Greatest Crash




Marty's most recent private blog mentions Biden will create the "Biggest Crash in Human History" but in the example he cites debt and US Treasuries with no mention of our stock markets.  

In this years WEC Marty said he did not expect a big pullback in our equity markets since foreigners will flee their currency and markets and head to the DOW.  Can he clarify if the crash he alluded to applies to our equity markets?

Thank youAlex

ANSWER: Sorry, I should have realized that when you say "crash," many assume you mean the stock market. NOT THIS TIME! There are a lot of people in government who read this private blog. They are generally the "good guys." We will see the greatest crash in human history if those in power are STUPID ENOUGH to seize the $300 billion in Russian reserve and hand any portion to Ukraine. I previously warned NOT to impose sanctions against Russia for (1) they would not work and (2) it would warn the rest of the world that if you do not do as the Biden Administration command and bend the knee, if not kiss his ring or better yet, his feet, then you too can be removed from SWIFT.

This time, if they steal the reserves of Russia, then any foreign entity who has US or EU government bonds as their reserves had better sell everything they have ASAP. Biden has violated every principle of international law, while Merkel admitted negotiating in bad faith the entire Minsk agreement. Obviously, you cannot negotiate with the West nor trust them holding your assets. This is the complete destruction of civilization.

This means not a crash in private assets but government assets where the money will have no place to hide but in the private sector. The Array on the 30-year bonds points to a serious trend into 2027. We do not see the same pattern in the dow; the strongest target will be 2032. 

Let us hope they will listen to my warning this time and not hand Zelensky $300 billion so he and his friends can buy Florida.



Biden to Create the Greatest Crash in Human History


We have a major crisis brewing. Biden does whatever the Neocons tell him and his Climate Change freaks. The crisis these idiots are creating is the total destruction of the world economy. With Biden seizing $300 billion of Russian Reserves and now saying they will hand them to Ukraine in this all-out war to destroy Russia, it is a warning to the rest of the world that NOBODY should have ANY reserves in ANY Western currency that can be seized. Biden has already created more billionaires than any other American president with Bidenomics. The footnote is that they are all in Ukraine. Handing $300 billion to this sleazeball Zelensky, he can then buy all of Florida - not just a mansion in Miami. This illegal taking, prohibited even by the US 5th Amendment, would require approval from all US allies in the Group of 7 (G7). The vast majority of Russia’s central bank assets that were frozen by the G7 and the European Union are held by the EU, with the US only holding around $5 billion worth. If the EU sanctioned this, it would certainly justify war against Brussels - it's totally insane.

China would now be a fool to retain ANY US or Western bonds whatsoever, for they are next on this wish list of the Neocons to conquer the world and bring their version of “Democracy,” which is not so different from the days of the Soviet Union, where the people were NEVER consulted on anything. These people wage wars; if we do not appear on their battlefield, then we are to be imprisoned, all without any right to agree to a war in the first place.

China has lent nearly $1 trillion to some 150 developing countries, which is less than 10% of its domestic debt. China has been reluctant to cancel large debts owed by some developing countries that are struggling as the dollar has risen over the past several years. As I have warned, there is an emerging market debt crisis because they have borrowed in dollars and are now struggling to make ends meet. Add to this, China is facing a domestic debt crisis as trillions of dollars that is owed by local governments, which are mostly off-the-books financial affiliates and real estate developers.

Janet Yellen flew to China back in July 2023 under the story of her visit to Beijing, where she claimed that she was there to persuade China to cooperate more to address an evolving debt crisis among emerging market countries. China’s banking system is wary of accepting losses on foreign loans when it faces far greater losses on loans within China. However, that was the cover story. She was there because the Neocons were destroying the world economy, and she was to assure China not to sell off US debt. After Yellen's visit, China's reserves declined for three months. Going into year-end, they rose to new highs, but this was not all US debt. However, stepping back from the short-term headlines, China's reserves peaked in June 2014 at $4.010 trillion USD when Europe took interest rates to NEGATIVE. Since then, China's foreign reserves have declined by 20% since December 2023. 

As you can see, trade with China has declined since its peak in October 2018. The total foreign holding of US debt peaked at $7.740 trillion during the 4th quarter of 2021.

Our analysis of China puts their domestic debt, including households, companies, and the local governments, between 200-300% of GDP. Despite the claims of doom and gloom, that compares with an average of 257% in the United States. Therefore, we do not show that China will collapse from its own debt. Our concern has been that a fair portion of that debt is in US dollars. Local governments made the mistake of borrowing in dollars, thinking they would save interest. They did not understand that there is a FOREX risk as well.

In September 2023, China’s central bank announced a policy change to reduce the reserve requirement of domestic banks that they hoped would allow the country’s banks to lend more money. However, China has experienced human nature. The nationwide economic slowdown has left many companies and households wary of borrowing. I have stated this many times. Lowering interest rates will NEVER stimulate an economy. If people have no faith in the future, they will not borrow. Lowering interest rates to NEGATIVE in Europe failed and has now only undermined the banking system as rates are on the rise and their reserves are trapped with negative interest government bonds. China's reduction in reserves did not increase the necessary CONFIDENCE that the people need in the future to encourage borrowing and spending. As the American NEOCONS keep preaching war and even American generals boast that we will be at war with China in a few years, consumer spending in China will not return to where it was with a war on the horizon.

There was also some domestic discontent whereby many criticized that banks should have lent the money to poor households and regions at home, not abroad. Accepting heavy losses on these loans would be unpopular in China and feed into a growing nationalism. It would certainly cultivate even greater support to invade Taiwan. What we must understand is human nature. China will take Taiwan, and it would most likely do so to divert attention from a domestic debt crisis that would make taking Taiwan very popular. Even the most popular movie in China was a war movie where the USA lost.

These idiots have no comprehension of history whatsoever. They do not understand how empires, nations, and city-states collapse. The city of Mainz provided the classic textbook case of how governments collapse. Financial difficulties led to the trade guilds being involved in the city's government from 1332 onwards, just as trade unions today dominate the Democrats. Taxation became the self-interest of those in power, and this was the city where Gutenberg set up shows. The printing of books became a significant technology that brought prosperity to Mainz. The politicians thought the economic boom would never end, and they borrowed excessively against what they believed would be future tax revenues.

A major political conflict was thus avoided until 1411 when the payment of debt annuities accounted for 48% of total expenditure. Back then, the city sold annuities, and people bought them like pensions. In 1411, a popular uprising forbade the sale of any more debt without the consent of the trade guilds, who saw that this was becoming unsustainable, just as Fed Chairman Powell warned in December 2023.

As always, the politicians became addicted to the money. Thus, Mainz's financial conditions continued to worsen. In 1420, the citizens of Mainz drove the patricians out of the city in a tax revolt. A new city government emerged, which forbade the sale of more annuities without the consent of the trade guilds. Nevertheless, the city’s financial situation continued to decline further as it effectively sent the “rich” fleeing, and in the process, the tax revenues plunged. States like California and New England are witnessing a mass flight to the Red States, running excessive overregulation and rising taxation that will never end. Clearly, with the “rich” gone, the city could not revive its economy, effectively destroying the foundation for investment. This led to the expelled “rich” families being recalled to Mainz in a desperate realization that without the “rich,” there is no economic growth – Atlas Shrugged.

It appears that a deal was struck to avoid the complete collapse of Mainz. The return of the patricians may have been predicated upon their buying debt of the city since, on January 16, 1430, Gutenberg’s mother arranged with the city of Mainz to purchase an annuity belonging to her son. This appears to be the reason for the recall of the expelled rich when the city realized it could not revive its economy without them.

By 1436-1437, about 75% of the total city expenditure was now consumed by interest. Interest rates began to rise as there were subtle fears that Mainz might be unable to pay its debts. Thanks to the COVID scam, the decline in revenues sent interest expenditures to 90%. The interest rates climbed as the city searched for buyers for its new debt to fund the old - the classic Ponzi scheme. As a result, the interest rates in Mainz jumped from 3% to 5% during the 1430s.

Finally, in 1436-1437, 75% of Mainz's total expenditure went to creditors, whose interest payments continued to increase, crowding out all economic growth. The interest expenditures were draining Mainz's economic fortunes, and now, there was an ever-increasing difficulty finding new subscribers to its loans. This escalated, causing interest rates to rise even further. During the 1430s, Mainz offered 5% for the perpetual annuities instead of the previous 3% or 4%. The total national debt of Mainz reached 373,184 gulden. In 1448, when the city of Mainz could find no buyer for its debt and could not raise 21,000 gulden, it declared itself bankrupt. Since foreign investors outside Mainz purchased 60% of the debt, the city was placed under an Imperial ban and excommunicated by the Pope.

This is how ALL governments that borrow fail. We are following the same path. It is not a question of IF there will be a Sovereign Debt Crisis - it is only a question of timing - WHEN!

Biden signs whatever they stick in front of him. These fools are threatening China and then expect them to buy US debt like the city of Mainz. Then stealing $300 billion in Russia's reserves and handing them to the MOST corrupt government in the world is telling everyone else, get your reserves out of the WEST ASAP! Why should China have any reserves in Western bonds? They will confiscate that money as they have done to Russia. Biden is pushing to violate International Law, which destroys the very purpose of civilization. 

We are headed into the BIGGEST CRASH IN HUMAN HISTORY, all because of this hatred of Russia and the Neocons. They are completely destroying the fabric of the world economy, which promotes world peace. When you no longer trust someone, you do not do business with them. The Biden Administration is letting millions of illegal aliens in; Biden will grant them citizenship. The rumor that all of this damage will be unaccountable for Biden will step down before the elections, and they intend to put in Michele Obama, against which Hillary Clinton is trying to get her nose in the door.

We have a Panic Cycle that corresponds to the May 7th turning point in the ECM. Taking the $300 billion in Russian Reserves will be a warning to China and everyone else - SELL US /EU DEBT ASAP! This has the possibility of setting off the collapse of European Banks. This is just completely insane.

The Latest Chaos & Energy Crisis


Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of the Security Council of Russia, warned in a post on his Telegram channel that should Ukraine attack missile launch sites on Russian soil using long-range missiles provided by the West, Moscow could respond with a nuclear strike. Biden’s administration is backing legislation that would let it seize some of $300 billion in frozen Russian assets to help pay for the reconstruction of Ukraine. This would violate every principle of international law, especially when it was the United States Neocons that insisted that Kyiv start the civil war by attacking the Donbas. The US intends to push Zelensky for a new battle plan at Davos. The US will keep up that war until there are no more Ukrainians left to fight.

Meanwhile, it seems rather apparent that the only way for Russia to fight against this illegal SEIZURE OF ASSETS is to support Iran and the Houthi to shut down the traffic through the Suez Canal to send energy prices rising to undermine the Biden Administration by pushing inflation higher that will force the Federal Reserve to remain firm on interest rates and possibly push them even higher.

The U.S. and Britain launched a military strike against targets in Houthi-controlled Yemen. They targeted multiple locations with fighter jets, and Tomahawks fired from Navy ships. Biden said the strikes, which were supported by Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands, targeted areas used by Houthi rebels. Biden said the Houthi "endanger freedom of navigation in one of the world’s most vital waterways."

The Houthi rebels have been escalating attacks against commercial vessels. This certainly risks reducing world trade. Many commercial ships are declining to move through the Suez Canal. Biden also warned that he would "not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary."

Iran, Syria, and pro-Iranian groups in Iraq have declared their unconditional support for Yemen. The Houthis have stated that if Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar provide their airspace for an American attack, then these countries will be considered at war with Yemen. Qatar does host a US base. Saudi Arabia has brought its armed forces into a state of combat readiness for the Houthi have also made it clear that they would wipe out Saudi Aramco oil processing facilities. That would certainly send oil prices much higher. If that were to actually take place, crude oil could reach the $183 level by 2026.

The Houthi have warned that "If foreign forces consider attacking Yemen, our forces will open the gates of hell for Western forces in the Red Sea and the region, and neither Washington nor London will be able to extinguish it." Iran has sent its intelligence ship, the Behshad, from the Red Sea and is heading to the Gulf of Aden to provide information about the foreign attack on Yemen.

The scuttlebutt said that the Houthis had commenced a large-scale missile launch from numerous areas at multiple targets, which the Pentagon said they struck "drone manufacturing centers and weapons stores." The Houthi claim that they shot down an F22 fighter jet near its capital city of Sanaa. They also claim to have sunk the first American ship. These claims cannot be verified just yet.

The danger here is that there is NOBODY in Washington or London that has any interest in peace. Our respective leaders are itching for war with Russia. With the election coming up in March, it makes perfect sense that Putin will seek a major score. The people are coming to see that they are not at war with Ukraine but with NATO and the United States. Helping the Houthi to shut down world trade, and even make good on its threat to wipe out the Saudi capacity to deliver oil to the West would be a strategic position that makes sense given Biden trying to illegally take all of Russia's reserves and hand them to Zelensky.


The Air Force Looks to Old WWII Bases To Survive in the Pacific

Early this month, Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, commander of U.S. Pacific Air Forces, confirmed that the airfield from which first atomic bomb drop was launched is being reclaimed.

North Field on the Island of Tinian, was the World War II airfield from which the famous B-29 Superfortress, Enola Gay, launched in its fateful mission to Hiroshima, Japan to drop Little Boy, the first operational atomic bomb.

The Air Force plans to return the defunct airfield to service to act as a dispersal and divert point for American aircraft targeted by China or other adversaries in the event of a conflict in the Pacific.

The US Share Markets Say It All


I have said many times that the Dow is the indicator of international capital movement. In contrast, the S&P500 tends to reflect domestic institutional investors and the NASDAQ Composite tracks retail investors. The prospects of war are understood among our major institutional clients, and we are witnessing capital inflows from both Asia and Europe, topped off by the Middle East. You can see that the Dow has made new highs and will close above last year's high. However, when we look at the S&P500, we have tested the 2022 high, but the market has yet to break through to new territory. The NASDAQ, with all the AI crazy, has been an inside trading year after the knee-jerk low of 2022. 

I am trying to teach you how to see the world as a whole rather than just following the typical nonsense of what the Fed will do tomorrow. This is CONFIRMING that I have to deal with so many clients around the globe. I must always see the world through their eyes and not from the standard propaganda of domestic analysis, as if the rest of the world does not matter. WAR is weighing heavily on the minds of many.

The United States is the AGRESSOR, and we have to realize that the Neocons are in complete control and the press spins nothing but propaganda rather than telling the people the truth, and thus, they are the cheerleaders of World War III. Victoria Nuland was out of power ONLY during Trump's Administration. That is why her husband Kagin wrote his "opinion" piece for the Washington Post, calling Trump a dictator. They fear a return of Trump will remove the Neocons and prevent their goal of World War III.

China's defense ministry on Thursday urged the Asia-Pacific to be on high alert as the United States steps up forward military deployment in the region after reports of a U.S. plan to revive a Pacific airfield that launched atomic bombings of Japan. Many US generals are publicly saying we will be going to war against China. What is this really for? Neither the average American nor Chinese or Russian have any interest in World War III. The people stand to gain NOTHING out of this. It is driven by the warmongers who cannot live peacefully in this world.

Ukraine Nearing Defeat


The pro-Ukrainians have been sending me hate mail claiming what I have put out is Russian propaganda. Well, just like Hunter Biden's Laptop from Hell, that too turned out not to be Russian Propaganda. Anything that was against their narrative they called Russian propaganda. 

My sources have been from inside Ukraine. From the very beginning, I warned that the West was using Ukraine as cannon fodder. I was told from the outset that (1) Zelensky's election was rigged by people who worked the election. (2) that Boris Johnson went to Kyiv NOT for support, but Zelensky had run for office promising peace. Dmitry Medvedev was hopeful when Zelensky won for his promises of peace and his processor was seen as the party of war.

Johnson was there to ensure the peace proposal from Russia would be rejected. Since then, 500,000 Ukrainians have died, and somewhere between 8 and 10 million have fled, with many having no intention to return. The West does not care about the Ukrainian dead. As Lindsey Graham said, it was the best money they spent to kill Russians.

This is the Economic Confidence Model in 8.6-month intervals for the Ukraine/Russia War. Right on the peak of the third wave, December 9th, 2023, the First Lady came out begging for more aid. No amount of money will save the day. Any shipment of arms will be used against our own people and flood the black market. Ukraine NEVER stood a chance of actually defeating Russia. The West never expected that. This was about killing Russians to weaken its economy and military for NATO to invade and take it over - nothing more.

With the Russian election in March and the swearing-in precisely on the turn in the ECM being May 7th, 2024, Russia will step up its attacks to secure a victory by March. The Neocons have full control of the White House, NATO, and most governments in Europe - especially Britain.  Dmitry Medvedev, the Deputy Chair of Russia's Security Council, said in a post on X, formerly Twitter, Biden's request to Congress to approve more aid for Ukraine amid its ongoing war with Russia only threatens World War III. Medvedev wrote: "Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, never has been the threat of direct confrontation between Russia and NATO, turning into WWIII, so real." He warned that the United States under the Neocons pushing for war will unleash World War III and the "blood will flow."

NOBODY in Washington or London wants peace. All they want is war to escape their debt crisis and reduce the population - the main goal of the WEF, UN, and Bill Gates. This is no joke, nor is it some wild conspiracy theory. They are attacking everything from fossil fuels, ending natural gas, terminating air conditioning, and trying to undermine our food production. Gates, I believe, has been brainwashed by his father and pretends to be a philanthropist when in fact everything he does looks to make a profit - just start with the vaccines.

We are in the final stages of Ukraine's defeat. Zelensky has destroyed his country not just for the promises of huge investments to rebuild, but he has been directed by the American Neocons in league with NATO to exploit Ukraine for their own goals. The mere fact that Ukraine blew up Nord Stream and Johnson instructed Zelensky not to sign any peace deal and to keep throwing Ukrainians at Russians until there are none left show just how demoralized the West has become all to distract everyone from the greatest Ponzi Scheme in history and the coming Sovereign Defaults. The timing for that appears to be the first/second quarter of 2025.

It is rare to find anyone in the mainstream Western press willing to report the truth. I was shocked to see the Telegraph. As they pointed out,  Ukraine’s counteroffensive was a complete failure. Zelensky would not listen to the military generals and kept throwing people at Russia in Bakhmut to no avail. He was desperate to win just to keep the money flowing. Without a victory, there will be no major rebuilding fund. Zelensky’s own words tried to put a different spin on the complete failure: The counteroffensive “did not achieve the desired results.” 

Russia has offered peace NUMEROUS times. The Neocons wanted World War III and refused to allow Ukraine to negotiate. They have sacrificed Ukraine, and now they are starting the same routine in the Baltics to get Russia to come to the rescue of Russian-speaking people there as well so they can justify war. Estonia outlawed speaking Russian, the same as Zelensky. With the Russian elections in March and the swearing-in of the day of the ECM on May 7th, 2023, there is likely to be a big push by Russia to win this war in early January. 

While the press is so biased and anti-Putin, all they report is such hatred and propaganda the truth is never given a chance to surface. Even the Economist, which I would never advertise in ever again, puts out the nonsense that Putin is a dictator. He has an 85% approval rating because of the Western Press, and every article spews nothing but hatred of Russia. If it were the other way around, our politicians WOULD HAVE 85% APPROVAL RATES INSTEAD OF SOUTH TO 40%. The West would react the same way as Russians today toward Putin. They are giving everyone in the West a very bad image of hating warmongers.


While Putin does have an 85% approval rating, it is hard to see how he would not win. But the computer is showing May as a major Directional Change and a target with the strongest turning point all year. This is an unusual pattern if Putin wins another election. My concerns would be he falls ills, dies, or is assassinated by Ukraine. My concern is that  Dmitry Medvedev, the Deputy Chair of Russia's Security Council, comes to power, and then you will see an all-out war. Ukraine is stupid enough to try to assassinate Putin, but perhaps they intend to replace Putin with someone aggressive to create World War III.




December is a Directional Change in Ethereum, and we are making a high, which warns we could see a 2-month correction into February, where we see volatility rising. Note that we have a March and May turning point with volatility rising after that, which is the turning point of the ECM - May 7th. That also happens to be the PRECISE day that the next president of Russia will be sworn in.

I cannot stress enough that Putin is a moderate. All of this bullshit painting him as evil and claiming since 1999 that he wanted to resurrect the Soviet Union was all Western propaganda by the Neocons and NATO, which I have seen internal documents where NATO was concerned about remaining relevant after 1991 and the fall of communism. All of this bashing of Russia truly destabilizes the world, and the Neocons want war ASAP, for they are now desperate, fearing a Trump victory. Their strategy is that (1) no president has ever lost during a time of war, and (2) if Trump does win and escapes their criminal charges and an inevitable assassination if they start a war in 2024, even Trump will be forced to defend the country.

I am concerned that we could see war during the summer of 2024, as I warned last year. This May 7th target is the strongest for the year. I really fear if Putin is replaced, the critics of Putin have been that he is TOO SOFT; he should have invaded Ukraine and not just protected the Donbas as the US did to Iraq using shock & awe, and the war would have ended in 6 weeks. Now they criticize Putin that Russia is NOT at war with Ukraine, but NATO. Putin's approval rating is now 85% - the Russian people fully understand the object of NATO is to invade Russia, and they will create any pretense to justify that. NATO has this agenda because we have a Sovereign Debt Crisis unfolding. After all, they will run out of fresh buyers for government debt to pay off the old days in this perpetual Ponzi Scheme. This is why NATO has a green light for war because they economically need a distraction.

Now, the Neocons are putting Estonia at risk of war. They have outlawed Russian as a language spoken in Estonia, which is a violation of human rights, and they are doing the very same thing that Zelensjy did to the Donbas - outlawed the Russian language and their religion. Estonia is now putting its own population in the way of cannon fodder, and the Neocons pray after making their traditional human sacrifices to their god of war, Mars, trying to force Russia to attack Estonia so NATO can declare all-out war.

ECM & Middle East War


QUESTION: Marty, Your model on the Middle East from 1987 calling for a war in 2023.62 should be updated. Will the schism in Islam that resulted in the division between the Sunni and Shiite branches will continue to build into 2123?

It was a great conference—one of your best.



ANSWER: Yes. This is only the fourth wave in this cycle in Islam, which will not culminate until 2123. This is much like the confrontation between Protestants and Catholics in England that culminated in the beheading of King Charles I, simply because he was Catholic. Our model projected 2023 as the start of the Middle East War. Keep in mind, that we should see an increase post-2024 on a global scale.

Biden Sends Letter to Begin the War Powers Act TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2023 BY: MARTIN ARMSTRONG Biden has taken the first step in declaring World War III. On Friday, Biden wrote to Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson and Democratic Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray to fulfill the requirements of the War Powers Act that mandates presidents consult congressional leaders on military action. Letter to the Speaker of the House and President pro tempore of the Sena... The White House Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Madam President:) As I have reported previously, militia groups affiliated with Iran’s... In the letter, Biden named Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as being the mastermind behind attacks against U.S. military forces in Iraq and Syria. This has fulfilled his legal obligation, and now the Neocons are free to act arbitrarily. As we can see, 2023 was a Double Trading Cycle in Iran, and we expect nothing but rising volatility into 2025. This will not end well. The Neocons have LOST every single war they have instigated post-World War II. These people are just insane and have no problem sacrificing millions of lives for their goals, which are no longer even viable. They are playing their part in the decline and fall of the United States and Republican forms of government. Hopefully, we will learn from this mistake, and the reform that comes post-2032 must understand that Republics are the WORST form of government ever devised. -----------------------------------

musk betrays israel.


Ottoman Empire Rising Again 2030 MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2023 BY: MARTIN ARMSTRONG I neglected to add that during a massive rally in Istanbul in support of Palestinians over the weekend, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan lamented the loss of the Ottoman Empire. He vowed that his country must "never allow new Gazas to emerge again." I have reported from EXCELLENT sources that he believes the Ottoman Empire should rise again and take over the Middle East. This seems to be in the cards, and I would look to 2030.

The Chaos of the Middle East MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2023 BY: MARTIN ARMSTRONG Konya Air Force Base, Turkey, US Air Force Boeing F-15E I swear, the Neocons only ever look at their end goal of defeating Russia and China because they were communists. I have come to the conclusion that since communism fell all by itself, these people are just angry because they never got to shoot a bullet. Neither China nor Russia are communist states. They both have their shares of billionaires, and their people are free to travel. When I was in DC back during the Reagan years, the Neocons did not want Reagan to meet with Gorbachev, and they were telling everyone you cannot trust a Russian. The Cold War against communism was transformed into racism and hatred that, is anyone else did, would be called a hate crime. Now, we are faced with a crisis that these clowns never think beyond one step because they cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. Since Turkey is a member of NATO, we have military bases there, troops on the ground, and nuclear weapons all pointed at Russia. Turkey was once the Byzantine Empire of Rome. It fell to the Turkish invasion in 1453. Then it emerged into the Ottoman Empire, and in 1683, they attempted to conquer Europe and laid siege to Vienna, which was the capital of Europe with the Holy Roman Empire. The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire began in 1908 and ended in 1922 with World War I. We are entering a period where old resentments will rise on a global scale and where old grudges will justify new action. The Neocons are idiots. If Turkey is compelled to enter the Israeli conflict, there is going to be a major crisis. Not only will this undermine NATO, but there are members of the EU already talking about expelling Turkey and Hungary, no less. We also have a major problem because the United States has bases in Turkey with nuclear weapons pointed at Russia. We also have aircraft on the ground, which, if they dare to use to support Israel, we are looking at a major political crisis. We also have troops on the ground in Turkey, including airmen and sailors. That election of May 2023 resulted in a victory for incumbent president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who had held the position since 2014. We saw 2023 as a serious shift in trend that should continue into 2025. It appears that by 2025, we are looking at the rise of the old Ottoman Empire, and this is by no means going to stabilize the Middle East. Neocons have been waging wars since World War II and saw themselves as the world's policemen. ------------------------------------------------


History repeating itself right now... Christians will be next 10/29/23.

Middle East Confrontation Expanding


The attack on Israel by Hamas was intended to create a new Middle East War. Our sources say Iran is at DEFCON 5 and even has their missile silos open. Israel ramped up its bombing of targets on three fronts, including a rare airstrike in the West Bank. An Israeli politician went over the top publicly warning Russia, saying: "We're gonna win this war. Afterwards, we're not forgetting what you're doing, we're not forgetting, we will come, we will make sure Ukraine wins. We will make sure that you pay the price for what you have done, you as Russia." Such statements may make one feel better but only ensure confrontation. Meanwhile, Lloyd Austin has announced that the US will direct additional air defense systems to the Middle East. This is a response to recent attacks on American soldiers in this region and the war between Israel and Hamas. Additional American soldiers are also "ready for deployment." Then, on CBS Face the Nation, Margaret Brennan outright asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken why the U.S. is not calling for a temporary cease-fire between Israel and the militant group Hamas in the midst of a deepening humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. In response, Blinkin, a serious Neocon, said it was Israel’s right to defend itself. Meanwhile, Blinkin has deployed a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-ballistic missile battery and additional Patriot missile battalions to the eastern Mediterranean in response to "recent escalations" on the part of Iran and its proxies. Things have gotten so crazy that rumors claimed that Putin was walking with the nuclear briefcase in China, just in case. I cannot confirm those rumors. However, Russian sources claim that Putin has warned the White House den of Neocons that if the US expands the war in the Middle East region, he will protect Syria and Iran and will sink all of the US carriers sent into the region. Israeli media has reported that Iran's state television gave orders for a general attack on Israel. Shiite militias in Iraq, and Syria, along with Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthi rebels in Yemen, are all combining to launch a coordinated attack on Israel. They are said to have missiles and drones to create a siege of Israel with a range of 2,000 kilometers. The 2024 US Election should be honest - it is not Biden and Harris; it is really Blinkin and Nuland running the world.


October 22, 2023

As I warned, the Neocons must start war BEFORE the 2024 election. They are counting on their playbook that no president has ever lost an election during the war. They were behind the Hamas event and allowed it to happen to justify a Middle East War. Our sources confirm that Iran is the #1 backer of Hamas, and Russia will be standing behind Iran. They are trying to draw Russia into a second war and further weaken them. The end goal here will be the excuse to launch a NATO strike at Russia after Ukraine and Israel, their vassal states, weaken Russia, and only then will NATO invade Russia, assuming Ukraine and Israel have weakened them to the point that they can be completely destroyed.

Note that May 2024 is when the next President of Russia will be sworn in. There is a Panic Cycle in July 2024, which will be a key turning point in Crude next year. So for now, we do not expect Crude to take off before 2024. Once again, talk that Putin has cancer could be the real crisis next year. Without Putin, who is a reasonable man despite the propaganda from Victoria Nuland's sister-in-law, my concern is that Russia will fall into the hands of one of their Neocons, and we will see nuclear war perhaps at least by 2027, if not beginning in 2025.



Sometime last year God said to me, "Something will be wrong with the defense system of the United States, Moscow is coming in a storm".

With talk of China being able to strike our satellites...

 I think that may be what the beam or laser was that I saw months ago in a flash... There was a weapon in space being pointed toward a target. I think they're going to hit our satellites.

Without GPS our missiles will not be able to be guided to their targets



Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me on 9/12/24.

I saw people just living as usual going to concerts and such. I saw a lot of partying and drinking going on in places and it brought to mind "As in the days of Noah". I saw a bottle of red wine there and on the bottle was written "WILD IRISH ROSE". I googled wild Irish Rose wine, and it is produced in NEW YORK. I feel that New York was referenced here for a reason. "NEW YORK".I saw a large number of intimidating presences come entering in, and there was a controlling air about these. Their presence was very uncomfortable.

 I saw as if I were looking from a window, and I heard a shrill but roaring whistling sound coming from the sky all around. The sound was of incoming missiles. I saw things lighting up with fire as those missiles rained down on the land. I saw houses with people in them catching on fire. I saw a very bright light come up in the sky, and it lit up the whole sky. People were turning away trying to escape it and being told to not look at the light because of the blindness it would cause.

 I saw a very large city scene burning. The area on fire was so large that I really don't know if it was just one city or several cities burning together though... The buildings and everything in my view were burning red hot flames and I didn't see a break in the flames anywhere. Blocks and blocks and blocks of a red hot very large city scene just engulfed in flames and burning.

I saw large white windmills/wind turbines (the wind farm kind that generate electricity). I saw these bend over forward and their blades dug into the dirt beneath them, and they stopped.

I saw a large city or cities scene again, but this time the flames seemed to have gone out and I saw smoke rising up from what the fires had consumed. The next thing I saw in this flash, I believe is symbolic and very telling... I saw one building or structure that was standing in the midst of all that was destroyed. This building or structure had a rounded top/roof, and was shaped somewhat like a mosque, but more like the top of the capital building in DC, because I saw what looked like small windows going round about it... As the smoke continued to clear I saw the word "TESLA" written in big letters across this structure that stood in the midst of all of the surrounding destruction.

In a flash vision, I saw glowing hands knitting what seemed to me, to be a sweater of the most beautiful white yarn that was lit with light. These weren't just any hands, these were the hands of a holy figure. I always know them because in the flashes when I see their hands or arms, they appear to be glowing with a very soft white light.

~I'm putting Lamentations 1, in comments concerning the knitting.


Please turn back to God, I can't urge you enough. What I'm seeing in flash visions and dreams is horrid. I'm going to wait to post Incase more comes but I'm telling you right now missiles are going to rain down. Been seeing them for the last 4 or 5 years and the visions of the missiles stopped for a while but the flashes of them are back.

Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 Today is 9/11/24. I was just sitting here and these words came to my spirit very strongly... The phrase was spoken like an announcer speaks, just before a big event. The phrase was this...


There are a few different ways that phrase can be taken, according to different situations. I guess we'll see. The word hat was in plural form meaning many will be affected.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me over the last several days in dreams. Today is 9/10/24.

 In a dream I saw roads of dirt, no payment or lush green grass, just dry dusty dirt and the surrounding land seemed to be the same, just dry and dusty bare dirt. I saw people in that environment working like slaves. There were large blue trucks that would pass through that seemed to be policing the people. The blue color of the trucks, was the same or very similar to the color of blue used by the United Nations". There was a sign on the side of the trucks to remind the people that their break was only after 17 hours of work. There was a single pot that people were borrowing and sharing, in order to cook whatever food they had in.

Then a male voice in my dream said...


Then in another dream I saw a woman who was ruling over the people and the words

 "CRUEL MASTER " came to me concerning this. I don't know if the woman is representing a nation or an actual female leader or spirit...In the dream I also saw a foreign man that I understood to be Chinese, and slavery seemed to be connected to this man.

Both the dreams seemed to indicate a coming ENSLAVEMENT of the people.

The Bible let's us know that our freedom is in Christ. We were and are instructed to STAND FIRM in that, but we gave that freedom away, just like the man in the dream said "AMERICANS HAVE GIVEN AWAY THEIR FREEDOM"...

We've basically laid Christ and that freedom aside, for chains instead. So there are consequences for the route we have taken as a nation, and we are facing those consequences.

The Bible instructs us on how to deal with situations like the above.

 Isaiah 19:4

 4 I will hand the Egyptians over to the power of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them,” declares the Lord, the LORD Almighty.

 1 Peter 2:18

You who are slaves must submit to your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel.

I saw in a flash vision a beautiful stone being pushed forth, almost as though it were being birthed. The only biblical reference I could find to the coloring of the stone I saw, is mentioned in Revelation 4.

Revelation 4

The Throne in Heaven

After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits[a] of God. 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.

In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:

“‘Holy, holy, holy

is the Lord God Almighty,’[b]

who was, and is, and is to come.”

9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:

11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,

to receive glory and honor and power,

for you created all things,

and by your will they were created

and have their being.”





Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 These are the things the Lord showed me on May 8/2024.

Today's date is May 11/24.

Trump and Putin head to head, face-off.

 I saw what appeared to be a very large rectangular screen. It reminded me of a very large television screen. I saw a very ornate white dragon come swooping in and downward from the right of that screen. There was an impression of strong influence accompanying the white dragon.

The white dragon has been used in symbolism before, but I'm not sure if anybody has figured out the meaning of the white dragon yet, and neither have I.

The white dragon was involved in a dream "The three dragons dream" by Dana Coverstone, people may want to reference that dream.


 I saw a great number of silver bars stacked on a table. I saw these silver bars being handed out very fast as if they were being sold like hot cakes to people. They appeared to have become very valuable and were going fast. The silver bars were going so fast that it was like watching a professional card dealer dealing cards, flipping them out from the table they were stacked on, very rapidly.

I believe this is signaling economic collapse.


 I saw an old kitchen and the kitchen was in the style of the 1950s, and a woman dressed in all gray and black 1950s style clothing.

 The 50's was an era called the "Golden Age of Capitalism". The United States was the world's strongest military power. I believe the kitchen and the woman are representing that time period and what it was known for in America. "The Golden age of capitalism".


 Then I saw tall buildings like you would see in a big city like Chicago or New York. I saw the tops of these buildings engulfed in flames.


 I saw an ocean vessel at sea, and this ship was spraying water outward like jet streams from its side.

 This is what I found about this "Those are fire fighting nozzles, and they are shooting water into the air as a display in honor of the aircraft carrier they are escorting into (or out of) port, in much the same way as an honor guard might fire a 21 gun salute into the air."


 I saw DJT and Putin standing face to face. These two were in an intense stare down. Like going head to head, or the way the participants of wrestling matches stare each other down just before a match.

Face-off, showdown, confrontation.


 In a dream there was a man who said these words to me.


I believe The Lord is sending the message to "be of good courage" to His children. Hard times are ahead but you belong to Him. Remember that.


The pics below are the closest thing I could find to what The Lord showed me. He speaks to us in symbolism and parables. The pics speak of what's ahead. Please give your life to Jesus Christ.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 Today is 9/5/24 and this is what the Lord showed me in flashes on 9/1/24.

"The mark of the beast is coming."

 I saw a human brain and the brain was moving and pivoting, like you would see if one were on display at a science fair or a show of some kind. The brain had wires and parts and looked more like a half computer/ machine, and half human brain. Then immediately following that first flash the Lord showed me a human hand and there was a mark there about mid hand, and about maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch long. I knew right away what I was seeing.

 Revelation 13

  1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.

6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.

10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein* to worship the first beast, whose* deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would* not worship the image of the beast should be killed*.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great*, rich and poor*, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand*, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

All of this from 2022 should make sense to people now. All of it either has taken place or is happening now:

  August 12 2022

Just posting the flashes I've had over the last few days.

 Awake visions just scattered in nature it would seem.

I saw a man handing out gallon jugs of water to a large number of people that were reaching for them. Dana Coverstone mentioned this morning during his video that this was a headline about France so ...

Then I saw a man's face that looked like Boris Johnson and he appeared to be in distress or pain. I know nothing about this man and have no clue what's going on with him.

Then I saw an F16 or F15 fighter jet...for what reason I have no clue.

Then I saw many high ranking members of the United States government standing very close to Xi Jinping (leader of China). He was standing front and center and they were gathered around him very closely assembled with him, all facing the west. (As in "standing with", "not in opposition to him"). Only word that comes to mind is "traitors".

Then I saw a flash of a very sick and almost tormented monkey. I think this has something to do with the MP virus but I don't know what. The monkey was shown so pittyful I started praying for them as soon as I saw it.

Thank you Jesus for everything.

Have a good day all.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me in a flash vision today. Today is 8/31/24.


 I had a flash vision where I was looking down into what appeared to be a grain bin. The bin was full and was churning at the bottom, putting out what looked like beans. The grain bin continued to churn, but the level of the grain bins contents went lower and lower and then it came to a stop. The grain bin wasn't completely empty yet, but it came to a stop and was no longer functioning.

 About 4 or 5 years ago the Lord showed me a FOOD SHORTAGE OR FAMINE coming. I wasn't sure when it would come through.

Again He's showing what would seem to indicate the same upcoming situation. He's doing that for a reason PLEASE BE PREPARED.

Food grade plastic buckets, mylar bags and oxygen absorbers. There are a lot of videos and articles about how to use them. Please don't wait, and please don't rely on being able to hunt and fish alone. At some point we will lose the freedom of being able to move about and travel.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

Today is 8/29/24 and this is a dream that I've had repeatedly over the last week or so.

The Lord showed me in repeated dreams that they're coming for the people's houses/properties. They're going to come upon people's properties in such a manner that it will be as if the people there don't even exist, that's what I saw in the repeated dream . And also with them, will come their images and idols of the false gods they worship, and they will fill your houses with them (I also saw that in the dream). In the dream on the last night that I had it, I heard these words...

"They're coming for your houses."

You may want to read Jeremiah 1. They're coming but we are instructed to not do as they do, AND TO NOT FEAR THEM.

Jeremiah 1


0 This is a copy of the letter that Jeremiah sent to those who would be taken as prisoners to Babylon by the Babylonian king. Jeremiah wrote to give them the instructions that God imposed upon him.

God’s exile of Israel into Babylon

1 Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon's king, will bring you as prisoners to Babylon because of the sins that you committed in the presence of God.

2 When you enter Babylon, you will be there a long time, as long as seven generations. Afterward, I will bring you out from there peacefully.

3 In Babylon you will see gods of silver, gold, and wood paraded on the Babylonians' shoulders. These gods inspire awe among the people.

4 Be careful that you don't become like the Gentiles, letting fear of these gods grip you,

5 especially when you see large crowds of people walking in front of and behind them, worshipping them. But say to yourself, Lord, we want to worship you.

6 For God's angel is with you, examining your souls.

Inability of the idols to do anything

7 A carpenter smooths out the tongues of the idols. They are covered in gold and silver, but they are fake and unable to speak.

8 The Gentiles take gold and place crowns on their gods' heads, like a young girl playing dress up.

9 Sometimes the priests secretly take away the gold and silver from their gods to spend on themselves and give to prostitutes in the brothels.

10 The Gentiles dress these gods of silver, gold, and wood with clothing just like people. But these idols can't be rescued from rust and rotting.

11 Even though the idols are dressed in rich purple clothing, the Gentiles have to wipe off the idols' faces because of the dust in the temple that thickly covers them.

12 One idol has a royal staff, like a person who is a regional judge, but the idol can't destroy the person who offends it.

13 Another one has a dagger or an ax in its right hand, but it can't defend itself from war or robbers.

14 Clearly they are no gods, so don't be afraid of them.

15 Just as a person's utensil is useless after it's broken, so are the Gentiles' gods after they have been placed in their temples.

16 Their eyes are full of dust from the feet of visitors.

17 Even as the courtyards are locked up on every side when one is sentenced to death for doing wrong against a king, so the priests secure their temples with doors, bolts, and bars from robbers and thieves.

18 The priests light more lamps for the idols than for themselves, but their gods can't see them.

19 The idols are just like the beams that support a house, but people say that their hearts melt before them. They don't notice when vermin from the earth have eaten them and their clothing.

20 Their faces have been darkened by the smoke that is in the temple.

21 Bats, swallows, birds, and cats land on their bodies and heads.

22 From this you will know that they aren't gods. So don't be afraid of them.

23 As for the gold they wear beautifully, the idols won't shine unless someone else wipes away the rust. They didn't have any feeling when they were made.

24 They are purchased at great cost, but there is no breath in them.

25 Since they have no feet, others carry them on their shoulders, demonstrating their worthlessness to people. Their servants are ashamed, since the idols fall to the ground unless they steady them and hold them up.

26 If anyone stands an idol up, it can't move by itself. If one is tilted over, it can't straighten itself up. Yet gifts are placed in front of them—just as people place gifts in front of the dead!

Worthlessness of the idols

27 Their priests misuse the sacrifices by selling them and using the money for themselves. Their wives also preserve some of the meat, but they don't share it with the poor or disabled. Menstruating women and others who have just given birth have handled their sacrifices.

28 Since you know from these things that they aren't gods, don't be afraid of them.

29 Why call them gods? Because women place food before these gods of silver, gold, and wood?

30 Or because the priests sit in their temples with their garments torn, with their heads and beards shaved, and their heads uncovered?

31 They howl and shout in front of their gods as some do at a funeral feast for the dead.

32 Yet the priests take the gods' clothing to dress their wives and children.

33 Whether one treats them badly or well, the gods aren't able to repay in kind. They aren't able to install or remove a ruler.

34 They can't give either wealth or money. If someone makes a solemn promise and doesn't keep it, they can't enforce it.

35 They can't save a person from death or rescue a weak person from a strong one.

36 They can't restore sight to the blind or rescue a person in an emergency.

37 They can't show mercy to a widow, nor can they do any good for an orphan.

38 These wooden things covered in gold and silver are like stones from a mountain. Their servants will be humiliated.

39 So why should anyone consider or call them gods?

40 In addition, even the Chaldeans dishonor them. When they see a person who is unable to speak, they bring out Bel and expect Bel to make a sound as if he were able to understand.

41 Even after observing this, the Chaldeans themselves are unable to abandon the idols because they have no sense.

42 The women, with cords wrapped around them, sit along the streets and burn corn husks as incense.

43 When one of these women is dragged away by someone to have sex, she makes fun of the one nearest her by saying that the other woman wasn't as worthy as she, nor has the woman's cord been broken.

44 Everything that is done for the gods is phony. So why should anyone consider or call them gods?

45 Carpenters and goldsmiths make them. They can be only what these designers want them to be.

46 Their creators won't live long themselves, so how can the things they have made be gods?

47 These designers leave behind something fake and disgraceful for those who come after them.

48 When war or disasters come, the priests consult with each other about where they may hide along with the idols.

49 So how can one not grasp that they aren't gods? They can't save themselves from war or other disasters.

50 After such events as this, the idols, made of wood and covered in gold and silver, will be recognized as fake. It will be clear to the nations and to the rulers that they aren't gods but human creations. There's nothing divine about them.

51 Who then doesn't realize that they aren't gods?

52 They could never raise up a ruler over a country or provide rain for people.

53 They can't render a verdict in their own cases, nor can they save those falsely accused, because the idols are powerless. They are like crows between the sky and the earth.

54 When a fire breaks out in the home of their wooden gods covered in gold and silver, their priests will run and save themselves, but the gods will be destroyed like the supporting beams.

55 The idols can't stand up against kings or enemies in war.

56 So why should anyone consider or call them gods?

57 The wooden gods covered in gold and silver can't be saved from thieves and robbers, who will take away the gold, silver, and clothing that the idols wear. They won't be able to protect themselves.

58 It's better to be a ruler who has courage or a household utensil that the owner can actually use than to be fake gods. The door of a house, which keeps safe the things that are in it, is better than fake gods. A wooden column in a palace is better than these fake gods.

The power of Israel’s God

59 The sun, moon, and stars are bright, and they willingly obey when given an order.

60 Also lightning is widely seen when it flashes and draws attention. The wind also blows in every land.

61 When God commands the clouds to move across the whole world, they carry out the order. When the fire is sent out from above to destroy mountains and forests, it accomplishes what it is ordered to do.

62 But the idols can't be compared with such forces of nature in appearance or ability.

63 There's no reason at all to believe in them or call them gods. They aren't able to judge anyone's case or do good for anyone.

64 Since you know they aren't gods, don't be afraid of them.

65 They can't curse or bless rulers.

66 They can't show signs in the sky among the nations or shine like the sun or give light like the moon.

67 The animals are better off than the idols, for they are able to run for shelter and help themselves.

68 It is obvious to us that the idols aren't gods. So don't be afraid of them.

69 As a scarecrow in a cucumber field offers no protection, so do their wooden gods covered in gold and silver.

70 In the same way, their wooden gods covered in gold and silver could be compared to a briar patch where every bird perches or to a dead body thrown out into the darkness.

71 From the purple cloth—and the marble that decays and crumbles on them—you will know they aren't gods. Later they themselves will be devoured, and it will be a disgrace in the land.

72 So it is better to be a righteous person without any idols. That person will be far removed from disgrace.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 These are what the Lord has shown and said to me over the past week. Today is 8/26/24.


 I saw 3 circles. Each was like looking through the view of a scope. Through two of these I saw lush flourishing scenes... But through the 3rd, I saw a break out of fire and what looked like white ash. I saw no flourishing inside of the 3rd circle.

 I asked the Lord for understanding of what these circles "like looking through a scope" meant and He responded with ...


So the 3 circles are representing a measure of time. Whether they be representing 3 MONTHS, or 3 YEARS, I don't know. I only know that the FIRST 2 seemed normal but then in the 3rd I saw a break out of fire and what appeared to be ash instead of a flourishing scene...

If the 3 are representing MONTHS, then that would put us at this NOVEMBER and something very significant happening then.

If the 3 are representing YEARS then same concept.


 A breakout of fire and ash, does not sound good, but that's what I saw inside of the 3rd circle, and I believe it is concerning the coming state of this nation. Biblically fire can represent GOD'S JUDGMENT, also DESTRUCTION, especially in the context of how it was shown.


 I saw a shooter dressed in camouflage military type clothing. He also wore a camouflage floppy style hat, flat on the top and the bill ran completely around the hat.

The shooter was laying on his stomach, with his arms bent at the elbows supporting his gun which was pointed toward the right. The shooter was definitely poised and ready to fire. I had the feeling that the shooter was simply waiting for the proper opportunity to carry out the task.


 I saw a flash vision of a syringe. The syringe was a foggy white color and clear, with a black bottom piece to the plunger (just like we see being used in the medical field). What stood out to me though was that either around or inside the barrel I saw the color "blue" (the color blue is associated with particular vaccines (search it, if it was a label AROUND THE BARREL THEN IT'S THE C***D ONE )... A hand then reached out and thumped the needle of this syringe. The needle appeared to be the type used for intramuscular "injects".

Then through the Holy Spirit these words came concerning the syringe.


 I believe this to be meaning that the next syringe/needle/inject/serum, will be intentionally used to cause the deaths of many.


 After showing me these things the Lord said to me ..."SO YOU CAN BE PREPARED." ...

He's letting you know what's coming because He doesn't want you to be caught off guard or unprepared. That is biblical.


 The Lord also said to me that His dogs are not barking, and He showed me that people are perishing because of this. I specifically saw the perished laying in the alleyways.

 This is biblical and is mentioned in Isaiah 56:10.

 Isaiah 56:10.

For the leaders of my people—

the LORD’s watchmen, his shepherds—

are blind and ignorant.

They are like silent watchdogs

that give no warning when danger comes.

 I believe that the Lord is saying that there are a lot of people who are not doing what the Lord has given them to do. There are many who are staying silent and not standing up for Christ and warning the people of what's coming. Reach as many as you can for Christ. Don't be one of the silent watchdogs that isn't helping to warn of what is coming. People are perishing because of it. Drop the fear and stand up! Help to warn the people! Try to lead them to Christ, or what have you done that's worth anything? What have you done that will not burn to ashes in the end?


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 Today is 8/18/2024.

Apparently something pretty significant is going to happen concerning GUANTANAMO BAY.

 The lord gave me a very brief flash vision, and during the flash vision I was looking downward onto a location that I could not identify on my own...but then the Lord gave me the understanding that the location I was viewing was "Guantanamo Bay".

I saw it from up above as it sits now, but then to the right of it, beside of it, I saw what appeared to be a roped or fenced off area that was also in the shape of Guantanamo Bay itself... It was like a duplicate in shape, but different in appearance...It was like seeing Guantanamo Bay as it sits now, and then possibly seeing what will become of it...

This second area (that had the same shape as Guantanamo Bay), seemed to have a string of lights that ran along the top of rope or fence that went around its perimeter... but the lights were very dimly lit, and I saw ABSOLUTELY NO LIGHTS ON THE INSIDE OF THE AREA. (Inside the dimly lit perimeter I saw no lights or light)... It was PITCH BLACK other than those very dimly lit lights that ran along the perimeter of the area.

I don't know much about Guantanamo Bay, I didn't even know what the place looked like until the Lord showed it to me in this flash vision... I would think that this is going to have some type of impact on national security though.

Please give your life to Jesus Christ, please just talk to Him. Be patient and He'll take care of the rest.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed a few days ago. Today is 8/12/24.

 I saw DJT standing up, you know how he stands when he's talking to a crowd, but there was darkness all around like somebody had switched off the lights.

As DJT stood there, I saw something come flying through the air toward him. It came flying through the air and from "behind him",... It traveled through the air in a straight line toward him. This came flying toward him in the form of a very straight and blue-white streak through the air, similar to how a b*llet makes a path through the air...It reached him and then I saw DJT fall over face forward. His whole body fell over like something had struck him in the head with force and just knocked his whole body over at once.

It came from "behind him". (Very significant)...

Then I saw the statue of liberty and there were dark skies all around her. Then the statue of liberty fell completely over onto her side. She fell over to the left. She was no longer standing.

These are not my opinions, and these are not daydreams in any way, shape or form...They are what the Lord shows me in dreams and visions/flashes...

Some may receive something from the Lord once and it's not repeated, but I usually receive repeated images/visions/ flashes and sometimes dreams, of the same thing or nature, over and over until the thing takes place or is dealt with.



Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 These are what the Lord has shown me over the past several days in a combination of dreams and visions.

Today is 8/6/24.

Please prepare for unprecedented hardship and war. Cling to Jesus Christ no matter what.

 I saw a grouping of I believe between 5 and 7 American flags on their poles. The flags were hanging downward again and appeared to be "upside down or flipped". They each had a "golden ball" that sat atop their poles.

There's an old myth about the contents of the golden ball that sits atop of the flagpole. This myth is that the ball, or finial ball, at the top of a US military flagpole contains a razor blade, a match, and a bullet:

~Razor blade: Used to cut the flag from the halyard or tear it into strips

~Match: Used to burn the remains of the flag

~Bullet: Used to defend the base or shoot yourself, depending on the situation.

The items are said to be used in case of an "enemy invasion".


In a dream a man entered into a house and this man's presence was very unsettling. I felt as if I were in the presence of the devil himself... This man started changing everything, stripping the house of all that was traditional so to speak, all of the house's contents that had a history to them, this man was tearing down and ripping out. He didn't seem to be doing the work himself tho, he was more like the one who was behind the scenes directing others to do it...This man had alot of power over those he was directing. Then he looked at me and started speaking with great disdain in his voice and he said these words ...


Revelation 13:5

"And there was given unto him a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months".

Revelation 13:6

"And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven".

 In a flash vision I saw a large portrait of DJ Trump. This portrait had a golden frame around it. The portrait was sitting on a "mantle" above a brick fireplace. DJ Trump was dressed in his usual blue suit, white shirt and red tie. There was a white carnation or rose on the front of his suit jacket. As I looked upward at this portrait of DJT sitting on the mantle, I felt as if it were a remembrance type of setting, of a person who was no longer around. This had the feel of a passing or a funeral type of remembrance, display. There was a sadness in the air

 Then a man in a dream said to me...


This had the feel of many more will feel the impact of this than the smaller changes that took place before it. It was stated in a very calm but alarming manner at the same time.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 Just a couple of things that came this morning. Today is 7/30/24.

 Please pray for DJ Trump, there was an urgency in this knowing that came to me by the Holy Spirit this morning concerning him, and it came across as very distressing...It was a knowing that great trouble is headed his way. "TROUBLE FOR TRUMP, TROUBLE FOR TRUMP, TROUBLE FOR TRUMP!!".

Also, I heard these words by the Holy Spirit this morning ...


 Whether this be due to an increase of persecution that is coming against those prophesying and people going silent due to fear...OR... whether it be due to the "famine of hearing the words of the Lord" that is coming, i'm not sure.

Amos 8:11-12 describes a famine of hearing the words of the Lord:

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: and they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

~Some say this verse is cryptic and severe, with people seeking the Lord but not finding Him. It could mean that those who rejected the prophets will no longer be able to find a prophet, or that those who despised God's Word will have it hidden from them.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

These are what the Lord showed me on 7/26/24


The images below, are the closest I could find to what I saw.



 I saw Xi JinPing of Ch*na and the Lord gave me the understanding that a huge lie/ deception will be propagated by Ch*na.

I asked the Lord for more understanding of what this is concerning and then the Lord showed me a wolf that was facing head on. This wolf was so evil in appearance that I can't put it into words...and in this wolf's mouth was the head of a Lamb.

What does the phrase into the wolf's mouth mean?

"into the wolf's mouth" is an Italian idiom originally used in opera and theatre to wish a performer good luck prior to a performance.

 In other words...

 Ch*na is about to put on a very large act or show that will be an illusion, deception, delusion, Lie.



 2 Thessalonians 2:11-13

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

13 But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:


 I saw lights, that appeared to me in the form of a grid or network of lights that was positioned up above, and this whole grid or network of lights fell and went dark.


 The Lord gave me a knowing that the "RETURN" of something will cause a mass SHUTDOWN of day to day normal activities. Things will be at a STANDSTILL. Something is "COMING BACK" that will cause this. A prior situation returning.

 I saw people standing spread apart, people were standing at a distance from one another.



 The Lord showed me Princess Kate. He may have been showing me her because I pray for her on a regular basis. The Lord showed me Princess Kate and I heard these words with the vision.

..."She has been given "life cancer".

 It's possible that the Lord was letting me know her situation, in order to be able to pray in a different manner for her... Or it's also possible that she is representing a nation and it's condition.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord also showed me on 7/23 but I didn't include it in the WWIII post yesterday.

 The Lord showed me racks and there were round black cylinders stacked on these racks. In the vision it was like I was in an area where these cylinders are stored. I saw a cylinder come falling from the racks and a lady intercepted this cylinder and it didn't harm her... but then another cylinder came falling from the racks, and this one came in a much more violent manner, and this cylinder knocked the lady off her feet.

I kept asking the Lord yesterday what those things were that I was seeing, and then I realized yesterday that these were b*mbs and what I was actually seeing were b*mb racks stacked with b*mbs. Then last night I saw in the news where b*mbers had been intercepted, I think somewhere over or near the US??...and it dawned on me that that was the "interception" part of what I had seen in the vision.

Ok so .. I believe what the Lord was trying to say is that there will be ANOTHER ROUND/INCIDENT (possibly involving the b*mbers) and this other round will do great damage to the lady. I believe the lady is the United States.

I think this is directly related to the WW3 post I made yesterday because this flash came along with that one, I just didn't include it.

Also I heard these words...



Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me on 7/23/24

The Lord showed me the "red button" (nuclear button) again, and this time the red button was enormous. On one side of the red button stood Vladimir Putin of Russia, and on the other side of the red button stood Xi JinPing of China. Then I heard these words...


This is the second time the Lord has mentioned "world war 3" to me. The last time was approx three years ago when the Lord said to me that wwIII would be started. This is what's on your plate America.

"Mourn for your nation."


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me 7/21/24.

These flashes came back to back and are telling of an upcoming situation involving DJT.

 Proverbs 18:10

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous run into it, and are safe."


 The Lord showed me DJT again and DJT was doing a slight bow forward. It wasn't a full bow, it was more like a partial slight bow forward, and he did this several times. This didn't seem to be a willful type of bow and DJT seemed a bit beaten down. His usual level of energy and enthusiasm just were not there.

*The Lord showed me a very tall tower that I felt was in relation to DJT, and this tower started shaking and swaying in a circular type motion. The shaking and swaying in a circular type motion was more pronounced at the "TOP" of this tall tower ("top" of the tower is very significant here)... This tall tower was shaking and swaying like a bobble head doll shakes and sways around in circles ( that type of movement)...All that shaking and swaying would seem to indicate that there was some type of major disruption taking place and somehow in relation to DJT.

This tower may be representing DJT himself, or it could be representing one of his actual properties and something happening there.

Then the Lord showed me a group of heavily armed men dressed in black. These men were shown to me as being grouped together very tightly, like a team of them. The weapons they held appeared to be either ARs or AKs...These men were also wearing black ski masks. They were NOT holding their weapons down in a relaxed position, they were holding their weapons up in one hand, with their arms raised and elbows bent... Along with their gns I saw something like ropes or possibly zip ties that these men were equipped with.

I believe these heavily armed men are representing an organized system of opponents, to the Constitution, and to the freedoms of the citizens of the United States. They may also be representing a band of ass...ass....ins, since the last attempt went over like a lead brick. Please pray for DJT.

Please see the comments below. Those are a couple of things the Lord has shown me concerning K. Harris. The Asian lady mentioned in one of those links, may just be representing Harris or what she opens the door to... The Asian lady was sitting on top of a box that I thought to be representing ONE YEAR AND THE BALLOT BOX, and this November 2024 will be ONE YEAR since that vision.

Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me during November 2023, since I last posted.

 I saw an Asian female sitting on top of ONE SQUARE BOX. This Asian female was dressed in military type clothing. She appeared very militant, strict in nature and fierce. This lady was straight mean, callous in nature and wicked... Mean as a hornet.

As I was seeing her, I knew in my spirit that she was the same Asian female that a pastor was shown in a dream months ago. The name of his dream was "Hail to the chief dream". I'll post his dream in comments.

The ONE BOX that I was shown the Asian lady sitting on top of, I believe is REPRESENTING ONE YEAR, and also possibly representing the ballot box "so to speak" as in who will be directing/ ruling the United States.

 If I'm right about the one box representing one year, that would be indicating the 2024 election.

 Days later I was shown the Asian lady a second time. This time the Lord showed her to me as being arm in arm with a dark figure that I couldn't see, but I saw the Asian lady very clearly, and they were walking arm in arm at a very fast pace in our direction (the direction of the United States). It was like she was being "USHERED IN" very quickly.

 Days later, again I was shown the Asian female for a third time. This time she had picked up pace and was RUNNING AT FULL SPEED toward the United States government. There was a very broad and dark force following along / coming with her. The Asian lady and her forces were bum rushing /tackling members of the United States government. It was like watching a football game, where the United States was losing against the Asian lady and her forces or force.

 I believe the Asian lady is representing the Spirit of communism. Whatever she is truly representing...IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF FREEDOM.

 I was shown a very old sea vessel that I understood to be the MAYFLOWER. It was on very choppy dark water and was torn apart, I believe into 4 separate pieces.

I believe the Mayflower ship is representing the Mayflower compact, and that the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION will be shattered/ broken up/ NO LONGER VALID.

 I saw people who didn't vote a certain way being "blacked out". I also saw these people living in extreme poverty.

 I was shown TWO CHRISTMAS TREES. The first Christmas tree appeared to be normal. The second Christmas tree was dry, void of life, and it collapsed/ fell over as I watched.

I believe the two Christmas trees are representing TWO CHRISTMASES from our "current date", which would be approximately ONE YEAR from Nov 2023, and indicating around election and Christmas time 2024, because we are only weeks away from the first Christmas, so the SECOND CHRISTMAS from now, when the tree collapsed would be in 2024.

 Remember the Asian lady was also sitting on top of ONE BOX, which I believe was ALSO REPRESENTING ONE YEAR).

I could be wrong, but it really seems like everything is pointing to election and Christmas time 2024, which would be approximately 1 year from our current date of Nov 2023.

 I was shown large transformer boxes like electric companies have and use. I saw piles of these. I saw people looking through these piles of transformer boxes like they were trying to fix them, or find parts from them that may possibly work.

 I saw large government buildings and others sitting in the dark. No lights just empty darkened buildings. No traffic, no movement around them.

 I saw as if I were looking from the window of a multiple story building. I could see city streets below me. I know it was Christmas time because I saw a Christmas tree there to my right, but through the window I could see that there were no lights, no cars, no movement on the streets at the time at all.

Yet another CHRISTMAS TIME reference.

 Then I saw people getting around on bicycles wearing WINTER clothing. It appeared to be very cold, and once again I saw no cars on the streets.

 I had a dream and in the dream there was about to be a flight and people were preparing to get on it, and wanting very much to be on that flight that was about to take off, but the people had to be dressed right to be included.

I believe this is representing God taking up his children, because I saw golden wheat prints on some of their clothing. "The harvest".

 I saw the most beautiful mansions like I've never seen before in my life. They were filled with light and seemed to be glowing with light and they seemed to have jewels of the most beautiful colors included in their construction.

John 14:2-6 NKJV

In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

 Also... The Lord gave me a dream and in the dream it was made very clear to me that SALVATION IS FREE and to say or imply that it is NOT FREE is to be in PERVERSION.

~ It's easy to get caught up in thinking that it's not, I've done it too, but it really is free.

 AWAKE VISION and sleeping dreams night of 3/28/2021.

First I had a sleeping dream about K.H. She was standing behind "the" podium and in charge. She was ruthless taking away the rights of the citizens. She was represented as so hateful, like she despised the american people. It was like the attitude of Hitler is the only way I know to describe how she was. All around her was just dark.

An awake vision followed this...I saw the United States from above again. There was an enormous tornado to the left of my sight. It had sucked up everything from the United States, like wiped it clean. I saw the houses and furniture and personal belongings torn apart, of many people all over the United States inside this enormous tornado, as it seemed to stand still in my sight, like as if a final result of what had taken place. I knew that the tornado was "symbolic" for the actions that will be taken against the people of the United States. Pray and turn back to God for the sake of yourselves and your families.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 These are the things the Lord showed me this morning. Today is 7/20/24.

 This morning, the Lord showed me in a vision the attempt that was made on DJT recently. He replayed that event in a vision to me... It was like the Lord was referencing that event for the purpose of showing that it was a starting point, or a kickoff so to speak to a string of events that will follow... Because then the Lord showed me that a VERY INTENSE STRING OF EVENTS is coming, and these events will be taking place back to back. There was a very fast an explosive feel to this upcoming string of events. These events fired off in rapid succession like BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!! BAM!!...Also a countdown was taking place. This countdown was very INTENSE, like a highly explosive event was at the end of it. This countdown was A VERY FRANTIC AND FEVERISH, MOUNTING IN MOMENTUM type of countdown, as it counted downward from 10.

I also heard these words...

"I am taking you soon".


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 These are what the Lord has shown me since 7/14/24.

 The Lord showed me a cutting off of funds that is coming.
 I saw what appeared to be some type of military or computer control panel. Its color was grey and I could see knobs, and switches all over the panel but I didn't notice any lights lit up on it. Then I saw a snake rise up to strike.

I actually saw the control panel on the 14th. The fact that it appeared to be a MILITARY type control panel stood out to me. I didn't know what it was representing at the time but I noticed there was a wide spread "outage" today all over the news, so I'm thinking that's what the control panel was about, along with the strike of the snake and the lack of funds ( because those three things were shown together)...The fact that it appeared to be a "MILITARY" style control panel should open some eyes a bit wider

 I saw DJT standing in front of a huge crowd of people like he was addressing the crowd for whatever purpose and then DJT raised what appeared to be his right hand and he put it over his chest area about where the heart would be. There was no light around this scene. Light usually indicates something good, and dark surrounding a thing usually indicates the opposite. Then in a dream, there was an emphasis on Ohio... And it was said to me... "There is a warm air coming from the north."I had the understanding that this was an unusually warm air.

 Since there was an emphasis on Ohio, I'm wondering if this is concerning the vice presidential candidate being "luke warm". Having an indifference to God.

I also found this though

"Hot wind biblically, when used as a symbol, signifies the fire of persecution, or else some prodigious wars which destroy men. For wind signifies war; and scorching heat signifies persecution and destruction.

 Either way there was an emphasis on Ohio concerning this.

 I saw a man dressed in blue jeans and a tee shirt and on his tee shirt was written...
..."They hate you"...

I feel this is concerning the governments present and future view of the common man. In one of Dana Coverstone's dreams it was stated "They don't hate me, they hate you".

I feel what was written on the man's shirt ties into two of Dana's dreams. I'll put those dreams in the comments.

 I saw a woman with bruises or sores the size of quarters, to the size of silver dollars all over her body. The woman was very ill and very weak on the ground, but people were just walking past her and showing no compassion toward the woman.

 I believe this woman is representing America/ Lady Liberty, and what she stood for just being abused and beat to pieces.

 This could also be indicating an actual plague that will hit the United States.

 Could be representing an actual plague, or it could be representing a plague of violence against the American people...

A plague of abuse, concerning the citizen's liberty's and freedoms being severely abused.

 I don't know exactly the meaning, I only try to give my opinions as the seer, concerning what God shows me.

 I was given the understanding of a great and very SEVERE DIVISION of the people that will occur in the United States. I also heard these words. They were spoken very SARCASTICALLY..."A nation that SPEAKS of unity".


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what the Lord showed me on 7/12/24. This is the beautiful vision that I saw.

 The Lord showed me the planet (Earth) from a distance, and then He showed me a closer, zoomed in view of the planet, and I saw a multitude of people covering the face of the earth. Then the Lord showed me vertical bars of iron side by side like a gate of iron bars. There was darkness surrounding this gate of iron bars. Then on the other side of the gate, I saw a glowing cross lit with light, and this glowing cross came forward through the darkness and cut a path through the bars of iron and left a hole across the iron bars in the shape of itself.
Then The Lord showed me a banner and on the banner these words were written ...
..."I WAS AND I AM"...

 Isaiah 45

45 “This is what the Lord says to his anointed,

    to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of

to subdue nations before him

    and to strip kings of their armor,

to open doors before him

    so that gates will not be shut:

2 I will go before you

    and will level the mountains[a];

I will break down gates of bronze

    and cut through bars of iron.

3 I will give you hidden treasures,

    riches stored in secret places,

so that you may know that I am the Lord,

    the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

4 For the sake of Jacob my servant,

    of Israel my chosen,

I summon you by name

    and bestow on you a title of honor,

    though you do not acknowledge me.

5 I am the Lord, and there is no other;

    apart from me there is no God.

I will strengthen you,

    though you have not acknowledged me,

6 so that from the rising of the sun

    to the place of its setting

people may know there is none besides me.

    I am the Lord, and there is no other.

7 I form the light and create darkness,

    I bring prosperity and create disaster;

    I, the Lord, do all these things.

8 “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness;

    let the clouds shower it down.

Let the earth open wide,

    let salvation spring up,

let righteousness flourish with it;

    I, the Lord, have created it.

9 “Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker,

    those who are nothing but potsherds

    among the potsherds on the ground.

Does the clay say to the potter,

    ‘What are you making?’

Does your work say,

    ‘The potter has no hands’?

10 Woe to the one who says to a father,

    ‘What have you begotten?’

or to a mother,

    ‘What have you brought to birth?’

11 “This is what the Lord says—

    the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker:

Concerning things to come,

    do you question me about my children,

    or give me orders about the work of my hands?

12 It is I who made the earth

    and created mankind on it.

My own hands stretched out the heavens;

    I marshaled their starry hosts.

13 I will raise up Cyrus[b] in my righteousness:

    I will make all his ways straight.

He will rebuild my city

    and set my exiles free,

but not for a price or reward,

    says the Lord Almighty.”

14 This is what the Lord says:

“The products of Egypt and the merchandise of Cush,[c]

    and those tall Sabeans—

they will come over to you

    and will be yours;

they will trudge behind you,

    coming over to you in chains.

They will bow down before you

    and plead with you, saying,

‘Surely God is with you, and there is no other;

    there is no other god.’”

15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself,

    the God and Savior of Israel.

16 All the makers of idols will be put to shame and disgraced;

    they will go off into disgrace together.

17 But Israel will be saved by the Lord

    with an everlasting salvation;

you will never be put to shame or disgraced,

    to ages everlasting.

18 For this is what the Lord says—

he who created the heavens,

    he is God;

he who fashioned and made the earth,

    he founded it;

he did not create it to be empty,

    but formed it to be inhabited—

he says:

“I am the Lord,

    and there is no other.

19 I have not spoken in secret,

    from somewhere in a land of darkness;

I have not said to Jacob’s descendants,

    ‘Seek me in vain.’

I, the Lord, speak the truth;

    I declare what is right.

20 “Gather together and come;

    assemble, you fugitives from the nations.

Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood,

    who pray to gods that cannot save.

21 Declare what is to be, present it—

    let them take counsel together.

Who foretold this long ago,

    who declared it from the distant past?

Was it not I, the Lord?

    And there is no God apart from me,

a righteous God and a Savior;

    there is none but me.

22 “Turn to me and be saved,

    all you ends of the earth;

    for I am God, and there is no other.

23 By myself I have sworn,

    my mouth has uttered in all integrity

    a word that will not be revoked:

Before me every knee will bow;

    by me every tongue will swear.

24 They will say of me, ‘In the Lord alone

    are deliverance and strength.’”

All who have raged against him

    will come to him and be put to shame.

25 But all the descendants of Israel

    will find deliverance in the Lord

    and will make their boast in him.

 Psalm 107:16

for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.

Revelation 1:8

I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.  Today is 7/8/24.

This is what the Lord has shown me over the last week or so.

 The Lord showed me a plane that was sitting on the ground. I saw many people standing on its wings and crowded around this grounded plane.

 Others including myself have been shown this plane before, and it is thought to be representing either the ECONOMY, or the NATION (UNITED STATES) itself. The fact that it was grounded this time, is indicating a drop, after the descent, a lowering, being at a standstill, "no longer flying high".

  The Lord showed me believers/Christians, and these people were sitting up small makeshift centers and filling the centers with supplies to give to those who were in need.
 The Lord said these words to me... "DISPENSATION WITHOUT A CENTER."

 I believe the word "dispensation" in this instance, is meant to be taken in the "GOVERNMENTAL SENSE" of the word.

 Dispensation is...

A system of order, government, or organization of a nation, community, etc., especially as existing at a particular time.

" Dispensation without a center", would seem to be indicating, that there is an upcoming time when there will be a complete absence and LACK OF "ORDER", LACK OF ORGANIZATION, a time of absolute CHAOS in the nation.

 Through the Holy Spirit these words also came to my spirit..."THESE PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD."

 I believe that the Lord is speaking of the people who are running this nation/ the leadership of this nation.


In that case, then the Lord would be indicating that those running the country, in positions of leadership, have come to a point where they are absolutely void of conscience, there is no moral compass existing in them. They have no fear of God, respect for God, nor do they believe in Him. As a result, they are, and will continue to run this nation into the ground. Absolutely no conscience involved in what they will do to the American people.

 I saw a fierce storm spinning on the ocean.

I do NOT believe that this is related to hurricane Beryl. This storm was like a hurricane but was formed differently. Instead of the usual wind pattern of a hurricane, this storm had what looked like "sharp blades" extending outward from its eye.

Then the Lord showed me a large ship on the ocean and I saw jet black waters.

I believe these being shown together, are possibly indicating an upcoming large and significant action that will be taken by a naval Force. Whenever I see jet black waters, ITS BAD.

I do not know which nation. "A Naval storm".

Naval forces are a country's military vessels that are ready for sea warfare. They are a branch of the armed forces and are also known as a navy, military maritime fleet, war navy, or maritime force. Naval forces are used for naval and amphibious warfare, including combat operations in lakes, rivers, coastal areas, and oceans. They also protect onshore and offshore assets in high-risk environments.

The term "naval" comes from the Latin word navis, which means  "ship". The word "naval power" is often used interchangeably with "sea power", but it actually refers to a military power source at sea that can be direct or indirect.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what The Lord showed me over the last two days. Today is 6/30/24.


 I saw the current president of the United States swinging with a noose around his neck. He was swinging from a noose round and round in a circle like a "pendulum" swings. He was very obliviously deceased.
Then I saw the current president of Russia standing up, and he was standing in the same spot/ area where Biden had been swinging from the noose.

This is the third or fourth time that The Lord has shown me something indicating the death or passing of Biden over the past 3 or 4 years so I would think that that is approaching pretty soon.

 The president of Russia standing where Biden had been swinging by the noose, is extremely significant. Ask yourself why the leader of Russia would be shown standing in the place of power that Biden had been "removed" from.

 I saw a Bride dressed in white and the Bride was standing in the middle of the most beautiful crystal clear water. That beautiful crystal clear water was surrounding the Bride on all sides, and went on and on, for as far as I could see.

This vision was so beautiful that while I was seeing it, I gasped in awe because I knew that this was representing the Bride of Christ. A joy filled my heart and also seemed to fill my house as well. It put tears in my eyes.

 I believe this to be an invitation to all who will come to Christ, and He's also letting us know that He's COMING BACK SOON.

 John 7:37-39

Jesus says, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them". Jesus is referring to the Spirit that those who believe in him will receive.

 Revelation 22:12-17

12 Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”

17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

6/25/24 These are also things the Lord has shown me over the last few days. My mind has been distracted with other things and just a mess... but need to get these out there. If I discover anything else that I have forgotten I will add it here. Really struggling with focus lately.

 The Lord showed me a chicken and around the chicken were 4 or 5 viles like medical viles/ tubes.

 Please pray concerning the BIRD FLU... I had neglected to post this, but just saw something about the BIRD FLU in the news so I know that's what the Lord was showing me. I'm wondering if the Lord is showing that the BIRD FLU is going to get worse, because this is the second time the Lord has shown me something indicating the BIRD FLU.

 The Lord also showed me what appeared to be a hand on a crank. And this thing was just turning and turning round and round.

 Believe this is indicating an acceleration of events. As in things cranking up/ speeding up/accelerating. I believe the Lord is warning us that negative type of events all around us, are going to be speeding up/accelerating now.

 I also saw a flash of the Lord. He was dressed in His white robe. I saw a red line of color around the bottom of His robe this time, and I know that biblically He is mentioned as wearing a robe dipped in blood. I also saw a gold stripe there too though, and I don't know what the gold stripe is representing, maybe somebody else knows ??

I saw the Lord in this robe, he appeared to be standing at the head of a church, He was leaning over as if He were bending over toward something or someone, up where the podium or stage of a church would be. I also saw church members sitting in the pews there in the church where He was. The church members that I saw sitting on the pews in this church were filled with light and seem to be sitting confidently on those pews.

 I believe the Lord is indicating that He is with His church. He is watching over His church. His presence is there with His church. I believe He is trying to comfort His church in showing His Holy presence there among them.

Please pray for OKLAHOMA. A screaming urgency came to my spirit concerning OKLAHOMA a couple of days ago. Please pray for OKLAHOMA.

Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 Today is 6/18/24 and this is what the Lord impressed upon me in dreams visions and words over the last few days.

I saw things take a sudden fast and sharp downward turn, and in a dream a voice spoke to me concerning the fear of God's children and how it has prevented some from showing up, standing firm, and moving forward, advancing in Christ. It was said that there is another opportunity coming up and that you have to lay down the fear and stand firm in Christ, "It is not an option". Stand firm in the faith, through the trials and tests ahead. It was like the Lord was saying that there is another chance but we have to stand up and pass this time, no shrinking back in fear or intimidation.

I saw a man be destroyed suddenly. It was like something hit him and he was just was crushed to dust. Like an unseen force just smacked down on him and he was gone. There was a feeling of shock that came with this.

 I asked The Lord if there was anything else He wanted to show me that I need to tell the people and the Lord showed me the following visual flashes/ visions.

I saw a black submarine in the ocean water. My mind went straight to the one that is in the news recently sitting off the Florida coast. I could only see it's very top section at first, but then it was like I was seeing into an office that was connected to the submarine, and I saw a RED BUTTON there on a desk or panel. The submarine seemed to submerge (go completely under the water), but then it seemed to surface again and I saw the submarine start rocking violently in the water, and I saw the ocean water surrounding the submarine also rocking and lashing around very violently.

Then I saw that people on land, would be laying on the ground ( land), face down with arms and hands up to their heads. I don't know if they were dead or if they were laying on the ground like that because they were trying to take cover.

I saw a multitude of people on their knees with their faces to the ground bowing to something or someone that I couldn't see. It was more a posture of worship. These people were shoulder to shoulder, so close together and on their knees, faces to the ground, bowing, in submission to something or someone but it wasn't Jesus Christ. I saw no light around these people, just a stale gray atmosphere surrounded them.

 Isaiah 40:31

"But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint".

 Psalm 25:3

David says, "No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame, but they will be put to shame who are treacherous without excuse".

 Isaiah 41:10

"Fear not, for I am with you;

Be not dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you,

Yes, I will help you,

I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."

 1 John 4:4

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world."


June 11, 2024

This is about the WIDE AWAKE VISION from JUNE 6th..I just found the brown uniform that I saw part of ...I googled Islamic war attire..its the brown one I saw. The reason I googled Islamic attire was due to the shape of the sword being held on the white steps. It was the vision of looking down the long white hallway where the wind was blowing and the same pages I keep seeing were blowing down that hallway. The same pages I saw the night before Floyd's death hit the news. This is headed toward the White House according to the visions I'm having.


Dream of a surprise invasion

Taiwan to be invaded.

other comments- usa to be invaded

  1. Whoa! I just had a dream this morning at 8am- I grew up in Central Florida and was at my child hood home looking outside talking to a relative standing in the doorway. As I look up I see USA military aircraft carriers carrying weaponry to South Florida. Russia has positioned themselves in Cuba 🇨🇺 as we speak.. and no one is hardly saying anything on the news! I can’t even believe this. It was so many US military carriers . This was this morning! I click on YouTube and your video automatically starts playing and your title shook me to my core… GOD IS SPEAKING!!!!

  2. I had a dream last night that we had been taken over by a foreign country. I believe it was Russia. I live in the USA.

  3. My 6 year old woke up a couple days ago and told me she dreamt that soldiers invaded Florida. She said she that all the adults were rounded up and then executed and the children ran to the woods and got separated from each other. She was very shaken by the dream. She expressed that she didn’t watch any bad movies or anything that would have given her this nightmare. We don’t talk about anything like this

  4. I had a dream last year that I was at a marriage ceremony at my local school's football field. After a minute of watching people, a line of black bombers and chopper gunners flew from the southwest/ south and west. Everyone who was getting married were panicking, but me and this brunette woman escaped into a small forest area.

  5. Talking about dreams, I had the worst night terror I've ever had, according to my Wife, 2 nights ago. Apparently, I was "actively" acting out what I was dreaming, and was very verbal. What little I recall, I was protecting my 2 dogs & fighting an enemy. My Wife was finally able to wake me up, and apparently I said something like, "was that human?" Dimitri Duduman shared his dreams decades ago, and is spot on with current events. I recommend checking it out.

  6. I had a vision outside in the late afternoon, the war planes had arrived, I ran for cover and the vision ended and the planes vanished.

  7. I believe this dream will come soon very soon b cuz i also had 3 different dreams on different occasions so i know its coming to our country n America - plze Repent ppl out there to all ye Nations  Repent  call on Jesus now today plze

  8. Thanks Mike for sharing this! On Friday morning last week I waa woken up with the Scripture you've just quoted (Matthew 24:6a). I kept hearing it over and over until I got up.

  9. I had this dream about a year ago, scared the daylights outta me!

  10. My dream a couple weeks ago... I was outside and hundreds of planes started flying over the sky. Then the bombs started dropping. I grabbed my son and ran into the house. The house was on the outskirts of the city. I looked out the window and saw a car pull up and the men inside were just looking at the house. I knew that they were russian and that they were looking for big houses to set up base camps. Then the dream changed to nighttime. Hundreds of people were walking down the road and in the distance i could see the city engulfed in flames. I asked the people where they were going and they said that they were escaping to the countryside and to the mountians. Someone told me to hurry and grab a backpack and fill it with supplies if i wanted to go with them and that russian soldiers were not far behind them. That was the end of the dream.

  11. Message from the Prince St Michael the ArchAngel received June 7th, 24 "GOD's peoples need to be ready for their next assignments". "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come". Mathew 24

  12. I've had two dreams recently. 1st dream I saw from my bedroom window my street lined with military trucks with canvas sides. I felt the urgency to get out and run then the next scene I saw soldiers holding rifles and going into houses and shooting everyone inside. Then last week I had a dream that I saw 3 things flying in my backyard that I knew were drones and one turned toward my house and fired into my dining room and I dropped to the floor then the dream ended.

  13. While praying in the spirit I saw the date of July 20 but no year. One night laying in bed I asked Holy Spirit what was significant of July 20? I had a dream that night I was in like an office and a white woman with blonde hair (I had a knowing she was evil) passed by me from my left. She walked up to a table that had a rolled up map of the world. She asked an employee who was sitting at her desk next to the table, She asked if she could have the map. The employee replied " No!" But the blonde woman took it anyways and walked away calm like no big thing. The employee wasn't too phased either but I felt an urgency we MUST get the map back!! I than walk up to that table and saw there was a large map of the world on the wall and my eyes were drawn to a black blob over an area of the map. When I woke up I couldn't remember the area of map I don't know the meaning other than its not good!! I've been praying about it waiting on interpretation.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 This is what The Lord showed me. Today is 6/10/24.

  Something dangerous, potentially deadly was coming from food processing plants. Americans were consuming these products. The Lord showed it to me as heroin. Whether that be literal, or symbolism for some other poison I don't know.

 I saw tension between the United States and Mexico. The tension between these two Countries then escalated, and I saw a provoking, and pushing (aggression) taking place between these two.

 I heard these words...

"Putin will fight in this war."

 Speaking to Russia's involvement.

 I saw a nation fall suddenly.

 I saw seven or ten men dressed in all black raised up on two tiers.

 Possibly leaders associated with the beast system coming about.

 The 7 or 10 could possibly be representing units/measurements of time until something ELSE kicks off, and it could be that thing involving Russia up there...If so, then that would put us at some time in early 2025. The reason I included this possibly of meaning is because I rarely if ever have been shown dates by The Lord, but at some point during the last two years I was given a date, and the date was...3/23/25.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

 Today is 6/5/24. These are what the Lord has shown me over the past week.

 God showed me a hand and in the hand were two pieces of refined gold. Specifically "grams" of "refined gold".

"Refined gold" would be indicating that it has been purified in the furnace. There were two pieces of gold in the hand.

 Proverbs 17:3 says, "The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart".

 God showed me a piece of cloth. The piece of cloth was pulled back and underneath it was a pile of rotten fruit.

"Fruit that is in a state of decay serves as a reminder of our own undeniable mortality, the inevitability of change and, in some instances, as a reflection of sin and human corruption."

 God showed me an astronaut surrounded by darkness, falling downward through space.

I believe this to be representing a people/ nation.

The only biblical reference I could find for this was Obadiah 1.

 Keep in mind that Edom is considered by the Rabbis to be the Roman Empire, and while CONTEMPORARY WESTERN CULTURE isn't Roman per se, it is directly descended from Roman culture and ideas.

 Obadiah chapter 1.

Obadiah’s Vision

1 The vision of Obadiah.

This is what the Sovereign Lord says about Edom—

We have heard a message from the Lord:

An envoy was sent to the nations to say,

“Rise, let us go against her for battle”—

2 “See, I will make you small among the nations;

you will be utterly despised.

3 The pride of your heart has deceived you,

 you who live in the clefts of the rocks

and make your home on the heights,

you who say to yourself,

 ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’

4 Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars,

from there I will bring you down,”

declares the Lord.

5 “If thieves came to you,

if robbers in the night—

oh, what a disaster awaits you!—

would they not steal only as much as they wanted?

If grape pickers came to you, would they not leave a few grapes?

6 But how Esau will be ransacked, his hidden treasures pillaged!

7 All your allies will force you to the border;

your friends will deceive and overpower you;

those who eat your bread will set a trap for you,

but you will not detect it.

8 “In that day,” declares the Lord, “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom,

those of understanding in the mountains of Esau?

9 Your warriors, Teman, will be terrified, and everyone in Esau’s mountains

will be cut down in the slaughter.

10 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob,

 you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever.

11 On the day you stood aloof while strangers carried off his wealth

and foreigners entered his gates and cast lots for Jerusalem, you were like one of them.

12 You should not gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune,

nor rejoice over the people of Judah in the day of their destruction,

nor boast so much

in the day of their trouble.

13 You should not march through the gates of my people

in the day of their disaster,

nor gloat over them in their calamity in the day of their disaster, nor seize their wealth

in the day of their disaster.

14 You should not wait at the crossroads

to cut down their fugitives,

nor hand over their survivors in the day of their trouble.

15 “The day of the Lord is near for all nations.

As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head.

16 Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually;

they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been.

17 But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance.

18 Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame;

Esau will be stubble,

and they will set him on fire and destroy him.

There will be no survivors

 from Esau.”

The Lord has spoken.

19 People from the Negev will occupy the mountains of Esau,

and people from the foothills will possess

the land of the Philistines.

They will occupy the fields of Ephraim and Samaria,

and Benjamin will possess Gilead.

20 This company of Israelite exiles who are in Canaan will possess the land as far as Zarephath;

the exiles from Jerusalem who are in Sepharad

will possess the towns of the Negev.

21 Deliverers will go up on Mount Zion to govern the mountains of Esau.

And the kingdom will be the Lord’s.

 The Lord showed me a slab of gold that had colorful gem stones embedded into it.

Whenever I see these colorful gem stones I know that they are representing Israel.

The way the stones were arranged this time though, reminded me of the breast plates in the Bible that had the gems on them that represented the tribes of Israel.

 Then The Lord showed me two very large and broad wooden doors that stood side by side. As I watched I saw the two doors come crashing to the ground as if they had been kicked over by something enormous.

 Isaiah 45:1-5

 1 "Thus says the Lord to His anointed, To Cyrus, whose right hand I have held-- To subdue nations before him And loose the armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, So that the gates will not be shut:

2 'I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron.

3 I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel.

4 For Jacob My servant's sake, And Israel My elect, I have even called you by your name; I have named you, though you have not known Me.

5 I am the Lord, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me,

 The Lord showed me a structure that appeared to be a large resort or hotel in a warmer type climate. I had the impression of palm trees there around the structure/ building.

My first thought was Florida, but I'm not certain.

 I saw the American flag raised on a flagpole. The flagpole itself appeared to be black and had a round ball type topper at the very top of it. The American flag appeared to be waving at the top of the flagpole, but was engulfed in flames of fire.

Liberty, justice, freedom, love of country and national purpose, going up in smoke.

 I saw DJT and he was wearing a large brimmed hat like the ones we see cowboys wearing in old western movies. His facial expression was void of any emotion and looked very haunting. His face was covered in dark soot or possibly smoke.

 I saw a hand and forearm that I knew to be of God. It was reaching downward, and I saw the hands of many people who appeared to be in distress reaching upward and grasping onto that hand and forearm of Jesus.

 I heard this word...


 I had a flash of what appeared to be a classroom lit in white. My attention was taken to a chalkboard on the wall and I believe I saw the following written on the chalkboard ...

"4TH of JULY"


U B Ready 9/8/2024


Thessalonians 2:3-4 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

  Matthew 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

   My son, the day is fast approaching that the man of sin will reveal himself - but BEFORE he is revealed - a GREAT FALLING AWAY will come to My body.

   Many in My body have already been deceived by lying prophets showing signs and wonders.  Many in My body are unaware that they have fallen for the deceptive practices of lying spirits.  These spirits can appear as angels of light, producing false signs and fake miracles.

My son, many in My body will FALL AWAY from the faith because they follow signs and the men promoting them.  Only My very elect - My Remnant - will not be deceived because they know the True Shepherd.

   In the world, there are many false prophets and many false teachers who deceive My body.  There are false revivals led by men promoting signs and wonders.  My children, not knowing My Word and only believing in what they are told, are being LED AWAY from the truth and following a lie.  They are FALLING AWAY and do not see it.

  My son, how many times have I said that My body is BLIND, DEAF, AND DUMB?  So IT IS NOW as the man of sin is readying himself to make his appearance.  His forerunner will be deceiving My children with signs and wonders, pushing them TOWARDS HIM and AWAY FROM ME.

  This false prophet will look like a lamb - smell like a lamb - and act like a lamb - yet he will be a WOLF. He will be holding healing crusades and be on all people's minds.  He will be shown all around the world as a man of God - FOOLING all people - except My Elect, My precious Remnant.  This day is fast approaching.

  My son, tell My body to read My Word - prove every word, every sign, every wonder to the Truth of My Word.  That is the ONLY WAY that you will not be deceived.

Many will come in My Name saying I am the Christ and will show great signs of healing, limbs growing, and the dead raising.

  The man of sin will be raised from the dead, and many in My body will FALL AWAY - believing a lie and not knowing My Word.

  REPENT NOW.  Read and study My Word.  Pray without ceasing.


I love you all.  Amen.  Lord Jesus Christ


U B Ready 9/3/2024 Received 7/6/2024


Jeremiah 15: 6 - 8 6  Thou hast forsaken me, saith the LORD, thou art gone backward: therefore I will stretch out my hand against thee, and destroy thee; I am weary with repenting. 7  And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my people, since they return not from their ways. 8  Their widows are increased to me above the sand of the seas: I have brought upon them against the mother of the young men a spoiler at noonday: I have caused him to fall upon it suddenly, and terrors upon the cities.




  This fire cannot be quenched nor put out - as I WILL FAN THE FIRES OF MY JUDGMENT.  My church has sat back and ALLOWED the wicked men to rule over it.  There is no deep spiritual warfare in My church - no fasting and praying down strongholds.  My church is nothing more than a country club for whiners and thieves.

  PREPARE NOW - My church - for you WILL TASTE THE PERSECUTIONS as you will be blamed for all the violence.  They will say it is the fault of those Christians that have allowed the violence to come on the nation.  You will be hunted and killed by your neighbors who hate you for My namesake.  REPENT NOW and ready yourself in My Word.  Put on your armor daily - for the SUDDEN ATTACKS will come from behind.

My son, the cities will run red with blood, and untold thousands of terrorists will control entire cities.  Those remaining in the cities will either bow to the terrorists or perish.  You MUST WORSHIP their false god or die.  I am speaking plainly. The enemy numbering in the millions in this nation have now been established in every city.  The signal will be given -  and all hell will break out upon the cities.  I say now - flee the cities and seek Me in the wilderness.

My son, I have spoken plainly today so My children will understand.  The TERRORS OF THE CITIES are not coming - they are here now.  The judgment and fall of Babylon will commence.  The current king will fall - and the next queen will be ruthless - for a short time.  The final king will be hated and loved, and steer many away from the truth.

  I HAVE DECREED TERROR UPON THY CITIES AND BLINDNESS UPON THY PEOPLE.  I will block their ears from the truth and they will believe the lie.  My judgment upon this people is just and will be ongoing and unstoppable.

  I AM coming soon and bring with Me peace.


Lord Jesus 


U B Ready 8/27/2024 Received 5/8/2024


Proverbs 30:11-14

11 There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.

12 There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.

13 There is a generation, O how lofty are their eyes! and their eyelids are lifted up.

14 There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men.

My son, many times I have spoken to you, and you have written what I spoke.  Write now to this LAST GENERATION and DECLARE THE END IS HERE - PREPARE YOUR HEARTS!

   For this LAST GENERATION has strayed far from Me and know not My ways.  They are a contentious generation - always running swiftly into mischief.  They are proud in their own eyes and do not want to learn from previous generations.  They curse their mothers and fathers and hold their values in contempt.

  My son, this LAST GENERATION speaks of peace and unity - yet brings only violence and division.  Soon this LAST GENERATION will come face-to-face to the Great I AM, and NO MAN will be left standing.  This LAST GENERATION will see the effects of a world without Me.  They will hate Me and all who follow Me.  They will speak words of contention in anger and raise their fists in pride.  Yea, this LAST GENERATION will feel the wrath of God and be brought down to hell.

My son, so much evil is now covering the world that this LAST GENERATION has been turned over to a reprobate, debased mind.  They see wrong as right, and lies as truth.  They have fallen into the pit and refuse any help to get out.  They are fierce and will go throughout the nation - bringing chaos and destruction.  All of what you see now in the world has been planned for this LAST GENERATION - to bring about division and chaos and to deny My existence in the world.  I AM spoken of as an after-thought or a curse word.

My son, even though you shout "REPENT!" - this LAST GENERATION shouts back "FOR WHAT??"  Even though you shout turn from your wicked ways - they laugh and mock, saying their ways are righteous and pure.

  This LAST GENERATION will see the man of sin rise up, and they will gladly follow him and worship him.  This LAST GENERATION will turn into ravenous dogs, tearing and ripping away the flesh of those that follow Me.

  My children, BRACE YOURSELVES - for this day is now upon you.  REPENT every day and SEEK Me in prayer.  I will be with you in these last days to protect you from this LAST GENERATION.

I love you, and I AM COMING SOON!

Amen. Lord Jesus


U B Ready Received 4/7/2024


John 10: 25-30 25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear witness of me. 26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. 30 I and my Father are one.

My son, you hear My voice, now write the words I speak to you.  My children have not been fed My Word.  Instead they have been fed with words from man's heart.  Many of these men do not read My Word, nor do they hear My voice, but they feel what they speak is from Me.

These men are no different than Simon, who wanted to buy the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  They are tempted and led away from Me by money, fame, and women.  Silly women led astray by promises of riches and standing in the community.

My son, many have been led astray because they REFUSE to read My Word and repent of their wicked ways.  But I AM coming very soon to SHAKE THE HOUSE, and I will not leave one sin left standing.  The house I speak of is not a building, but the place where I reside.  Many of those houses are filthy, and yet they think I reside there.

My children, you cannot have sin in your house and expect Me to bless it!  REPENT NOW of all your wickedness and clean up My house!

My son, many in My body do not have a house built on a GOOD FOUNDATION.  Many have allowed the CARES OF THIS WORLD to crack and move the house off it's foundation.  The sin that has crept in is like dust blowing in the desert - it will enter every place there's a crack, a hole, or broken seal.

My children, dust your house and seal up the cracks!  Cast sin aside and finish the race!


 - Will you stand when your money is worthless?

 - Will you stand when the earth rocks and reels?

 - Will you stand when there is no food and war on every street with no power or water?


If not, REPENT NOW and READ MY WORD.  Read how others have made it before you.

WHAT?  You say, it has never been that bad before?

There is nothing new under the sun - what has been will be again.

Are you ready for what is coming?  Read My Word and know what's coming - for it is the only truth.  Do not believe every voice you hear.  Pray and hear Me!



Lord Jesus


U B Ready 3/28/2024


Jeremiah 12:10-13 10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. 11 They have made it desolate, and being desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate, because no man layeth it to heart. 12 The spoilers are come upon all high places through the wilderness: for the sword of the LORD shall devour from the one end of the land even to the other end of the land: no flesh shall have peace. 13 They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns: they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit: and they shall be ashamed of your revenues because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

  My son, speak these words to those who call themselves by MY GREAT NAME - FOR I HAVE SOMEWHAT AGAINST THEM. 

  They stand in buildings with up-stretched hands - but I hear them not.  They say prayers invoking My Name to grant them wealth and good health to spend the wealth - but I hear them not.  These are My children - yet their hearts are far from Me.  Those I have called to shepherd My flock have led them down a road to destruction and turned My children away from Me.




My son, the DARKNESS will soon cover the earth, and men will seek death and not find it.  Their tongues will cleave to the roof of their mouths, and they will not be able to cry out for mercy.  For man's heart continually runs towards evil.  REPENT NOW! and turn from your wicked ways.

I will make your land desolate and bring upon it My Armies of Judgment.  As the Bear and Dragon grow stronger - the Eagle grows weaker.  Chaos and great strife is now being released upon on a nation who has mocked and scorned MY GREAT NAME.

My son, the pendulum is now swinging to DIVIDE this nation.  Large sections of this nation will go dark - then light - then dark again.  It is your enemy playing with you.  The blue king will fall, only to be replaced with a wicked, evil woman.  The red king will stumble, but will rise with more power.

I say now to My children who have ears to hear - DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP IN THE WHIRLPOOLS!  THEY WILL DRAG YOU DOWN!  Keep your eyes on Me!  I will lead you and guide you through ALL the chaos.

My son, SHOUT REPENT NOW! to the lukewarm body.  Come out of the great whore and rest in Me.  REPENT NOW, and avoid the whirlpools of life.  Seek Me in prayer.

I AM coming sooner - much sooner - than you think.


Lord Jesus


U B Ready 3/20/2024


Jeremiah 12:10-13 10 Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness. 11 They have made it desolate, and being desolate it mourneth unto me; the whole land is made desolate, because no man layeth it to heart. 12 The spoilers are come upon all high places through the wilderness: for the sword of the LORD shall devour from the one end of the land even to the other end of the land: no flesh shall have peace. 13 They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns: they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit: and they shall be ashamed of your revenues because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

  My son, why have My children forsaken Me and chased after other gods?

Have I not blessed them and given them My Son?

Have I not made a way for them to be with Me forever?

Even though I have given them MY ALL, they still reject Me and go after strange flesh.  My children have turned Me into a fable, only to be used as small talk and curse words.  Though they declare My Name and sing songs of worship - I hear them not, for their hearts are far from Me.

The shepherds who tend my flocks have fallen asleep, and they have allowed predators into the flock.  Now My sleeping children are happy to get only their ears tickled and fed milky words.


My son, My children will be put through the FIRE OF PURIFYING, and many will FALL AWAY because the FIRE IS TOO HOT.  My children have been taught lies and believe not in Me, but believe in other gods.  The gods of pleasure and wealth have destroyed many of My children.

The false pastors have taught the more you give - the more you get - and polluted My house with filthy lucre.  The enemy has taken the prosperity gospel and multiplied your wealth to draw you away from Me.  My children who have NO FOUNDATIONS will fall into poverty, giving it all away, only to blame Me and fall away from the faith - BROKE AND BROKEN.

My son, I AM BRINGING GREAT PERSECUTION upon My children - for THROUGH PERSECUTION COMES GREAT FAITH.  Many will not make it and come home before their assignments are complete.

I have told of this persecution in My Word, but pastors do not preach this as it is too fearful and will turn his flock away from giving.  I AM SENDING SPOILERS THROUGH THE LAND.  Many church buildings will be burned up - others vandalized and robbed.

My children will turn to Me in the darkest hour.  I will hear their cries and bring comfort to them.

However, for the evil done in the body - IN MY NAME - the persecution will not relent.  I AM sending My Son very soon to gather his own.



The Father

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