Sometime last year God said to me, "Something will be wrong with the defense system of the United States, Moscow is coming in a storm".
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.
Today is 1/14/25.
Last night an alarming "knowing" came over me that something very familiar to us was going to be a danger to us.
Then I went to sleep and the Lord gave me a dream...
In the dream I saw FULL JARS OF PEANUT BUTTER, but the labels on the jars of peanut butter were distorted like they had been disturbed, like the labels had been taken off and placed back on the jars of peanut butter. (I think this could be indicating that the ingredients will be tampered with.)...
Then, in the dream I saw that the jars of peanut butter were EMPTY (like the contents had been eaten). People had their empty peanut butter jars stacked up, and were showing the empty jars to others as a representation of the number of DEATHS that had occurred among their friends and family members.
Please talk to Jesus, not just a few times, talk to him everyday...Come near to God and He will come near to you.
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.
Getting this out there because I feel like I'm doing wrong when I don't tell what God shows me and it bothers me until I do... This is what the Lord showed me back on 1/2/25.
In flashes the Lord showed me a house crumbling from the inside (I believe the house is representing the church)...then I saw a priest's collar and the priest's collar was black on one side, and the color of flesh on the other side. Then I saw a structure like a church that had a steeple and this structure was engulfed in flames.
I believe the Lord is showing that the church is crumbling, and being led by polluted leaders. Leaders who are involved in sinful acts...dark works, acts of the flesh (thus the colors of the priest's collar that the Lord showed. I believe that the steepled structure engulfed in flames is representing the church and that the Lord is going to refine the church by fire (REFINER'S FIRE). The Lord is going to put the church into the fire to cleanse it of impurities and injustices. These church leaders have led the Lord's children astray by causing the people to believe that no harm will come upon them for their sins, and are polluted in sin themselves. They are false prophets who prophesy lies in the name of the Lord, OFFERING AND SPEAKING FALSE HOPES OF GOOD TIMES AND PEACE to the people in the name of the Lord, when actually, judgement, hard correction and destruction lies ahead.
Jeremiah 23:9-20
9 As for the prophets:
My heart is broken within me,
and all my bones tremble.
I have become like a drunkard,
like a man overcome by wine,
because of the LORD,
because of His holy words.
10 For the land is full of adulterers—
because of the curse, the land mourns
and the pastures of the wilderness have dried up—
their course is evil
and their power is misused.
11“For both prophet and priest are ungodly;
EVEN IN MY HOUSE I have found their wickedness,”
declares the LORD.
12“Therefore their path will become slick;
they will be driven away into the darkness and fall into it.
For I will bring disaster upon them
in the year of their punishment,”
declares the LORD.
13“Among the prophets of Samaria
I saw an offensive thing:
They prophesied by Baal
and led My people Israel astray.
14 And among the prophets of Jerusalem
I have seen a horrible thing:
They commit adultery
and walk in lies.
They strengthen the hands of evildoers,
so that no one turns his back on wickedness.
They are all like SODOM to Me;
the people of Jerusalem are like GOMORRAH.”
15 Therefore this is what the LORD of Hosts says concerning the prophets:
“I will feed them wormwood
and give them poisoned water to drink,
for from the prophets of Jerusalem
ungodliness has spread throughout the land.”
16 This is what the LORD of Hosts says:
“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you.
They speak visions from their own minds,
not from the mouth of the LORD.
17 They keep saying to those who despise Me,
‘The LORD says that you will have PEACE,’
and to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart,
18 But which of them has stood in the council of the LORD
to see and hear His word?
Who has given heed to His word
and obeyed it?
19 Behold, the storm of the LORD
has gone out with fury,
a whirlwind swirling down
upon the heads of the wicked.
20 The anger of the LORD will not turn back
until He has fully accomplished the purposes of His heart.
In the days to come
you will understand this clearly.
Farmers equipment is idle across the entire usa. No planting of any kind.
Many repeated visions from multiple sources of famine, no food on the shelves, water shortages, drought.
New Years Eve 12/31/24:
Lighting strikes 1) the Capital building 2) the Washington Monument 3) Empire State Building and 4)World Trade Center all @ 5:36pm New Year’s Eve.
Coincidence?.....What happened in 536AD
What happened in 536AD:
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us. January 10, 2025
I had a dream last night, and in the dream I saw a gun and knife in what seemed to me to be a grocery store setting. There was a large, long black gun (like the one that starts with "AK"), not the usual smaller ones that people would normally carry in public. The knife looked to be an ordinary serrated kitchen knife. There was a man in my dream who looked disappointed that this was happening. The only way I know to describe the look on his face was that it was a look of "I TRIED TO TELL YOU."
Seems like I had one similar to this recently where people were opening fire.
Please if you will, pray against violence in places of business and public places... Ask the Lord to stop any AGENDA OF VIOLENCE in PUBLIC PLACES, and ask Him to be a HEDGE OF PROTECTION around those who may be targeted for violence, because ultimately, He is the ONLY ONE who can protect any of us... It matters that we pray against these things. Stay close to Jesus and be careful everywhere you go. REMEMBER ULTIMATELY ONLY THE LORD CAN PROTECT ANY OF US FROM ANYTHING. WITHOUT HIM THERE IS NO PROTECTION.
Terrorist's Next Target?
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 By: Martin Armstrong
BASED ON INFORMATION AND BELIEF, the terrorist from New Orleans had also visited someone in Tampa, and this could have been to plan some terrorist act in Tampa. One of the most popular attractions in Tampa is the annual Gasparilla Pirate Fest, which has been a tradition in Tampa since 1904. Over 300,000 spectators are generally expected to line the streets. I hope this information is wrong, but I strongly advise that people be cautious about big gatherings.
The Democrats hid Biden's mental state for political reasons but subjected the country to a devasting future. Sources from the FBI concede that Biden let in over 1,000 terrorists. I was told he thought he was building his legacy and would flood the country with people like FDR.
His actions now are of a vengeful, senile old man, from selling all the wall material for pennies on the dollar, outlawing gas stoves, to now outlawing drilling for oil. He is simply going down in history as the many who drove the spike into the heart of the Democratic Party, and they deserve it, for nobody would speak up.
These attacks may have been held off for Trump to take office so he could get blamed for the insanity of Biden. So, be careful. Avoid larger crowds in major cities until we see just what the hell these people are planning.
2025 sure has started off with a BANG... A day or two before New Years Eve I heard the same starting gun go off "in the spirit", that I heard a couple or few years ago, right before things escalated again...I think it's pretty obvious that starting gun represents entering into a time of ESCALATING EVENTS... You know how you hang on to the arms of a roller coaster when you're on it?...Hang on to Jesus like that... Keep praying and don't stop.
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us!!!!
This is what the Lord showed me on 1/3/25.
Yesterday I was having deep thoughts of feeling that I had failed the Lord. They were just so deep in my heart, the thoughts that I had failed at what He had given me to do and the grief inside was so heavy over it. I didn't speak it out loud it was just lingering there deep in my heart you know...Well the Lord he HEARD MY HEART. I wasn't expecting Him to, He just did because next is what happened when I went to bed.
As I laid there on my bed, not expecting to be shown anything at all...I started having a vision. First I saw a lady dancing and I asked the Lord, Lord was that a woman dancing and I wondered what it could mean. (Later on the Lord gave me understanding of why I had seen the lady dancing and it was a personal message for me that both encouraged me to keep going, and comforted me so much.)...
Ok so...I got back up, did some things around the house and then went back to bed again, and this is what I saw ... THIS IS THE PART THAT THE LORD GAVE ME TO PASS ONTO YOU.
As I laid in my bed the second time, another vision started. In this vision I saw, I believe, 5 ladies. The ladies wore dresses that were colored like soft rainbow colors and appeared to be standing around the entrance area of a large gathering like where a celebration was taking place.
Then from behind these ladies I saw many people/souls dressed in glistening white robes come walking forward. They seemed to be coming from above as if coming down from the heavens...
As I watched, the number of these people/souls coming forward INCREASED into a GREAT MULTITUDE OF SOULS that I was seeing, and they were all walking shoulder to shoulder and Infront of and behind each other like a well organized team of heavenly souls. THESE HAD NO DOUBT BEEN IN THE VERY PRESENCE OF GOD AND THEY WERE COMING, THEY WERE ON THEIR WAY...
Their robes were glistening white in appearance and the fabric that made up their robes appeared to be composed of woven light. Around their necks or upper chest area, there appeared to be something like a rectangular piece of jewelry or some type of ornament, or possibly a breast plate, that seemed to have colors on it. I believe I saw blue and gold on them. These souls that were coming forward had such a peace and strength about them, that words just can't describe...What hung around their necks, a thought came to me that possibly they were the rewards that are mentioned biblically.
Then I saw a throne that was positioned above the great multitude of souls that were coming. It was a King's throne and unlike any throne here on Earth. The one that sat on the throne was so bright like a brilliant white light shone from Him. The light was so bright that I couldn't see His face, I could only sense His presence mostly and that He was sitting there in that brilliant white light upon that throne. I knew that He is the One that is above all.
As the great multitude of souls increased and continued coming forward, the throne seemed to almost move in a backwards type motion, as if it were backing up, moving further away...but it wasn't moving backwards, there were just so many souls coming forward that it made the throne appear to be moving away further into the distance.
Then I went to sleep and I had a dream and in the dream there was a man who was so gentle and kind. This man was saying to me that "no man knows the day or hour".
Matthew 24:36
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
Matthew 24:42
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
All reactions:
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.
Today is 1/2/25.
Had a brief dream last night about shootings happening in a Mall or large store. There was gunfire and bullets flying everywhere.
Could be indicating that violence is going to pick up in those places. Pray before you go anywhere.
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.
Today is New Year's Day 2025. This is what the Lord showed me on New Year's Eve (12/31/24). Please give your life to Jesus Christ. Destruction is coming.
"Today is man's day but the Lord's day is coming"...
I saw the planet Earth go spinning out of control. I saw Earth as it is fixed in outer space, and all the sudden it was like it just broke loose and was barreling out of control. That's the only way I know how to describe what I saw. Then was being hurled through space like a dark baseball. I saw no lights on the Earth during this...The planet was in darkness and no light did I see from stars surrounding it.
Biblically this is referenced in...
Isaiah 13:13
"Therefore I will make the heavens tremble;
and the earth will shake from its place
at the wrath of the Lord Almighty,
in the day of his burning anger."
Isaiah 13 is concerning Judgment upon Babylon.
An army comes against Babylon.
The terrors of judgment come upon Babylon.
Resulting in a "desolate Babylon".
It is also referenced in... Haggai 2:6 and Hebrews 12:25-28.
There is no escape from God’s unrelenting judgment. God’s judgment, upon both BABYLON and the WORLD in general, is UNRELENTING.
To those familiar with the Old Testament, the name Babylon is associated with organized idolatry, blasphemy and the persecution of God’s people. In the New Testament, the world’s system of the last days is characterized both religiously and commercially as Babylon (Revelation 17 and 18). Therefore, Babylon is a “Suitable representation…of the idolatrous, pagan world-system in opposition to God.” (Martin)
Babylon is also associated with carnality, lust, and greed. In the Bible Babylon was a symbol of sin and rebellion.
Many believe that the UNITED STATES is a modern day Babylon, as all of the biblical characteristics of Babylon, can be found in her.
Isaiah 13 states that...
"The Lord Almighty is mustering
an army for WAR.
They come from faraway lands,
from the ends of the heavens—
the Lord and the weapons of his WRATH to DESTROY the WHOLE COUNTRY.
WAIL, for the day of the Lord is near;
it will come like DESTRUCTION from the Almighty.
Isaiah 13 ends in saying "HER TIME IS AT HAND,
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.
This is what the Lord showed me in flash visions yesterday. Today is 12/30/24.
"Pray for the Nation and DJT in particular."
I saw a wall that was filled with holes. The wall was like a very large "system" where things had been deposited into the holes on the wall... Like a place where things are deposited and stored. I saw a figure tampering with what was stored there in the system... where things had been "deposited".
Possibly indicating deposits being intentionally tampered with. Possibly the banking system. Financial issues.
Then the Lord showed me the incoming President of the United States. He was walking alone and like he was carrying a very heavy burden inside. There was darkness around him. Like he was walking a very dark and difficult road. His spirit seemed very downcast and very tired as he walked along. He was looking around like a person does when they aren't sure what to do. His strength also seemed to be waning as he was walking along through that darkness. The way he was walking was like he was just so tired that he was having a hard time walking upright with good posture... partially bent over... and struggling to keep his footing. He looked physically and emotionally exhausted.
I believe these two flashes may be indicating that the financial state of the nation he is inheriting, is going to be REALLY TOUGH ON HIM. Not to mention the other things that will come against him as he tries to lead. I believe that the Lord is saying that we should PRAY for him, as the road ahead for him and the citizens of the United States is going to be a dreary and rough one.
The best thing anybody can do is to prepare for the worst. Train your mind to stay on the Lord as much as you possibly can. It's not an easy thing to do to keep your focus on the Lord constantly, but just KEEP TRYING. We're all going to need that focus. We'll all understand why it's so important, soon enough.
Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.
I had a knowing and a series of awake flashes and a dream last night and this is what I saw in them. Today is 12/27/24.
A lot of people are going to be "going home" during upcoming events.
First I was given a "knowing" that came like a VERY PRESENT AND ALARMING REMINDER that the nation is experiencing a furthering of financial collapse and will proceed into COMPLETE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE. The money and the weapons of the United States will be of no use. Like a sitting duck the nation will be. Sickness will come, the food supply will be lessened. The nation will be invaded.
Then an awake flash came and I saw a group dressed in dark grey, almost black clothing. What I sensed from these people was that they were strictly about the business at hand, very focused, harsh with a serious military type demeanor... The fabric of their clothing was like a very thick cloth, but also seemed to be composed of a rubber like material. Their clothing was like a very thick cloth and rubber composition, almost like a wetsuit divers wear but thicker and more limber than that...They had hoods pulled up over their heads and were wearing jet black GAS MASKS. The masks seemed very modern and well constructed. There were round holes where the eyes were, that appeared to be about the size of the diameter of a tin soda can...and the mouth section of their masks appeared to be flat. These were some serious heavy duty gas masks like MILITARY GRADE MASKS. These were positioned as being directly facing and poised against us (the people of the United States). They were not far off, but instead were shown as being "right up on us" so to speak.
Then I fell asleep and the Lord continued to show me things in a dream. He does that sometimes, He'll show things in flashes while you're awake, and then continue with more in either brief flashes, or actual dreams while you're asleep.
In the dream that followed, I saw that some people were distracted by things and desires pertaining to this world and life, but there was a MARRIAGE that was coming up SOON. This wasn't just any marriage, this was set like a marriage for a KING (really fancy and all decked out). Some people were focused on the upcoming marriage and preparing for it, and some were NOT. I believe the Lord is referencing the "PARABLE OF THE TEN VIRGINS" here...Those who were NOT focused on and preparing for the marriage, were shown to me as being FOREIGN, and I believe they were shown that way because they are considered as being "FOREIGN TO GOD"...These people had absolutely NO INTEREST IN THE LORD but were actually shown as plotting and planning, thinking of ways to prosper for themselves at the expense of others during this time...These were also tempting others and could be a snare for those who would attend the marriage supper. STEER CLEAR OF THESE. STAY FOCUSED ON THE LORD.
Inside, where this marriage was going to take place, that was being prepared, I saw what I would describe as a GRAND STAIRCASE LEADING UPWARD. The staircase was lined with the most beautiful red carpet that had a golden thread running along the outer sides of each step leading upward. At the top of the staircase there was a platform and construction was going on but it wasn't quite finished yet. There appeared to be some places that still needed to be filled in.
I awoke from this dream of what would seem to be concerning the marriage supper of the Lamb.... And as I laid there thinking about the things that the Lord had shown me, the Lord gave me another flash of the most beautiful house. The flash of the house was almost like a house that if I could, I would have designed and chosen for my own self, but far better than I myself could ever imagine really. It was like this beautiful house had already been built by a person who knew far more about me than I know myself, a house that had been specifically designed and built just for me.
John 14:2: "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you".