My Interpretation of the dream:
The Hail to the Chief dream is presenting a culmination outcome of all the warnings the usa has been given to change or else. These dreams/warnings are all listed in this blog: most recently: Dana's jet dream, Amanda's bears dream, the Rockwell "Thanksgiving" November timeline dream, the "distraction dream", the Millstone dream, the "Precision dream", snowland's "food market" dream, - Jesus gave us a progress report - our lack of repentance is unacceptable to Him, and now this culmination dream, " Hail to the Chief", which says our leadership/nation has failed, and is now judged (gavel). The end of the usa is here. 1776+250 years =2026. Usa ends "less than 250 years" from its independence, per this dream. The Hail to the Chief dream is a final judgement dream. We were given 5 months to repent, change, say yes to Mary...the nation has failed. We all know the consequences of this failure and should not be surprised by what follows. It appears, the usa will be chastised starting in September, with more events in October, November, December, and January. The time frames/seasons given to us in those dreams. Only afterwards will people turn to Jesus, and Mary's Immaculate Heart. Only after much loss, suffering, and death in this country. Jesus is Lord.