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A set of Visions from 1975. Much of which are fulfilled but many more to come:

Ignore the date setting. This does not disqualify the message. God gave us more time hence the delay. The remaining events are in motion - here and now.. Please discern carefully. I have reviewed and believe this set of messages to be true.

Most important - do not take the chip.

Stay close to Jesus Christ - this is your only way out.


In 1975, during a thunderstorm, Dannion Brinkley was talking on the telephone when a bolt of lightning hit the phone line, sending thousands of volts into his head and down through his body. Brinkley was thrown across the room, and later reported seeing his lifeless body spread prone, as his then-girlfriend found him and paramedics arrived. Obviously disoriented, in his spirit-form above the scene, he wondered what the excitement was about, since (as he put it) "Everybody was okay...." He saw auras around everybody in the room except his own body below -- a pretty big hint that he was, in fact, dead. As doctors pronounced Brinkley dead at the local hospital, he reportedly found himself -- or, more specifically, his spirit-self -- traveling through a dark tunnel toward an angelic being who led him into a "crystal city." There, he entered a "cathedral of knowledge" where he was shown 13 visions, contained in what he termed "boxes." So-called "beings of light" also showed him 117 glimpses of possible future events, of which 95 have come to pass (by his count) in early 1998. Brinkley revived in the morgue some 28 minutes after his death and later gave a personal account of his near-death experience (NDE) in the book, ''Saved by the Light,'' first published in 1995. As recounted in the book, the events of that day changed Brinkley's life. He spent many months recovering from the physically debilitating effects of the electrical blast, while at the same time discovering mind-reading abilities that, while lessening over time, remain with him to this day. A second near-death experience, a few years later, reunited Brinkley with his angelic teachers, who revealed he was to use his psychic gifts to help the dying. Another book, ''At Peace in the Light,'' soon followed. In September 1997, Brinkley was hospitalized with life threatening brain aneurysms. Despite medical opinions to the contrary, he miraculously survived. During that time, he had a third near-death experience. Besides lectures and book signings, Dannion Brinkley currently does hospice work -- using his experiences and gifts to help those who are nearing, and perhaps fear, death. Visions of Dannion Brinkley Thirteen prophetic visions as seen by Dannion Brinkley. He refers to them as "Boxes of Knowledge" in his book, "Saved By The Light" which was published in 1994 after he suffered a near death experience. BOXES 1 thru 3: Visions of a Demoralized Country Boxes 1, 2 & 3 showed the mood of America in the aftermath of the war in Southeast Asia. They revealed scenes of spiritual loss in our country that were byproducts of that war, which weakened the structure of America & eventually the world. The scenes were prisoners of war, weak & wasted from hunger, as they waited in the rugged prisons of North Vietnam for American ambassadors to come & free them. I could feel their fear & then despair when they realized one by one that no help would be forthcoming & that they would live out their remaining years as slaves in jungle prisons. These were the MIAs, those military men considered "missing in action." The MIAs were already an issue in 1975, but they were used as a starting point in the visions to show an America that was slipping into spiritual decline. I could see America falling into enormous debt. This came to me as scenes of money going out of a room much faster than it was coming in. Through some kind of telepathy, I was aware that this money represented the increase in the national debt & that it spelled danger down the road. I also saw people waiting in long lines for the basics of life like clothing & food. Many scenes of spiritual hunger came from the first two boxes as well. I saw people who were transparent in such a way as to reveal that they were hollow. This hollowness, it was explained to me telepathically, was caused by a loss of faith in America & what it stood for. The war in Southeast Asia had combined with inflation & distrust in our government to create a spiritual void. This void was added to by our loss of love for God. This spiritual depravity resulted in a number of shocking visions: people rioting & looting because they wanted more material goods than they had, kids shooting other kids with high-powered rifles, criminals stealing cars, young men firing on other young men from the windows of cars. Scenes like these played out in front of me like scenes from a gangster movie. Most of the criminals were children or adolescents that no one cared about. As I watched image after image, it became painfully clear to me that these kids had no family units, & as a result, they were acting like wolves. I was confused because I couldn't figure out how American children could be left to roam & murder. Didn't they have parental guidance? I wondered. How could such a thing happen in our country? In the third box, I found myself facing the seal of the president of the U.S. I don't know where I was, but I saw the initials "R.R." emblazoned beneath this seal. Then I was standing in the midst of newspapers, looking at their editorial cartoons. One after the other, I saw cartoons of a cowboy. He was riding the range or shooting down bad guys in saloons. This vision was festooned with satirical illustrations from around the country from such newspapers as The Boston Globe, The Chicago Tribune, & the Los Angeles Times. The dates on the newspapers ranged from 1983 to 1987, & it was clear from the nature of the drawings that they were about the president of the U.S., who projected the image of being a cowboy to the rest of the world. I could also tell that the man in these cartoons was an actor, because they all had a theatrical look to them. One of the cartoons even referred to "Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid" & played off the famous scene in that movie in which the two outlaws jump off a cliff into a shallow pool of water. Yet despite the vividness of the newspaper clippings, I was unable to see the face under the cowboy hat. I now know that "RR" stood for Ronald Reagan, but at the time I had no idea who the "cowboy" was. A few months later, when I was recalling these visions for Dr. Raymond Moody, the noted psychiatrist & researcher of near-death experiences, he asked me who I thought "RR" was. Without hesitation I said, "Robert Redford." He has never let me forget that mistake & ribs me about it every time we get together. BOXES 4 & 5: Strife & Hatred in the Holy Lands Boxes 4 & 5 were scenes from the Middle East, showing how this area of eternal strife would reach a boiling point. Religion would play a large role in these problems, as would the economy. A constant need for outside money fueled much of the anger & hatred that I saw in these boxes. In the first of these boxes I saw two agreements taking place. In the first, Israelis & Arabs were agreeing to something, but what was unclear to me. The second accord was one that I could see in some detail. Men were shaking hands & there was much talk about a new country. Then I saw a collage of images: the River Jordan, a settlement from Israel that was spreading into Jordan, & a map on which the country of Jordan was changing color. As I watched this puzzling collage unfold, I heard a Being speak telepathically to me & say that the country of Jordan would exist no more. I did not hear the name of the new country. This agreement was nothing more than a front by the Israelis to create a police force composed of Israelis & Arabs. This was a very harsh police force, cruel & unyielding. I saw them wearing blue-&-silver uniforms & having a tight grip on the people of this region. So tight was their grip, in fact, that world leaders became highly critical of Israel. Many collaborators on both sides kept an eye on their own people & reported their activities to this police force. They served to make everyone suspicious, causing trust in these societies to disappear. I could see Israel becoming isolated from the rest of the world. As things worsened, there were images of Israel preparing for war against other countries, including Russia, & a chinese-&-Arab consortium. Jerusalem was somehow at the eye of this conflict, but I am not sure exactly how. From newspaper headlines that appeared in the vision, I could see that some incident in that holy city had served to trigger this war. These visions revealed Israel as being spiritually hollow. I had the sense of it being a country of strong government but weak morals. Image after image came of Israelis reacting with hatred toward Palestinians & other Arabs, & I was steeped in the sense that these people as a nation had forgotten God & were now driven by racial hatred. The fifth box showed oil being used as a weapon to control the international economy. I saw images of Mecca & then of the Saudi people. While these images streamed before me, a telepathic voice said that oil production was being cut off to destroy America's economy & to milk money from the world economy. The price of oil was going up & up, said the voice, & Saudi Arabia was making an alliance with Syria & China. I could see Arab & Oriental people shaking hands & making deals. As these images came to me, I could sense money being given by the Saudis to Asian countries like North Korea, all in the hopes of destabilizing the economy of the Asian region. I wondered where this alliance began, & I was able to see a close-up of Syrians & Chinese signing papers & shaking hands in a building that I knew was in Syria. The date that came to me was 1992. Another date came to me - 1993 - & with it came images of Syrian & Chinese scientists working in laboratories to develop a missile that could deliver chemical & biological weapons. Nuclear weapons were becoming things of the past, & these countries wanted to develop new weapons of destruction. The boxes kept coming. BOX 6: Visions of Nuclear Destruction Number 6 was terrifying. I was drawn into the box & found myself in a cool, forested area beside a river. Next to the river was a massive cement structure, square & foreboding. I was fearful & didn't know why. Suddenly the earth shook & the top of this cement structure exploded. I knew it was a nuclear explosion & could sense hundreds of people dying around me as it took place. The year 1986 was given to me through telepathy, as was the word "wormwood." It wasn't until a decade later, when the Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded near Kiev in the Soviet Union, that I was able to associate these pictures with an event. It was then that I made another connection between the vision in this box & the nuclear disaster in the USSR. The word Chernobyl means "wormwood" in Russian. A second nuclear accident appeared in the box, this in a northern sea so badly polluted that no ships would travel there. The water was a pale red & was covered with dead or dying fish. Around the water were peaks & valleys that made me think I was seeing a fjord like those in Norway. I couldn't tell where this was, but I knew that the world was frightened at what had happened, because radiation from this accident could spread everywhere & affect all of humankind. The date on the picture was 1995. The vision didn't stop there. People were dying & deformed as a result of these nuclear catastrophes. In a series of what seemed like television pictures, I saw cancer victims & mutated babies in Russia, Norway, Sweden, & Finland, not hundreds or thousands of people, but tens of thousands, in a vast array of deformity, going on through generations. The poisons released by these accidents were carried to the rest of the world through water, which was tainted forever by this nuclear waste. The Being made it clear that humans had created a horrible power that had not been contained. By letting this power out of their control, the Soviets had destroyed their own country & possibly the world. The box showed me the fear in people's hearts that resulted from these nuclear accidents. As the images of this fear unfolded, I somehow understood that environmentalism would emerge as the world's new religion. People would consider a clean environment a key to salvation more than they ever had before. Political parties would spring up around the issue of a cleaner planet, & political fortunes would be made or broken based upon feelings about the environment. From Chernobyl & this second accident, I could see that the Soviet Union would wither & die, with the Soviet people losing faith in their government & the government losing its grip on the people. The economy played a strong role in these visions. I saw people carrying bags of money into stores & coming out with small bags of goods. People with military uniforms wandered the streets in Soviet cities begging for food, some obviously starving to death. People ate rotted potatoes & apples, & crowds rioted to get at trucks filled with food. The word "Georgia" appeared in a Cyrillic script, & I could see a mafia developing in Moscow that I assume came from the state of Georgia in the Soviet Union. This mafia was a growing power that was in competition with the Soviet government. In scene after scene, I saw mafia members operating freely in a city that I think was Moscow. I felt no joy as I watched the Soviet Union collapse. Although Soviet-style communism was dying right before my eyes, the Being of Light was saying that this was a cautious moment instead of a glorious one. "Watch the Soviet Union," he said. "How the Russian people go, so goes the world. What happens to Russia is the basis for everything that will happen to the economy of the free world." BOX 7: The Environmental Religion The 7th box held powerful images of environmental destruction. I could see areas of the world radiating energy, glowing like a radium watch face in the dark. Telepathically I could hear voices speaking of the need to clean up the environment. These voices came out of Russia at first, but then the accents changed & I could tell that they were emanating from South America, probably from Uruguay or Paraguay. I saw the speaker from Russia as he talked with zeal about our need to heal the environment. People rallied around him quickly, & he soon became so powerful that he was elected one of the leaders of the United Nations. I saw this Russian riding on a white horse, & I knew that his rise would come before the year 2000. BOXES 8 & 9: China Battles Russia In boxes 8 & 9 were visions of China's growing anger toward the Soviet Union. When these visions took place in 1975, I didn't know that the Soviet Union would break up. Now I think the tension I saw in that vision was a result of the death of Soviet Communism, which left the Chinese the leaders of the Communist world. At the time, the visions were a puzzle to me. I saw border disputes & heavy fighting between Soviet & Chinese armies. Finally, the Chinese amassed their armies at the border & pushed into the region. The main battle was over a railroad, which the Chinese took in heavy fighting. They then pushed deep into the Soviet Union, cutting the country in half & taking over the oil fields of Siberia. I saw snow, blood, & oil & knew that the loss of life had been heavy. BOXES 10 & 11: Economic Earthquakes, Desert Storm Boxes 10 & 11 came in rapid succession. They revealed scenes of the economic collapse of the world. In general terms, these visions showed a world in horrible turmoil by the turn of the century, one that resulted in a new world order that was truly one of feudalism & strife. In one of the visions, people lined up to take money out of banks. In another, the banks were being closed by the government. The voice that accompanied the visions told me that this would take place in the 90's & would be the beginning of an economic strife that would lead to the bankruptcy of America by the year 2000. The box showed images of dollar signs flying by as people pumped gas & looked distressed. I knew this meant that oil prices were accelerating out of control. I saw 13 new nations entering the world mark in the late 90's. These were nations with manufacturing capabilities that put them on a competitive footing with the U.S. One by one our European markets began to give their business to these countries, which slowed our economy even more. all of this led to a greatly weakened economy. But the end of America as a world power came as visions of two horrendous earthquakes in which buildings were swaying & toppling over like a child's wooden blocks. I knew that these quakes happened sometime before the end of the century, but I couldn't tell where they took place. I do remember seeing a large body of water that was probably a river. The cost of rebuilding these destroyed cities would be the final straw for our government, now financially broken that it would hardly be able to keep itself alive. The voice in the vision told me that it would be this way while the images from the box showed Americans starving & lined up for food. At the tail end of box 10 came images of warfare in the desert, a massive show of military might. I saw armies racing toward one another in the desert, with great clouds of dust billowing from the treads of tanks as they crossed the barren ground. There was cannon fire & explosions that looked like lightning. The earth shook & then there was silence. Like a bird, I flew over acres of destroyed army equipment. As I left the box, the date 1990 came into my head. That was the year of Desert Storm, the military operation that squashed the army of Iraq for occupying Kuwait. Box 11 began with Iran & Iraq in possession of nuclear & chemical weapons. Included in this arsenal was a submarine loaded with nuclear missiles. The year, said a voice in the vision, was 1993. I saw this submarine powering through the waters of the Middle East, piloted by people I knew to be Iranians. I could tell that their purpose was to stop the shipping of oil from the Middle East. They were so praiseful of God, in their speech, that I had the sense that this was some kind of religious mission. The missiles that occupied the desert of the Middle East were equipped with chemical warheads. I don't know where they were aimed, but I do know that there was worldwide fear of the intentions of the Arab nations that had them. Chemical warfare played a role in a horrible vision of terrorism that takes place in France before 2000. It begins when the French publish a book that infuriates the Arab world. I don't know the title of this book, but the result of its publication is a chemical attack by Arabs on a city in France. A chemical is put into the water supply, & thousands drink it & die before it can be eliminated. In one brief vision, I saw Egyptians rioting in the streets while a voice told me that by 1997, Egypt would collapse as a democracy & be taken over by religious fanatics. The final visions from box 11 were like many images we now see of Sarajavo: modern cities crumbling beneath the weight of warfare, their inhabitants fighting one another for reasons ranging from racism to religious conflict. I saw many towns worldwide where desperate citizens were eating their own dead. In one such scene, Europeans in a hilly region of the world were weeping as they cooked human meat. In rapid succession I saw people of all five races eating their fellow humans. BOX 12: Technology & Virus The 11th box was gone & I was into the 12th box. Its visions addressed an important event in the distant future, the decade of the 90's (remember, this was 1975), when many of the great changes would take place. In this box, I watched as a biological engineer from the Middle East found a way to alter DNA & create a biological virus that would be used in the manufacture of computer chips. This discovery allowed for huge strides in science & technology. Japan, China, & other countries of the Pacific Rim experienced boom times as a result of this discovery & became powers of incredible magnitude. Computer chips produced from this process found their way into virtually every form of technology, from cars & airplanes to vacuum cleaners & blenders. Before the turn of the century, this man was among the richest in the world, so rich that he had a stranglehold on the world economy. Still the world welcomed him, since the computer chips he had designed somehow put the world on an even keel. Gradually, he succumbed to his own power. He began to think of himself as a deity & insisted on greater control of the world. With that extra control, he began to rule the world. His method of rule was unique. Everyone in the world was mandated by law to have one of his computer chips inserted underneath his or her skin. This chip contained all of an individual's personal information. If a government agency wanted to know something, all it had to do was scan your chip with a special device. By doing so, it could discover everything about you, from where you worked & lived to your medical records & even what kind of illnesses you might get in the future. There was an even more sinister side to this chip. A person's lifetime could be limited by programming this chip to dissolve & kill him with the viral substance it was made from. Lifetimes were controlled like this to avoid the cost that growing old places on the government. It was also used as a means of eliminating people with chronic illnesses that put a drain on the medical system. People who refused to have chips implanted in their bodies roamed as outcasts. They could not be employed & were denied government services. THE FINAL VISIONS At the very end came a 13th vision. I don't know where it came from. I didn't see a Being of Light bring it forward in a box, nor did I see one take it away. This vision was in many ways the most important of all because it summed up everything I had seen in the 12 boxes. Through telepathy, I could hear a Being say, "If you follow what you have been taught & keep living the same way you have lived the last 30 years, all of this will surely be upon you. If you change, you can avoid the coming war." Scenes from a horrible world war accompanied this message. As the visions appeared on the screen, the Being told me that the years 1994 through 1996 were critical ones in determining whether this war would break out. "If you follow this dogma, the world by the year 2004 will not be the same one you now know," said the Being. "But it can still be changed & you can help change it." Scenes from World War III came to life before me. I was in a hundred places at once, from deserts to forests, & saw a world filled with fighting & chaos. Somehow it was clear that this final war, an Armageddon if you will, was caused by fear. In one of the most puzzling visions of all, I saw an army of women in black robes & veils marching through a European city. "The fear these people are feeling is an unnecessary one," said the Being of Light. "But it is a fear so great that humans will give up all freedoms in the name of safety." I also saw scenes that were not of war, including many visions of natural disasters. In parts of the world that had once been fertile with wheat & corn, I saw parched desert & furrowed fields that farmers had given up on. In other parts of the world, torrential rainstorms had gouged out the earth eating away topsoil & creating rivers of thick, dark mud. People were starving in this vision. They were begging for food on the streets, holding out bowls & cups & even their hands in hopes that someone or something would offer them a scrap to eat. In some of the pictures, people had given up or were too weak to beg & were curled on the ground waiting for the gift of death. I saw civil wars breaking out in Central & South America & the rise of socialist governments in all of these countries before the year 2000. As these wars intensified, millions of refugees streamed across the U.S. border, looking for a new life in North America. Nothing we did could stop these immigrants. They were driven by fear of death & loss of confidence in God. I saw millions of people streaming north out of El Salvador & Nicaragua, & more millions crossing the Rio Grande into Texas. There were so many of them that we had to line the border with troops & force them back across the river. The Mexican economy was broken by these refugees & collapsed under the strain. The quickest way to change the world is to be of service to others. Show that your love can make a difference in the lives of people and thereby someone else's love can make a difference in your life.By each of us doing that and working together we change the world one inner person at a time. Dannion Brinkley


Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Last Year:

Sometime last year God said to me, "Something will be wrong with the defense system of the United States, Moscow is coming in a storm".


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

Vision / flash 8/28/23

Please be prepared for another attack much worse than what hit in 2020 is coming. Enormous beast like warrior dressed in armor reared back and plunged 2 swords or daggers downward. Lady in white appeared to have her hands tied. Then a dream Asian lady was in charge.

I found these images and added horns and red and blue sword or dagger to's the closest I can get to what I saw.

This warrior that struck what seemed to be the ground Infront of it is no doubt some type of attack but I'm telling you it's much more equipped to destroy. It was much more beefed up than the one that came at us from the east in 2020.... I'm not 100 % sure what it is representing but I do know that this is a much more massive attack than before.

What is the meaning of sword in Hebrew?

The word “sword” is “charav.” Every translation I read will translate this as sword. That is because this is your standard word for sword. Yet, this word is also used for destruction, to lie to waste, ruin, make desolate.


Awake visions (meaning fully awake). Yesterday I posted what apparently is the arch of St Louis Missouri, and that that city or state was shown flattened and in rubble "to the ground". This is another awake vision of a DIFFERENT location, that came yesterday evening 8/17/21. All I saw is what I drew. This state or city was ALSO shown in rubble, flattened, "To the ground in ruin". So... This is 2 different locations so far, shown in ruin and flattened, destruction, in the last 2 days. "St Louis Missouri", AND whatever state or city this is. =====> Miami Florida

Awake vision 8/16/21 I saw a hallway, there were 6 or 8 doors inside the hallway. I went through the hallway past the 6 or 8 doors, and I made a right turn into and through a shorter hallway made of brick. At the end of the shorter hallway made of brick, everything opened up and I looked out and saw a "large rounded arch" in the distance. Looking through the arch I could see that a city had been destroyed. It was in rubble absolutely collapsed (taken to the ground). Very large area like a large city in ruin. Then I saw a very large man/presence, he was like obese, and he was just sitting there turned away from me as if he were looking on to the city of ruin. I don't know much about other cities but the arch may stand for someplace in particular?


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us. 8/22/23-8/26/23 visions/flashes. This is what God showed me.

I saw who I know to be the The Lord Jesus Christ walking toward us, dressed in white as a shepherd. He held a shepherd's staff in His right hand. The shepherd uses the staff to more strongly exert his authority and to gently but firmly pull the sheep back to the fold, and keep the sheep moving in the right direction. He can also use the crook of the staff to pull the sheep from the harm. The Lord wants his children (sheep) back on the right path and kept in the sheepfold under the care of Himself, the Good Shepherd. He's letting us know that that is His goal. John chapter 10:14 -16 I am the Good Shepherd and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 15 As the Father knoweth me, even so I the father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one Shepherd.

I saw what looked to be a beautiful bride dancing and could feel the joy, happiness and freedom all around her. I believe this to be representing the bride of Christ and that His return for her.

I saw a table set with dishes and I saw what appeared to be wine burst downward onto the table from a vessel. I believe the message here is to put off the old man (our worldly ways) and become a new man in Christ. This is what He wants. Matthew 9:17 American Standard Version (ASV) Neither do men put new wine into old wine-skins: else the skins burst, and the wine is spilled, and the skins perish: but they put new wine into fresh wine-skins, and both are preserved.

I saw the roof of a house being blown off due to what appeared to be a violent wind or storm hitting it. Isaiah 32:18.. This passage shows us God's intention for home. It is to be a place of peace, security, and rest. I believe the house may be representing the nation in this case. Also there is a biblical reference to this stating that this can represent "the tearing down of the places of your altars".

I saw a "coin" rising, like it was being boosted up/ lifted up. I believe this to be the rising up of a new financial system. I've seen this coin before a couple of years back, and the coin was rising up on a storm like a hurricane. The coin was like a platform sitting atop of the storm/hurricane that I saw.

I saw man surrounded by darkness looking up and above him the sky was only darkness as well. I believe this to mean very dark times are ahead for "man".

I saw a well known female singer lifted up like on a platform. She was dressed in glowing clothing like you would expect to see a holy figure dressed, but she had her arm raised straight up and her fist clenched in what appeared to be a gesture for communism like you see in pics promoting communism. Whether that is what her stance was representing or not that was the definite feel that I got from her stance. It was very militaristic. I believe this to be indicating that many are being misled by those who are famous, because the way this woman was dressed and her stance... was shown in complete contradiction of each other. She is currently on a world tour I believe. I don't think it's only representing the one person (star) though.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

Just a little short flash after praying last night. 8/21/23

When the Lord shows me an object shaking it's because "A SHAKING OR SHAKING UP IS COMING", either physically to the physical world or spiritually in a spiritual sense.....Last night I saw what looked like a joystick shaking violently in all directions. Like not settled, not at rest, out of control, frantic in movement. When you think of a joystick, it's something we usually feel we can take control of by our own hand, so one shaking violently and out of control could be indicating shakings/situations, like a "game gone wild" type of scenario upcoming that is completely out of our control.

What is a joystick? Joysticks are directional input devices that permit users to input controls by moving a handle or stick from side to side or up and down. The device works on the principle of potentiometers, or variable resistors, which identify the position, direction, and amount of motion of the joystick.

No matter what happens, remember God is always in control. Cling to Jesus and He will help you/ guide you through the shakings. No matter how hard things around us shake, He will give you rest. A shaking is coming.


Thank you Jesus for everything. Alot of times we don't know what we're seeing until it starts happening already but...I would seriously pray for California.

Had a flash some time last week and didn't understand the landscape I was seeing so I just kinda sat on it.... Ok so I was scrolling through the news today and an article popped up and the landscape I saw in the article, I recognized right away as the landscape I had seen in the flash and turns out it's in California.

In the flash I saw Jesus in white robe walking down over and through that land. His presence was very strong and powerful. It was like the ultimate Boss was walking through that land, and that Boss was Him. I can't even describe the power He was walking through there with....

I'm wondering if the cliff and deep dark water where people were "swimming for their lives" is also related to this, and if it's actually that storm Hilary instead of being related to the financial sector that I mentioned in video a few days ago??....I would pray for California because the landscape in the pic below is in California and its a DEAD RINGER for where I saw Jesus walking through.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us. Awake visions/flashes 8/1/23--8/3/23. Maybe these will help to speak with what others are seeing.

I saw a Lincoln car sinking in deep waters like ocean waters. This may have to do with Lincoln Nebraska. I say that because in DC's dream ("The headlines sheep and the goats dream"), he saw a headline that read "College lost at sea"....Well " Lincoln" Nebraska from what I read is a college town. So maybe indicating something to do with Lincoln Nebraska and chaos erupting there I don't know. When I see flood waters it's usually indicating chaos though.

I saw two high standing towers (looked like electrical towers), and they both fell over/ collapsed to the left. With this flash came and image of an electrical outlet or switch. This is possibly indicating something to do with the power grid again.

I saw as if I were looking down into what appeared to be St Paul's cathedral in London. I saw many people walking down the isle dressed in solid black there.

I saw a high ranking military officer dressed in a green uniform with many medals on his uniform. The medals were in rows and appeared to be round in shape. The left half of his face looked like it was badly injured, or blown off.

I saw a bridge, the kind that has sides that look like Xs. The bridge was shaking like crazy, like an earthquake was hitting it. The pictures of the bridges below are just the closest thing I could find to the bridge I saw shaking.

I saw a bank card machine and people were trying to scan their cards but it wasn't working. Indicating upcoming financial institution problems I believe.


Last Year:

Sometime last year God said to me, "Something will be wrong with the defense system of the United States, Moscow is coming in a storm".


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us. Awake visions and sleeping dreams over the last couple of weeks that I didn't post. Please get right with Jesus Christ. He's the best friend you'll ever have.

Vision of a clown taking his shoes off (very symbolic). I believe it's directly related to the one just below.

Vision of the steps of Capital Hill or some government building in Washington DC, that has white steps out front (but was definitely in Washington DC). There was a person standing at the bottom of the steps of the government building, that seemed to be dressed as a clown , and another person walked up and "struck him"/ "whacked him" with a long rod. I'm not saying a word here.

Dreamed we were in the bottom of a large ship and were like captives in the hull/ belly of the ship. There seemed to be a new person in leadership and we were afraid of the person because the person was ruthless. I think that ship may just be the nation.

Dream Elon M. had done something to endanger a lot of people and was trying to cover up what he had done and an evil person peaked around the corner and said "I just want him to be happy". I don't trust that guy at all because so many dreams and visions of him for the last three years.

Vision I was looking through a scope type thing that was like swirling silver and I could see the land was dark and the sky was a deep orange red color. Then I saw two black mountains one larger than the other standing very ominous like. I think biblically mountains can represent Nations. Since the sky was the color it was, I believe God is indicating perilous times ahead and those two mountains are "possibly" two nations that rise and stand over us.

Dream of a banker man who was sitting in a window counting money and I knew him as my father in the dream. Around the banker's house were trees filled with the most beautiful fruit I've ever seen, that people could eat their fill of.

Do not give up on working for God with whatever talent He gave you.. The Parable of the Talents (Luke 19:11–27)

14For it is just like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted them with his possessions. 15To one he gave five talents,b to another two talents, and to another one talent—each according to his own ability. And he went on his journey.

16The servant who had received the five talents went at once and put them to workc and gained five more. 17Likewise, the one with the two talents gained two more. 18But the servant who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master’s money.

19After a long time the master of those servants returned to settle accounts with them. 20The servant who had received the five talents came and presented five more. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.’

21His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’

22The servant who had received the two talents also came and said, ‘Master, you entrusted me with two talents. See, I have gained two more.’

23His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’

24Finally, the servant who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Master, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. 25So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, you have what belongs to you.’

26‘You wicked, lazy servant!’ replied his master. ‘You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27Then you should have deposited my money with the bankers, and on my return I would have received it back with interest.

28Therefore take the talent from him and give it to the one who has ten talents. 29For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. But the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. 30And throw that worthless servant into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’


thank you Jesus for everything you do. 7/28/23

Take your focus off of all the stuff that doesn't matter and focus on Jesus Christ because the Lord gave me this message to tell. I heard these words...."THERE'S ABOUT TO BE A WAR".


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us.

Sleeping dream last night. 7/24/23

Virginia was mentioned in particular.

A man in my dream held up a silver vile like they use when they draw your blood at the doctors office or hospital.

While holding the vial up he said.... "IT'S AT A LEVEL 23 AND THAT'S NOT GOOD".....

Then I was looking out over a large area of land. All I could see Infront of me was a very large number of headstones everywhere between me and the hills in the distance. The land was filled with just rows and rows of headstones, between me and the hills of Virginia in the distance...and I said "WOW I CAN SEE SLAM TO THE HILLS OF VIRGINIA"....All that was between me and those hills, were rows and rows of headstones/ graves.

Then there was an understanding that what was done was done intentionally and people had to move away from their homes. Then I saw a racetrack that people weren't using yet but soon would be.

Virginia was mentioned in particular in the dream.

The rows and rows of headstones are clear in meaning.

It would seem that the "level 23" mentioned possibly has to do with something medical, biological, chemical? Since the vile used in the medical field having to do "with the blood in particular", was shown in the dream.

As far as the would seem that the Lord is showing that the race is about to start or speed up.

The race biblically 1 Corinthians 9:24 Isn't it obvious that all runners on the racetrack keep on running to win, but only one receives the victor's prize? Yet each one of you must run the race to be victorious.

Hebrews 12:1 KJV Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.

1 Corinthians 9-24-27 amplified version. Do you not know that in a race all the runners run [their very best to win], but only one receives the prize? Run [your race] in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours! 25 Now every athlete who [goes into training and] competes in the games is disciplined and exercises self-control in all things. They do it to win a crown that withers, but we [do it to receive] an imperishable [crown that cannot wither]. 26 Therefore I do not run without a definite goal; I do not flail around like one beating the air [just shadow boxing]. 27 But [like a boxer] I strictly discipline my body and make it my slave, so that, after I have preached [the gospel] to others, I myself will not somehow be disqualified [as unfit for service].

Revelation 2:10 “Fear none of the things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: BE THOU FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH, AND I WILL GIVE THEE A CROWN OF LIFE." I added this last verse simply because it mentions being faithful no matter what we are about to go through.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do. Awake vision July 23/23.

"The Lord is tearing it down to the ground" I saw as if I were looking down a dimly lit hallway and I seemed to be moving forward through it, and when I came to the end of the hallway, a different view opened up and I saw a very large house, and a very large excavator that was lit with light then came and started tearing the house down and knocked it over onto the ground.

I believe the message to mean that God is going to tear it all down to rebuild it the way He would have it be. I know people get tired of these messages but if you're already devoted to Jesus then you're not lost. There are many who aren't devoted to Christ and are still lost and it's those He keeps repeating these scenes of disaster for, so that you will turn to him before it's too late. In the tearing down will be much disaster. That's what's ahead of us.

Jeremiah 31:28-35 Just as I watched over them to uproot and tear down, and to overthrow, destroy and bring disaster, so I will watch over them to build and to plant," declares the LORD."

29 "In those days people will no longer say, "The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.'

30 Instead, everyone will die for their own sin; whoever eats sour grapes – their own teeth will be set on edge.

31 "The days are coming," declares the LORD, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah."

32 It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them," declares the LORD."

33 "This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."

34 "No longer will they teach their neighbors, or say to one another, 'Know the LORD,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest," declares the LORD. "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

35 This is what the LORD says, he who appoints the sun to shine by day, who decrees the moon and stars to shine by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar – the LORD Almighty is his name:


Vision of a heart turned cold . ~~"THINK FAST" ~~

Been praying about a situation and the Lord showed me that the person's heart is frozen over (turned cold, hardened). I've prayed and prayed, but the situation just seems to always bounce right back to "no lasting results". So then I cried out with all my heart to the Lord and more intense than before and He gave me another vision letting me know what to do. The Lord showed me Himself and His back was turned toward me, but then He turned around very swiftly, and had what looked like a basketball in His hands and He tossed the ball to me. It was much like when a person throws a ball to us and says "THINK FAST". I was stumped for a bit over the meaning of what I had seen, but then the answer to the symbolism and parable came to my spirit. The answer was just that.... "THINK FAST". He was telling me to "fast" in addition to praying.

This is how He communicates with us, in symbolism and parables. The Lord was letting me know what I needed to do to achieve the results I've been requesting.

Matthew 17 :14-21 14 When they approached the crowd, a man came up to Jesus, kneeling before Him and saying, 15 “Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is a lunatic (moonstruck) and suffers terribly; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. 16 And I brought him to Your disciples, and they were not able to heal him.” 17 And Jesus answered, “You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me.” 18 Jesus rebuked the demon, and it came out of him, and the boy was healed at once.

19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and asked, “Why could we not drive it out?” 20 He answered, “Because of your little faith [your lack of trust and confidence in the power of God]; for I assure you and most solemnly say to you, [c]if you have [living] faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and [if it is God’s will] it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 [d][But this kind of demon does not go out except by PRAYER AND FASTING.]”


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us. Just a little short sleeping dream that keeps sticking with me from 7/10/23. But it was one of those ones you just know has a bigger meaning than just for yourself. Maybe it will speak with what another has received ???

Had a little short clip dream and in it I walked down into a large "basement" and there was a man there represented as a "pirate". He was walking past isles and isles of "laundry detergent" and said very loudly..."THANK GOD I'VE GOT A DOLLAR BILL!!!" and he was waving the dollar bill in the air... He said it in a tone like not many had a dollar bill.

Basement in Hebrew means... Vault, foundation, pedestal, basis.

meaning: Thank you Jesus.

God gave more understanding about that basement and laundry detergent dream from the 10th. The dream was actually referencing the punishment of the nation as in chapters Jeremiah 2 thru 4. Around Jeremiah 2:22... The soap is mentioned ...and then the rest just fell into place with the other aspects of that little short dream and other things I didn't mention.

People are chasing after idols and gods instead of God the Father. Money as a god/idol, etc

People wash themselves with soap but still their stain remains seen by God.

Without change, chastisement will come to the usa, along with our enemies.


Thank you Jesus for everything. Awake visions/flashes 7/9/23. I think these flashes may be connected to the cluster of I posted about a few days ago.

I saw people running very fast as if fleeing in a rush. I saw people ducking for cover. I saw a mother using her body like a human shield, to shield a child that was beneath her on the ground. I saw planes flying overhead that were dropping objects to the ground.

Pics below are the closest thing I could find to what God showed me. Not sure which country, but the pics kinda tell the story themselves. All I know to do is pray for people all over the world.


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for us. Awake visions 7/2/23 and 7/6/23

7/2/23... I saw a hand placing a white powder onto a rounded surface. The power was just being dropped from the hand that was holding the powder. I didn't post it because I didn't know what to think of it but then the story of the white powder being found at the white house came out soon after. I think God was showing that the powder was intentionally placed, for whatever reason.

7/6/23... I feel the flash below, is a SEPARATE MESSAGE from the above, and about a different subject entirely. ...This morning I saw as if I were looking into the tip of an oblong or cone shaped/ rounded shaped object. The interior seemed to be at least coated with a metallic type coating, as it appeared kind of "silverish" in color to me. I definitely got the feeling of a metallic type interior to this object. There were things like "packages strapped or fixed, to the inside walls" of it... I noticed the presence of a small red object there as well, that struck me as some type of control or part of a wiring mechanism that was fixed to the interior of this object. Indicating a man made object that is intended to cause a great deal of destruction. Think of objects that FIT THAT DESCRIPTION, that would cause that. Things that go boom. Please talk to Jesus, He loves you.


The rumor is that Ukraine will detonate a dirty nuclear bomb and blame Russia, and then NATO and the USA invade.



Thank you Jesus, we can do nothing without you. 7/1/23 Awake vision/ flash... I saw a warship/battleship on the ocean coming straight in our direction. My view was from the front of the ship, and very close to the bow looking up at this monster vessel. Over the past several years I've seen several of these headed for us, but the difference in this one, was that it was so close that I could see the details, antennas and cables on the ship much better than before. There was no distance between us and this warship/battleship, it was right "upon us" this time. Then I heard these words...

"World War Three".

What is the definition of a battleship? : a warship of the largest and most heavily armed and armored class. Pic is of the closet thing I could find to what God showed me .


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