What God showed me 11/29-11/30 2022 in awake visions and dreams.
God showed me that the land is full of wickedness and perversion. People think that the Lord doesn't see it but He does. Judgment is coming.
Then I saw two figures standing in darkness facing each other, and one of them passed a bag/ briefcase off to the other. This was being done in darkness meaning hidden/secret/ an act of deception. Briefcase can represent work/ case/ file/ documents/ the condition of things/ profession.
Then I saw E Musk (Elon M). He was as a boss man but ruling over people in an extremely cruel and oppressive manner. He was changing things that were written and seemed to be having them changed into what he wanted instead, like making his own laws and rules for the people. He was making those under him do the work to change these things, at his command. God has shown me Elon M several times over the last few years, and each time God has shown him, Musk was shown in a VERY "BAD LIGHT". For some reason I just can't seem to get it through people's heads that HE IS NOT A GOOD CHARACTER. We pay attention to, and remember what's important to us... forget *yet another* showing of the character of E MUSK if you will, or downplay it, that's up to you. I've been posting very alarming dreams and visions of this man long enough. If people are truly listening, they should know by now. This man has been rising, and is currently rising.. and not in a good way.
Thank you Jesus of Nazareth and your entire Holy team for everything and please open the eyes of these people.
I just saw a tall dark tan multiple stories building with smoke coming out of the top of it. There was a soldier out front holding out his hand to keep people back. Maybe a hospital or a gov building
Awake visions and a sleeping dream Nov 25/2022.
I saw a figure dressed in dollar bills standing at a chest high counter. The chest high counter was like the counters we stand at in a "BANK". I was watching this figure from behind as people's money was being stolen and placed in a bag to be taken away in secret. There was much emphasis on this flash vision. Heads up for "DISAPPEARING ."
*BEWARE Financial institutions*.
The term “financial institution” means any institution engaged in the business of providing financial services to customers who maintain a credit, deposit, trust, or other financial account or relationship with the institution.
Then I saw a figure pointing to a house that appeared to be poverty stricken. I saw a MULTITUDE of yellow and pink notices all over the house.
That house represents the United States. MANY FORECLOSURES and EVICTIONS are coming.
Then I went to sleep, and in a sleeping dream I was looking out over many properties in the United States, and I saw MANY *Asian* people walking around on people's properties in the United States to PURCHASE THOSE PROPERTIES FOR THEMSELVES. THERE WERE MANY OF THEM. It was like they were "coming out of the woodwork" so to speak. Then I saw a "jackal" standing at the edge of the woods and around this "jackal" I could see that things that once held a special significance to the American people had been destroyed/torn down and in ruin.
Jackal ...
Any of three small to medium-sized members of the family Canidae, found in *Asia*, Africa and Southeastern Europe.
The jackal has a ton of significance here, in several ways. One way it's significant, is that FALSE PROPHETS were referred to as JACKALS in Ezekiel 13. The same JACKALS that keep preaching to the people that things are just fine and dandy. THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Those same JACKALS that are preaching those lies are largely responsible for the destruction that is coming upon this Nation, because they LESSENED THE URGENCY TO REPENT OF SIN AND PRAY FOR THE LORD'S MERCY UPON THIS NATION. Their popularity and amount of donations meant and mean more to them than your soul's final destination. They are appeasing the masses on their way to hell and MANY are following them unknowingly to hell themselves. WAKE UP!!
Another way the JACKAL is significant here is...
Isaiah 34:12 The jackals will be there, and her great ones will be gone; they will say, There is no longer a kingdom there, and all her chiefs will have come to an end.
That JACKAL at the edge of the woods is VERY SIGNIFICANT.
Thank you Jesus and your entire Holy team for everything. Please protect your children from those who refused to heed the warnings, because a lot of those who refused to heed the warnings are going to behave like animals in what's coming to this Nation.
Words and Awake visions received Nov 18-24 2022. I heard..."WATCH WHAT YOU ~HAVE~ BECOME WHAT YOU ~HAD~." Then I saw an image of a woman who appeared to be stiff-necked and in refusal. With the look of stubbornness on her face, she appeared to be belligerent and in opposition to God. Then I head "I HAVE PLACED A DROP ON YOUR SHOULDER." Reference Jeremiah 15:8 Their widows will be more numerous before me than the sand of the seas. I have brought to them, against the mothers of young men, a destroyer at noon. I will suddenly *DROP* on *HER* anguish and horror. Then I heard "PAPER MEDIA." Paper...a reed or rush, called by the Greeks "papyrus" and "biblus"; from whence come the words "paper" and "bible", or book, of which paper was anciently made; even as early as the times of Isaiah. Paper is referenced in Isaiah 19, along with CALAMITY UPON A NATION AND BEING MADE BARE. Then I saw an older man who appeared to be JB wearing glasses. He was terrified and crouched down in a corner (between two walls) as if he were trying to hide. He was looking back behind him in absolute terror at something that was approaching him. I can't express the fear/ terror that was on his face and exhibited in his body language. Then I saw a person in a beige trench coat in darkness, approaching where he was. This person appeared to be wearing a disguise on their face, like the old thick rimmed glasses and mustache kind people used to wear. Reminded me of the old "who done it" mystery movies, when a person had be "killed". This seems to be another "passing of Biden" vision. Then I saw a specific group of people standing close together looking upward with an element of shock on their faces. Just after this, a spirit that seemed to be feminine entered in with great power and cruelty. She entered in throwing her arms around, brutally knocking people around. This person or spirit was absolutely evil. Then I heard an ear piercing shrill sound like a "SCREECHING TRAIN" and a gun shot mixed together at once. Like if a "SCREECHING TRAIN" sound was combined with a gunshot. Guns are sometimes used to "kick things off". Refer back to "THE SYSTEM MUST COME TO A HALT" word from 6/22, where a RAILWAY SYSTEM INTERRUPTION was a possibility. Also refer back to the sleeping dream where God said SOMETHING IS COMING AND WHEN IT COMES IT COMES WITH A SOUND LIKE A "SCREECHING TRAIN". see below for reference to above. Then I saw armed soldiers but they were running scared. These soldiers were climbing onto and down into a cylinder type structure that led down into the ground to hide or escape what was happening above ground. Then I saw a scene of war going on around them and I saw one missile going up into the air behind them. It was as if this war was more than they had ever seen or expected and they were trying to escape it. America was warned but would not heed the warnings and turn back to God. She has lost her way. Thank you Jesus and your entire Holy team for everything you do for everybody and everything everywhere. Glory to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit forever and ever-.
sleeping dream 10/23/22. In my dream last night there was a winding staircase and I walked to the top of it, to where there was a small platform and a man was standing there on that platform. The man said something is coming and when it comes it sounds like the sound of a "SCREECHING TRAIN"..then he let out a sigh and said "AND I HATE IT". Then we both looked over the rail of the platform, to see what was down below, and I saw an older faded dusty red colored train like from the 1940s WWII era, that had pulled in and was sitting right beneath us. There were several rail cars to the train and all the same color (faded dusty red). They looked like the pic below. Generally when you hear a train "screeching", it is because the "brakes have been applied" and there is "friction". I don't think this is about an actual train, but more representative of war, because of the style and age of the rail cars that were used during WWII ...September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945. I circled an area on the pic below, because of the prophetic things that myself and others have received concerning them, and just found it interesting that those words I circled were included on the pic of the rail car. Putting a link in comments to the sound of a "screeching train". Thank you Lord Jesus for everything and please watch over us in what's coming. -------------------------------------- 6/28/22 I heard these words..."The system must come to a halt for a few days". I wrote the word "few" because I can't remember if I heard "4 or 5" days so I replaced the days with the word "few". During this I was seeing rectangular shapes in a line or row, could have been representing dollar bills, could have been representing box cars as in the "railway system". Either way it sounds like a temporary CUT OFF, SHUT DOWN, or INTERRUPTION, meaning lack of supplies or access to something or some type of service is on the way. I'm not sure what.... Praise to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
Julie 11/20/22
I've had wide awake visions since I was around 8 years old that were not of my own control. I've never had one that failed. Seen planes crash, trains wreck, storms hit, missing children, dead bodies in very detailed areas. They were always on the news later. The reason I get so upset and unraveled at the things I see here and happening in the world is because the vision I had was of ...*The White House*... There is an explosion on the ground floor center of building just behind the main entrance. The fire from the explosion spreads in rapid succession window to window to the ends of the building. The building caves in like a V at the center where the explosion was. I've never had a vision that failed. The things I see here are causing me to break emotionally because of the visions I've had. So much urgency but just a small voice I have. If you have little biblical knowledge, please sharpen it. We need all the help we can get as to how to survive should we go under. Mathew 10:16 is a good verse. My daddy always said to never tell about the gift because society would label me as crazy but...I feel it's important to speak of it especially now. Concerned for us all.
Karen Vision
After prayer on 11/17/2022 at 9:45am I heard the lord speak and began to write. I have prayed about this word to the lord and this morning I feel he wants me to release it now. I want to thank the lord for speaking to me because I am simply a nobody and new to this. But I will be obedient to the lord. even if it’s hard for me to release..I give Jesus the glory. The scripture the lord lead me to was Isaiah chapter 24:20-21
here is the word:
Daughter write, They know what they do, wickedness rules this world. They take me out of it for their own selfish needs, they are self pleasers Who lack wisdom and understanding I say they need to REPENT for time is short They do not know me as they claim I AM a jealous god They think I don’t anger that I am only of love I say WAKE UP my children and read my word, there you will find truth There you will find who I am Come to me all who labor and you will find rest I heal the sick, I see the poor, I see all the ones who are suffering A sparrow does not under go me I see all things Why do ye doubt me? Have I not shown you enough? Is MY BLOOD not enough? Mountains will part and be thrown to and fro, many don’t believe of these things they think it is made up because their eyes have not seen, I say your eyes are going to see more than you could ever imagine Many mock my name, what will you do when you see me? Is that what it’s going to take for you to believe? But I tell you your heart better be right before you stand before me, I love each of my children and wish none to perish My path is narrow and many choose to not walk it because it requires faith and obedience I come quickly for those that are watching will know The season is now All will see me in the clouds with a shout it will be no surprise, there will be many welling and weeping for their hearts and minds have failed them Children pray daily ask for repentance to be counted worthy to escape what is to come upon your dark nation America you are done, your sins are filth, they reach my nostrils and I weep daily for my children, I see the abuse,I see the murders,I see the rituals, Satan your days are numbered Soon many will see who they are following and it is not I the lord Many false teachers are speaking of revival, where in my word have I spoke of revival in the last days Cast down the enemy for his lies are deep, guard your ears and eyes for they bring in destruction They allow evil spirits into the body Watch for me, seek me daily for I AM at the door Grace daughter is almost up, time is no more Upon my hand I will cause the rock to fall, many will perish your government will not let you know for they don’t even know For in time all will see this rock, panic will arise Nowhere will be safe, the enemy will be everywhere Abide in me there is where you will be safe Read my word and prepare, for the time of darkness is here. Love abba, Jesus Christ
Awake visions/flashes 11/15/22 after praying. Keeping these as simple as possible because there were so many (9 of them).
I saw building collapse again, that appeared to be very similar to the parking deck I saw in a recent vision.
I saw "MILITARY ATVS" like DUNE BUGGIES that I've never seen before. My view was of looking straight on at them. They came straight toward my direction very fast with dust and dirt flying etc.. but then they turned to the right just as fast..
I saw soldiers in trenches as if they were engaged in ACTIVE WARFARE...
I saw MISSILES/ROCKETS firing and flying all over the place, with smoke, dust and dirt flying up in billows.
I saw MANY SOLDIERS MARCHING, each soldier was holding a long sword out in front of themself, as if to pierce what was infront of them. There were decorations of uniform on their right shoulder. The decoration went from the neck outward to the end of the shoulder in one solid piece. I DID NOT feel that these were American soldiers.
I saw an extremely large number of cars/ personal vehicles fleeing an area (traffic jams). They appeared to be desperate to get away from whatever had happened or was happening in that area. Was a large area because there was an extremely large number of vehicles shown fleeing.
I saw LIGHTS IN THE SKY that resembled fireworks on the 4th of July, but then these lights transformed into a more "PURPOSEFUL DESIGN", like an enormous "GEOMETRICAL DESIGN" that stretched across the whole sky as far as I could see, in what appeared to be like a massive "LIGHT SHOW". **Had an understanding that came with this one, that when you see this "SHOW OF LIGHTS" in the sky something MAJOR was going to happen, but unsure if this was a MAN-MADE OCCURRENCE or a HEAVENLY OCCURRENCE that would take place concerning this "light show in the sky".
At this point in this series of back to back flashes/visions.. I asked God to please let me know what LOCATION these events were referring to and I believe He responded... because seconds later He showed me the following last two flashes.
Then I saw the AMERICAN FLAG waving on a pole, but it was taken down like removed completely from it's flag pole base at the bottom, pole and all were completely removed/taken down. The flag and it's pole was taken into a wide and dark square entrance door of a structure of some kind. Behind the flag and it's pole, were people who were all dressed the same in "prison/captive style type uniforms". These people were all walking "bent over/slumped over", as if under a VERY HEAVY OPPRESSION/CAPTIVITY/ exhausted and with a spirit of absolute mourning and loss about themselves. They were in lines and going in through the same door where the flag had been taken. This structure and entrance door of this structure reminded me of the GAS CHAMBER structures in HOLOCAUST movies and pictures.
Then I saw a large highway like a freeway with many lanes, and the cars weren't moving at all, and people were standing outside of their cars. They appeared to be trying to figure out which way to go or possibly trying to figure out what had happened. There was a sense of panic on these people. Some of the vehicles were shown as being "crooked in their lanes", as if something had suddenly brought them all to a "DEAD STANDSTILL". There was an extremely large number of vehicles involved in this flash also, like in the traffic jams flash above.
Please don't listen to those who are telling you that "America is not that far gone"... God would not be showing these things if it wasn't. We are headed into the most difficult times of our lives and we're all going to need Jesus Christ more than we could ever imagine. Pray and talk to God. Thank you Jesus for trying to help us by sending so many of us warnings to put out there. God have mercy on those who will not hear them and get closer to you Lord.
Awake visions 11/12/22-11/13/22 after praying.
1) I saw the same elaborate hallway that I saw on 11/11/22... But This time the hallway had changed.... This time there was a "dark figure/dark presence" of a man standing at the entrance or head, of the hallway, and the walls of the hallway were lined with many portraits of people hanging on the walls. The portraits, and the dark presence *weren't there* in the prior vision of this hallway. The portraits could possibly be representing a *remembrance* of those who have served in some way, or those who presently serve. Either way that dark presence was standing there *at the head* of that hallway for a reason. Could also indicate that one or more *will soon be taken in death*. *High profile figure or figures*
2) Then I saw a beautiful woman who was standing behind prison bars as if she were imprisoned. She was looking upward. The scene around her was very grey and dim, indicating oppression in this case...She was dressed the way I see holy figures dressed when I see them in visions or flashes. I believe this stands for the upcoming persecution of the church (bride of Christ).
3) Then I saw a flash of the creation of Adam painting as we know it. On the side where God is in that painting, E Musk's face was replacing the face of God. This is not the first vision or flash that I've had of E Musk. There have been several flashes of him over the past couple of years.
4) Then I saw just a flash of a man who appeared to be dressed in white clothing, like the Holy figures dress when I see them, but I'm not sure who this person was. The person's face didn't appear to be the same as who I have recognized as Christ, in prior visions.
5) Then I saw a flash of a structure that looked like a multi level parking deck, or possibly a building. I'm unsure which it was, because I could see through to the inside of it and there were many people walking around inside. Then some type of destructive event took place at, or possibly within in the structure, and people were running frantically trying to escape because the structure appeared to be collapsing. Could be literal in meaning, indicating a destructive event taking place involving a literal structure, OR... could be symbolism representing the collapse of a nation or a system.
A lot of people feel that these flashes I post make no sense and that's ok.... If you go back to the beginning and read through the postings, they speak as if you are reading a story of events that have taken place along the way, and some that haven't yet, because prophecy is given ahead of time and sometimes only makes sense in hindsight.
Glory to The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever.
Awake vision 11/11/22. I saw a very ornate, off white colored hallway with many arches at the top toward the ceiling, and dividers like sections that ran down the walls. The architecture inside this hallway was incredible. I know this will sound ridiculous, but it was like I could see the air inside the place and there was a shaking/ shuddering, rattling/ tilting/ and "a falling over" that occurred...I didn't see the building itself shake and fall over, but a shaking and "falling over" of the "atmosphere" inside of it .
Found the closest pics I could of the hallway. The arches I saw though seemed a bit more pointy at the top toward the ceiling. Ezekiel 16 mentions arches , and I believe that's the message God is trying to send here.
Ezekiel 16 38-41 38 And I have judged thee -- judgments of adultresses, And of women shedding blood, And have given thee blood, fury, and jealousy.
39 And I have given thee into their hand, And they have thrown down thine arch, And they have broken down thy high places, And they have stript thee of thy garments, And they have taken thy beauteous vessels, And they have left thee naked and bare.
40 And have caused an assembly to come up against thee, And stoned thee with stones, And thrust thee through with their swords,
41 And burnt thy houses with fire, And done in thee judgments before the eyes of many women, And I have caused thee to cease from going a-whoring, And also a gift thou givest no more.
Link to Ezekiel 16 in comments.
Thank you Jesus of Nazareth and your entire Holy team, for everything you do for everybody and everything everywhere.
( State capitols & their hallways. Quick to change the state constitutions to codify abortion as law, for any reason, for the entire length of time in the womb, and no protections if the baby survives the procedure. Infanticide allowed within 28 days after birth in california - soon to become nationwide. Could also be the vatican. Judgement coming )
Awake vision after praying 11/11/22. Simple but not simple in meaning.
I saw a flash/glimpse of the sky and it was pitch black. The clouds in the sky were black and grey and were swirling really fast. If the sky and clouds could be furious, that's what it appeared to be. Then it was like the clouds parted in the middle, and there was a clear area there like a circle of no clouds at all in that area, but it too was pitch black, just no clouds in the middle. I guess you could say it was like looking up into the middle of a wicked and black tornado.
As soon as I saw it... I asked God what it was. Then soon after, a knowing of things happening really fast came to my spirit. A "chain of events" that were intense, that would take place is the only way to describe it. They were so fast I couldn't grasp them but then in my spirit I heard ""ISAIAH 25.. ISAIAH 25.. ISAIAH 25.""
So I went to Isaiah 25
Isaiah 25 Amplified Bible Song of Praise for God’s Favor 25 O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will praise and give thanks to Your name; For You have done miraculous things, Plans formed long, long ago, [fulfilled] with perfect faithfulness. 2 For You have made a city into a heap [of trash], A fortified city into a ruin; A palace of [a]foreigners is no longer a city, It will never be rebuilt. 3 Therefore a strong people will honor You; Cities of terrible and violent nations will fear You. 4 For You have been a stronghold for the helpless, A stronghold for the poor in his distress, A shelter from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of tyrants Is like a rainstorm against a wall. 5 Like heat in a dry land, You will subdue the noise of foreigners [rejoicing over their enemies]; Like heat in the shadow of a cloud, the song of the tyrants is [b]silenced.
6 On this mountain [Zion] the Lord of hosts will prepare a lavish banquet for all peoples [to welcome His reign on earth], A banquet of aged wines—choice pieces [flavored] with marrow, Of refined, aged wines. 7 And on this mountain He will destroy the covering that is [cast] over all peoples, And the veil [of death] that is woven and spread over all the nations. 8 He will swallow up death [and abolish it] for all time. And the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, And He will take away the disgrace of His people from all the earth; For the Lord has spoken.(A) 9 It will be said in that day, “Indeed, this is our God for whom we have waited that He would save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; Let us shout for joy and rejoice in His salvation.” 10 For the hand of the Lord will rest on this mountain [Zion], And Moab will be trampled down in his place As straw is trampleddown in the [filthy] water of a manure pile. 11 And Moab will spread out his hands in the middle of the filth As a swimmer spreads out his hands to swim, But the Lord will humiliate his pride in spite of the [skillful] movements of his hands. 12 The high fortifications of your walls He will bring down, Lay low, and cast to the ground, to the dust.
Glory to The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit forever and ever. Thank you Lord Jesus for watching over us.
Awake vision and a sleeping dream 11/8/22
I saw the the current "US House speaker". She appeared to be sitting at a desk and her arm was stretched out in front of her hovering just over the top of the desk, as if holding something down/back, or exerting power over a thing. She was shown in darkness, no light on her person or surroundings.
Then I went to sleep, and in a dream I saw a group of people dressed in purple and white robes. They were standing and seemed to be praying, but as they were praying, there was an understanding that their prayers were not sincere. They were going through the motions of praise and prayer, but there was no light around them.
Then I went to sleep and had a dream in my sleep. In this dream I was in a large house not my own (I believe the house is representing the United States because of what happened next in the dream). Then in the dream things seemed stripped and bare all around, people were getting by on next to nothing. Being very thrifty was the new normal (loss of prosperity). Then I saw a large truck pull up that was bringing food, people ran to it, but the doors on the truck opened and there was very little food inside. Times seemed hard but there was construction going on. The man responsible for the construction happening was threatening, there was a sense of danger that I felt from him. It was "E. Musk" and then Musk turned toward me in the dream and said...""I HAVE THE ANTIDOTE FOR THE VENOM"".
Jesus Christ is the ONLY TRUE "ANTIDOTE", so it would seem that Musk was claiming TO BE, or claiming TO HAVE, the antidote for the "woes of man", that were brought on by sin ("venom" of the serpent), instead of the antidote being Jesus Christ. It would seem that Musk was trying to substitute himself for Jesus Christ, and attempting to bring about a false "cure/solution".
"The Antidote". Ultimate Solution to Agony of Humankind.
The "antidote", the last chapter of Agony of Humankind, the ultimate chapter of God’s plan. What or Who can breach the formidable defenses blocking the way to the Tree of Life? It will take more than weapons or stealth.
Genesis evokes both the agony of humankind through the sorrow humankind would suffer and the "antidote to counteract the agony".
I AM the WAY, I AM the TRUTH, I AM the LIFE
Jesus Christ is THE Antidote to the Agony of Humankind. He is the ONLY WAY to peace and prosperity on Earth and eternal peace and prosperity. There is no substitute.
The "lack of food", in the dream could be representing a literal food shortage/famine which is biblical. Revelation 6:8 " I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth."
OR...The "lack of food" could be symbolic for a time when there is a famine of hearing God's word, which is also biblical and God Himself causes to come about. In Amos 8:11, God calls for a famine of hearing His Word. It is a different metaphor but still analogous to blinding in that He diminishes the understanding of the people. The famine of hearing is a devastating curse because God takes away the very thing that could help the nation: The ability to hear His truth.
So it would seem that when either of the two from above come about, (food famine or the famine of God's word), or possibly both, then beware of who steps up with a "FALSE ANTIDOTE" for the woes of man that were brought on by sin, and that ONLY JESUS CHRIST is the antidote for. This isn't the first time I've seen Musk in a dream or vision so...I guess we'll see..
Thank you Jesus of Nazareth for letting me atleast attempt to work for you. Glory to the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.
Awake visions 11/6/22 after praying.
I saw atleast 4 missiles that were launched (and in flight), headed toward the east. They were headed toward where the 1 or 2 o'clock position would be on a clock. I counted 4 for certain but not sure it there were more.
Then I saw a man but the man appeared like death and demonic is the only way to describe him. He was raging and facing the west.
Then I went to sleep and in the night I awoke to these words being spoken . "He stooped down and touched he the fresh dew of the morning grass." Julie received word to the meaning - review these books: Deuteronomy 32 & Hosea 13
Thank you Jesus and your entire Holy team for everything you do for everybody and everything everywhere. Please have mercy on all of us. Please give your life to Christ before it's too late.
Approx 10/31-11/3/22 awake visions and sleeping dreams. Dream of Zebulun and a flash of the symbol of Naphtali... Heard a voice in the spirit say ..."YOU ARE AT A CROSSROADS"... Both Zebulun and Naphtali were greatly humbled biblically. "Crossroads is referenced five times biblically. Jeremiah 6:15-30 Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the LORD. 16 This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ 17 I appointed watchmen over you and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But you said, ‘We will not listen.’ 18 Therefore hear, you nations; you who are witnesses, observe what will happen to them. 19 Hear, you earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law. 20 What do I care about incense from Sheba or sweet calamus from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable; your sacrifices do not please me.” 21 Therefore this is what the LORD says: “I will put obstacles before this people. Parents and children alike will stumble over them; neighbors and friends will perish.” 22 This is what the LORD says: “Look, an army is coming from the land of the north; a great nation is being stirred up from the ends of the earth. 23 They are armed with bow and spear; they are cruel and show no mercy. They sound like the roaring sea as they ride on their horses; they come like men in battle formation to attack you, Daughter Zion.” 24 We have heard reports about them, and our hands hang limp. Anguish has gripped us, pain like that of a woman in labor. 25 Do not go out to the fields or walk on the roads, for the enemy has a sword, and there is terror on every side. 26 Put on sackcloth, my people, and roll in ashes; mourn with bitter wailing as for an only son, for suddenly the destroyer will come upon us. 27 “I have made you a tester of metals and my people the ore, that you may observe and test their ways. 28 They are all hardened rebels, going about to slander. They are bronze and iron; they all act corruptly. 29 The bellows blow fiercely to burn away the lead with fire, but the refining goes on in vain; the wicked are not purged out. 30 They are called rejected silver, because the LORD has rejected them." Obadiah 1:14-15 Do not stand at the crossroad To cut down those who escaped ;And do not hand over those who survive In the day of their distress. For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you ; Your dealings will return on your own head. Then an Awake vision of looking out at the land, and the land as far as I could see, was covered in darkness. ~ Then I saw a dark gate that I'm taking to mean that we are entering of a time of darkness. Gate in Hebrew means entrance, portal, measure, door. ~Then I saw people that appeared to be panicking because suddenly they were caught with no money/funds to access...all they had was what was in their own possession. Please talk to Jesus Christ and accept Him as your Savior while you still can. Read the Bible and walk in His ways as best you can. Praise be to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.
Webmaster's interpretation of this vision:
It is showing Armageddon is just ahead.
Both tribes are of the north and were conquered. After the death of King Solomon (922 BC), the Israelites separated into the northern Kingdom of Israel (representing 10 tribes) and the Kingdom of Judah in the south. The northern kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians in 721 BC, and its tribes dispersed. Jewish legends thus consider the tribe of Zebulun as one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Zebulun was near megiddo. This valley is where the battle of armageddon (eke 38) will take place. Russia/Iran alliance will attack from the north. China from the east. And a force from the south - africa. This vision implies armageddon is approaching. The crossroads. scroll down ==>
Testimony from Cole- 11/05/22
Many years ago, It was night and I was by myself watching the fire in my wood burning stove. I was in deep prayer and meditation, just the normal petitions and guidance. I asked God if He had any Word for me. The fire in the stove blazed a bit brighter and I heard the word " Naphtali"... I'd never heard that word before, didn't even know if it was a word or how it was spelled.. Of course I researched it and discovered that it was a tribe of Israel, but I didn't see any connection with anything I could put a finger on. I wonder if your vision regarding Naphtali is something in conjunction with the Word I had received then?
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