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“‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40 NIV).



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12/31/22 "Consequences"

America, because you have forgotten God and cast Him behind your back, therefore bear now the consequences of your lewdness and prostitution.

You have courted alliances with others upon any terms, as if your own God were not sufficient to be depended upon.

I have delivered you into the hand of your lovers. The neighbouring nations, whose idolatries you have conformed to and whose friendship you have confided in, and in both have affronted God, are now made use of as the instruments of your destruction.

Those on whom you doted, have spied out the nakedness of the land, discovered your blind side, on which to attack you. Destroyed and put to an end your kingdom will be.

They shall come against you with a great deal of military force and well prepared to set up camp. All that you have will be seized on. They shall take thy sons and thy daughters, and make slaves of them. Both city and country shall be impoverished and all the wealth of both swept away.

You have ignored the warnings against the sins of idolatry, and confidence in an arm of flesh, and sinful leagues and confederacies with the wicked. Justice will be on the side of those who come against you.

Romans 10:9-11 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.


Awake visions and a sleeping dream 12/29/22.

From an aerial view, I saw as if I were looking downward onto a "large heavily wooded area" of ground. I sensed that something had originated from a "center point" in that heavily wooded area, and what had originated there, dispersed itself out in all directions North, West, East and South simultaneously.

I saw a compass spinning wildly out of control. Google what can cause this to happen.

Then I went to sleep, and in a sleeping dream I was given the understanding that "Something has been dropped on her". The "Her"... I believe is the United States. There are many flashes, visions and dreams that I've had during the last few years, that I could search back through to support what's being indicated here.

Thank you Jesus of Nazareth and your entire Holy team for everything you do. We ask that you will lead and guide us through it all, in the name of Jesus Christ, God The Father Almighty and The Holy Spirit. Amen.

editor note: This is the main weapon they, russia/china, will use to knock out the usa ability to fight back/defenses by destroying the power grid using an emp strike. They will finish off the usa defenses with nukes etc. The spinning compass is due to the temporary disruption of the earth's magnetic forces from the emp detonation.


Awake flash vision 12/28/22. I saw a great/large number of people dressed in military uniforms. They were standing in lines/rows, right beside eachother (very tight grouping). They stood very erect with arms by their sides. They were facing in an eastward direction. The emblem below was on each person's shoulder, BUT... the color of their uniforms was more of an "urban warfare" green. Their uniforms were all very finely pressed, like an officer's uniform would be.

Thank you Jesus of Nazareth and your entire Holy team, for all you do for us. Thank you for being the best friend and only Savior any of us has ever had, even though we so often put you last in our lives.

CHINA - facing eastward towards taiwan, south korea, japan, & usa


Sleeping dream 12/24/22.

In this dream I saw WWII style military people. They were dressed in long WWII style coats of wool. They were standing and looking at the ground in front of them that was burning/on fire. Then in front of them, in the distance, I saw a missile in the air that seemed to be going "away from their direction" headed somewhere else.

Then I saw a second missile, but this second missile came and landed on the ground where the WWII style military people were standing. This missile came in and landed almost like an airplane would land, right in the midst of the WWII style military people, but this missile was "flesh colored" and just laid on the ground in their midst. 2nd missile was a "Flesh colored missile" VERY SIGNIFICANT detail & SYMBOLIC.

Psalm 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:20 Put them in fear, O Lord: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.

Thank you Jesus of Nazareth and your entire Holy team for everything you do for us. Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen.


Sleeping dream and then an awake flash that came around 12/13/22. Failed to post them at the time.

In a sleeping dream I saw a large house where many people lived. (Can be symbolic for the nation). In this house I saw many repairmen fixing leaks in the ceiling, but then the roof gave way and this large house sprang a leak large enough to flood it, and the water came pouring in. A destructive wind came also, and was threatening to uproot what had been planted, but people were trying to keep working the soil anyway, and then I saw through a hole in a wall that also led to a place underground, and a man dressed like a farmer was standing there holding a shovel looking at me.

I believe this is in reference to Ezekiel 27. (Doom and destruction of Tyre). I believe the Lord is saying no matter what comes, keep working for The Kingdom.

Then in an awake flash I saw a pale and frail figure that appeared to be dressed in red and white stripes, writing on a wall. I believe the red stripes are symbolic for the sins of the nation. Reference Daniel 5. (Judgment and destruction).

Praise be to The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.

editor note: USA waves of judgement coming. Most will not be prepared. The farmer underground points to those made their refuges. I've read other visions mention underground refuges. Some Christians will be led to refuges. ====>mathew 24. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.


Julie 12/23/22, 12/15/22




In the dream there is an explosion caused by a bomb or missile. This is in the usa. The smell of ammonia gas was in the air and people could not breathe. As the people were suffocating to death, outsiders looked on and had no pity on them. They treated the suffering with malice and were vile towards them. Being flippant, arrogant, laughing, obnoxious. At the end of the dream I saw a canary dead in its cage under its water supply. Its food tray dumped over it. A voice in the dream said "don't go outside, the canary is dead".

Related dream from Dana Coverstone:



Sometime in the night last night, Jesus showed me Himself. He was standing behind a door of light, and He was also lit with light. The door was partially open and He was standing there as if looking in on us, through that door of light. He's not showing me this for no reason. I believe He's reminding us that He's there and watching because something is coming, and we will need to remember that He is always with us and watching over us.

Thank you Jesus and your entire Holy team for everything.


Awake visions flashes 12/12/22. Reference Jeremiah 13 &14 (Waistband). You will be rendered useless and unprofitable. Turn back to The Lord your God. Praise The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.


Awake visions 12/8/22. On my way to make breakfast this AM and this is what flashed infront of my eyes. "DEATH IN THE SWAMP."

I saw poisonous snakes entering into a house. As they were entering in, a much larger black and grey snake entered in over top of them. This snake was much larger and appeared to be dead but alive at the same time, and was capable of swallowing the smaller snakes whole. The dominating or overruling black snake was grotesque in appearance and trampled over the small poisonous snakes as it entered into the house. Leadership/ government related.

Then I saw a black and grey HEARSE (COFFIN CAR), come entering very fast, into a forest of darkness. I saw dead and black trees all around, in an area of swamp land. This hearse (coffin car) came running full speed into "THE SWAMP". Death in "THE SWAMP". Leadership/ government related.

The swamp's end was within my view. The hearse came full speed into the area but the end of the swamp was not far off at all. I believe those dead black trees represent people in power also. The swamp was actually oval shaped...."oval office" I just didn't draw it that way

Thank you Jesus and your entire Holy team for so many "heads ups" that you give us. Please lead us and guide us through what's coming.


I had a brief dream. May correlate with yours Julie... I was in a Church, not the main service area, but the attached meeting room. I was attending a class. The subject was the economy, specifically a downturn in the economy. Like a depression or something that causes alot of turmoil. We were given a break, or the class ended, and I was walking toward the exit thru the main church area. Then very audibly, almost as if it were a Word instead of dream, I heard: " it doesn't matter who is in charge".... I understood that to mean regardless of what political party is " in charge", the end result of an economic slump would be the same. God's Judgements will be fulfilled... To God Be All Glory!


older vision:

sleeping dream Night of 1/25/22. I dreamed of playing in the mud (brought to mind Dana Coverstone's mud dream), and there was a man there with me. My attention was on the same oblong rounded edged objects I keep seeing. This time this object was navy blue in color... (Best way to describe them would be missile, bomb, or torpedo?) On this object laying in the *grey* mud was written -A1 OR -1A (sometimes I read or see things backwards so not sure which one). Then the message was given that "Something will be wrong with the defense system of the United States" and that "Moscow is coming in a storm". A few days back I was shown the dragon (China) and the bear (Russia) coming towards us in a really nasty storm so..... God's just really driving that message home I believe. In Dana Coverstone's jets dream he said that the man said "cyber is the new cipher", so can't help but wonder if that's why our defense system will be down.


sleeping dream 12/5/22. I believe this may be related to prior dreams and visions of Biden.

I dreamed in my sleep, and in my dream a man was showing me a black phone. He was holding the phone out for me to see. The black phone had an "OFFICIAL EMBLEM" on the back of it. Then the man in my dream said that communication has been interrupted or disrupted. Can't remember if he said "interrupted" or "disrupted" because I didn't write it down right away. THE EMBLEM ON THE PHONE IS VERY IMPORTANT HERE. WAS A PERSONAL PHONE/CELL PHONE. Below are the closest images I could find to the "OFFICIAL EMBLEM" that was on the back of the phone. Glory to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.

Since this was a "personal phone" that was shown, of a high ranking official, I believe it may represent the "silencing" of Biden. The man that showed me the phone in the dream didn't look like any holy figures that I've seen before and I couldn't figure out who he was. Could have very well been Putin. Clean shaven rounded face was similar to Putin.


Awake visions a few minutes ago. 12/3/22. Bare with me here. Pay attention because God's giving us a story in pictures. I saw a bird in its nest. Remember the *vulture* in DCs dream? It was on Biden's head in DCs dream, meaning death/removal.

Then there was a strong sense of Oklahoma. The biblical meaning of Oklahoma only comes up as "Oklah".. meaning food, eating OBJECT OF DEVOURING, CONSUMING BY WILD BEASTS (figurative)

IN FIRE OF JUDGMENT (figurative). Think back to DCs dream where the VULTURE WAS ON BIDEN'S HEAD.

Then I saw a *bear* looking behind himself, just like I saw Biden crouching down in the corner a few days ago as if he were terrified. This bear appeared the same way that Biden did. This could stand for the market crashing. Could stand for a lot but I'm really trying to just get these out there right now.

Then I saw a hand pointing to a Bible verse reference, but I couldn't see it clearly enough to read it.

Then I saw inside of the big room where the speaker of the house stands and the president, where they have all those seats for representatives. I was seeing down into that room, and I couldn't see what was happening but there was a commotion on the isle that leads down the center of that room. Then I saw a figure dressed in all white come walking down that center isle where the commotion was.

Then I had flashes of an upper level sitting area inside of that room. I believe the figure dressed in white, that came walking down the center isle is Jesus, and I think we all know what this means. Thank you Jesus of Nazareth and your entire Holy team for everything and please watch over us. Glory to The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit forever and ever.


older visions, some fulfilled:


Memory from 2 years ago..See how God uses parables and symbolism to communicate with us? Also these things take time to come to pass. What was shown in Oct didn't come to pass until 4 months later on January the 6th.

GOD'S JUDGMENT ON THE UNITED STATES.. TIME'S UP. Awake visions after praying last night. 12/22/21. God shows me things awake and in flashes like flash cards, either still flashes or little movies. That's why I term them the way I do. 1) First flash...I saw a scroll layed out on a table. The scroll was then rolled up by a man ..not rolled out but "rolled back up tightly". Being closed like a finished work. 2) Second flash... I saw a man pick up the tightly rolled scroll and hold it to his chest. He tapped the scroll with his thumb "3 or 4 times". 3) Third flash... I saw a large area of ground with a huge indention, like an area of sunken ground, where something large had hit and left a huge hole in the ground. It was almond shaped I want to say. In this huge hole I saw pieces of houses, almost like structures had been swept into this hole in pieces. Imagine a huge hole, with the debris of houses laying in it. "Things in ruin". 4) Fourth flash....I saw as if I were walking to my front door in the dark, to look out of the storm glass door. I've seen this scene before and it was the passing of a person I knew so...I guess it stands for somebody passing away. If it's different meaning this time, then I was simply going to the front door to see what was happening outside.

Almond shaped hole related to destruction. ==>? Cyanide is a poison that tastes like bitter almonds. It prevents the body from absorbing oxygen. Cyanide sometimes is described as having a “bitter almond” smell, but it does not always give off an odor, and not everyone can detect this odor. Cyanide is also known by the military designations AC (for hydrogen cyanide) and CK (for cyanogen chloride).


God showed that he was removing His hand from the United States in March of 2021. He gave time to turn back, focus on Him and save this nation. With what is coming, many will wish they had... you'll cry out to Him soon. WAR like we've never seen.


Anybody thinking of going to Washington DC on the 6th, be careful. I'm sure the symbolism here is indicating violence and who knows what else..I don't know when it will occur.


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