The belief in Pre-tribulation rapture is False.
Lets review: The last 7 year period is two parts, the first 3.5 year period = "tribulation period", and the last 3.5 year period - "great tribulation period, God's wrath". During the first 3.5 year period, the ac is given control over the earth and will go after the church and its followers. The ac will demand you accept him as god, accept his one world religion. The first 6 seals are broken. One of them is the martyr of Christians - those that profess their faith even when facing death by the ac forces. Millions will die as martyrs. Millions of so called Christians will abandon their faith. Those true Christians that remain after the slaughter and falling away, and who survive in hiding/refuges without food, water, shelter, etc (because by then you must accept the ac as god, and allegiance to him, and then you will be given the mark and can use his buy and sell system to eat/live), are the the ones to be raptured. This occurs just after the abomination of desolation. We need to accept the fact that we are most likely going to die for our belief/faith. We are warned to prepare both physically, but more importantly spiritually to survive this intact with our salvation. Many will succumb. This is a war for our souls. Anyone that thinks we escape the tribulation, the first 3.5 years of the seven year period, without any suffering, pain, martyrdom is sadly deceived and will not be prepared to endure to the end. Everything I say is backed up by scripture located in this article/link below. There is no escaping the coming prosecution. We will be given the strength to endure with our salvation intact but only if we stay close to Jesus ( pray, repent, worship, know his word, purify our hearts, help others, witness):